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The 2003-2004 Caltech Alumni Fund September 11, 2004 Discussion Session.

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Presentation on theme: "The 2003-2004 Caltech Alumni Fund September 11, 2004 Discussion Session."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 2003-2004 Caltech Alumni Fund September 11, 2004 Discussion Session

2 The 2003-2004 Caltech Alumni Fund 2 Discussion Topics Training Materials Segmentation Recruiting

3 The 2003-2004 Caltech Alumni Fund 3 Training Materials What form? –Printed matter –CD –On-line access –Video –Telephone Hot-line –Other

4 The 2003-2004 Caltech Alumni Fund 4 Types of Materials Explanation of Responsibilities Telephone Scripts –By Caller Type (New/Experienced) –By Donor Type (Current/Lapsed/Non-Donor) Sample E-mails/Letters “Why Give” reasons

5 The 2003-2004 Caltech Alumni Fund 5 Student Training Videotape and share? Role plays, but with alums not students? Other

6 The 2003-2004 Caltech Alumni Fund Segmentation Alumni Fund Programs

7 The 2003-2004 Caltech Alumni Fund 7 Current Volunteer Assignments Undergraduate alumni are able to sign up to contact alumni classmates (note: during reunion year this becomes part of the Reunion Program) Graduate alumni are able to sign up to contact alumni by option

8 The 2003-2004 Caltech Alumni Fund 8 Would you be interested in contacting fellow alumni from one or more of the following categories instead?

9 The 2003-2004 Caltech Alumni Fund Alumni (Undergraduate and Graduate) who make annual contributions of $1,000 or more to Caltech What should be the role of face-to-face contact? What additional stewardship should volunteers be expected to provide?

10 The 2003-2004 Caltech Alumni Fund Alumni (Undergraduate and Graduate) who live outside of the United States How should this be regionalized? Who should make contact – living there? Same cultural background? Campus friend? Same option?

11 The 2003-2004 Caltech Alumni Fund - Multiple degree Holders Have other multiple degree holders contact? -”Marrieds” (both spouses have CIT degrees) Have other “marrieds” contact? -House Affiliation How to most effectively organize? By decade?

12 The 2003-2004 Caltech Alumni Fund Alumni Undergraduate Degree Holders who graduated from Caltech within the last 10 years. How do we get good contact information? How do we recruit Young Alum volunteers?

13 The 2003-2004 Caltech Alumni Fund Alumni Graduate Degree Holders who graduated from Caltech within the last 10 years. How do we get Divisions/Options/Research groups/Faculty to help?

14 The 2003-2004 Caltech Alumni Fund 14 Recruiting How do we find more Recruiters?

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