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Chapter 7 Introduction to Local Area Networks

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1 Chapter 7 Introduction to Local Area Networks
Part II: Understanding Internet Access Technologies

2 Topics Addressed in Chapter 7
What is a local area network? Business rationale for LANs LAN alternatives Emerging alternatives to full-fledged LANs LAN components Communication media Wiring center options and LAN adapters Print servers and backup devices Storage area networks LAN-to-host interfaces

3 What is a Local Area Network?
A local area network (LAN) is a data communication network that serves users in a confined geographic area and uses high transmission speeds (typically 10 mbps to 1 gbps) Major LAN components include servers, workstations, network operating systems, communication links, and wiring center technologies LANs are fundamental building blocks for enterprise-wide networks LANs are the a primary means for business users to access and leverage the Internet

4 Business Rationale for LANs
Some of the major drivers of business interest in LANs are: cost-effective via resource sharing support of work groups potential for management control over computing resources modular expansion ability to adapt to changing hardware and software requirements wide variety of LAN alternatives

5 LAN Alternatives LAN alternatives include
full-fledged LANs with dedicated servers peer-to-peer LANs with non-dedicated servers centralized host-based networks with terminals (see Figure 7-1) interconnections via service bureaus or application service providers zero-slot LANs sub-LANs with data switches (see Figure 7-2 and Figure 7-3) Table 7-1 compares several of these alternatives on a variety of dimensions

6 Figure 7-3

7 Table 7-1

8 Emerging Alternatives to Full-Fledged LANs
Additional alternatives to full-fledged LANs have become increasingly popular. These include: cable-based home (and SOHO) networks CEBus (Consumer Electric Bus) and HomePnP networks HomePNA (Home PhoneLine Networking Alliance) networks wireless home networks HomeRF WiFi & other IEEE WLANs personal area networks (PANs) wireless PANs (WPANs) Bluetooth IrDA

9 LAN Components Full-fledged LANs have several major components (see Figure 7-4): servers workstations (clients) communication media wiring center technologies network interface cards (LAN adapters) LAN software

10 Figure 7-4

11 Servers Servers enable network users to access shared computing and communication services. A variety of servers are found in LANs including: File servers Print servers Database servers Application servers Fax servers Remote access servers Communication servers Terminal servers Thin client servers Citrix™ servers

12 File, Database, and Application Servers
File servers are used to provide user access to data, programs, and other files stored on the server’s disk drives (see Figure 7-5) When a user requests a file on a file server, the entire file is sent to the user over the LAN’s communication medium Database servers enable users to access records and also performs some database processing. For example, in response to a user’s request for a count of the total number of records in the database that meet certain conditions, a database server would send the total, not copies of all the records SQL Server is an example of a database server (see Figure 7-6) Application servers provide server-side application processing for network users

13 Server Configuration A server is a combination of hardware and software. Key aspects of server hardware include: Disk drive capacity and performance capabilities (access time, disk controllers [EIDE vs. SCSI], etc.) Memory (including sufficient RAM and cache memory; virtual memory management; ECC [error-correcting code] memory, etc.) Processor(s) and processor speed (including SMP [symmetrical multiprocessing]) Expansion capabilities (ability to add new peripherals or to create server clusters) System bus speed and architecture Expansion bus architecture (EISA vs. PCI vs. Infiniband, etc.)

14 Workstations Most LAN workstations are microcomputers. Like servers, workstation configuration is an important determinant of performance. Key configuration considerations include: Memory Processor version and speed System bus architecture Expansion bus architecture Thin clients, diskless workstations, and terminals may also be found in LANs Docking stations and wireless connections can be used to enable notebooks, PDAs, and handheld computers to function as LAN workstations

15 Communication Media the physical path between transmitter and receiver
design factors bandwidth attenuation: weakening of signal over distances interference: number of receivers

16 Communication Media, cont.
Data communication media, including that used in LANs can be broken down into two major classes: Conducted media that use a conductor such as a wire or fiber optic cable to move a signal from sender to receiver Radiated media are wireless media such as radio frequencies and infrared light

17 Comparisons

18 Wires Wires are the most widely used data transmission medium in LANs
Advantages include availability and low cost Some support transmission speeds up to 1 gbps Disadvantages include susceptibility to signal distortion and transmission errors Per foot costs depend on shielding, gauge, and number of conducting wires in the cable In the U.S., (AWG) gauges of 19, 22, 24, 26, and 28 are most common; the lower the gauge, the thicker the wire and the higher the bandwidth The number of conducting strands in data communication wires varies with 4, 7,8, 10, 12, 15, and 25 being most common Examples are illustrated in Figure 7-8

19 Figure 7-8

20 Twisted Pair Wires consists of two insulated copper wires arranged in a regular spiral pattern to minimize the electromagnetic interference between adjacent pairs often used at customer facilities and also over distances to carry voice as well as data communications low frequency transmission medium

21 Twisted Pair Wires two varieties STP (shielded twisted pair)
the pair is wrapped with metallic foil or braid to insulate the pair from electromagnetic interference UTP (unshielded twisted pair) each wire is insulated with plastic wrap, but the pair is encased in an outer covering

22 Twisted Pair Wires Category 3 UTP (CAT 3) Category 5 UTP (CAT 5) STP
data rates of up to 16mbps are achievable Category 5 UTP (CAT 5) data rates of up to 100mbps are achievable more tightly twisted than Category 3 cables more expensive, but better performance “standard” STP More expensive, harder to work with Necessary in some installations

23 Twisted Pair Advantages
inexpensive and readily available flexible and light weight easy to work with and install

24 Twisted Pair Disadvantages
susceptibility to interference and noise attenuation problem For analog, repeaters needed every 5-6km For digital, repeaters needed every 2-3km relatively low bandwidth (3000Hz)

25 Table 7-3

26 Figure 7-18

27 Coaxial Cable Coaxial cable was the most widely used communication medium in early LANs and is still used in some networks, sometimes alongside other wires (see Figure 7-9) Figure 7-10 illustrates the typical make-up of coaxial cable. The insulation can be PVC or plenum RG58 and RG59 are the two most common kinds of coaxial cable found data communication networks T-connectors and AUI connectors are most common Data transmission over coaxial cable involves two basic techniques broadband or baseband (see Figure 7-11) Baseband is more common in LANs

28 Figure 7-10

29 Coax Layers outer jacket (polyethylene) shield (braided wire)
insulating material copper or aluminum conductor

30 Figure 7-11

31 Coaxial Cable (or Coax)
bandwidth of up to 400 Mbps has an inner conductor surrounded by a braided mesh both conductors share a common center axial, hence the term “co-axial”

32 Coax Advantages higher bandwidth can be tapped easily (pros and cons)
400 to 600Mhz up to 10,800 voice conversations can be tapped easily (pros and cons) much less susceptible to interference than twisted pair

33 Coax Disadvantages high attenuation rate makes it expensive over long distance Bulky Error-prone Turn radius Connectors / terminators

34 Fiber Optic Cable Fiber optic cable comes in three varieties, each with a different way of guiding light pulses from source to destination: Multimode step-index (see Figure 7-13) Multimode graded-index (see Figure 7-14) Single-mode (see Figure 7-15) All three have the same basic form and characteristics (see Figure 7-12), however, single mode has the smallest diameter core and greatest bandwidth (see Figure 7-16); single mode is also the most expensive Several types of connectors exist (see Figure 7-17), but ST and SC are most common in LANs

35 Figure 7-12

36 Figure 7-13, 7-14, 7-15

37 Figure 7-16

38 Figure 7-17

39 Fiber Optic Advantages
greater capacity (bandwidth of up to 2 Gbps) smaller size and lighter weight lower attenuation immunity to environmental interference highly secure due to tap difficulty and lack of signal radiation

40 Fiber Optic Disadvantages
expensive over short distance requires highly skilled installers adding additional nodes is difficult

41 Radiated Media The two most common kinds of radiated media used in wireless LANs are spread-spectrum radio (SSR) and infrared light; SSR is the most widely used There are two major types of SSR: Frequency hopping: this SSR technique changes the transmission frequency at regular intervals over a fixed spectrum; data are transmitted at one frequency, then the data are transmitted at a different frequency. Each piece of data is transmitted over several frequencies to increase the probability that it will be successfully received. Both Bluetooth and HomeRF rely on frequency hopping SSR Direct sequencing: this SSR transmission technique simultaneously transmits the same data on different frequencies in order to increase the probability of success. Most WLANs use direct sequencing

42 Wireless Transmission
transmission and reception are achieved by means of an antenna directional transmitting antenna puts out focused beam transmitter and receiver must be aligned omnidirectional signal spreads out in all directions can be received by many antennas

43 Wireless Examples terrestrial microwave transmission
satellite transmission broadcast radio infrared

44 Terrestrial Microwave Transmission
uses the radio frequency spectrum, commonly from 2 to 40 Ghz transmitter is a parabolic dish, mounted as high as possible used by common carriers as well as by private networks requires unobstructed line of sight between source and receiver curvature of the earth requires stations (called repeaters) to be ~30 miles apart

45 Microwave Transmission Applications
long-haul telecommunications service for both voice and television transmission short point-to-point links between buildings for closed-circuit TV or a data link between LANs bypass application

46 Microwave Transmission Advantages
no cabling needed between sites wide bandwidth multichannel transmissions

47 Microwave Transmission Disadvantages
line of sight requirement expensive towers and repeaters subject to interference such as passing airplanes and rain

48 Satellite Microwave Transmission
a microwave relay station in space can relay signals over long distances geostationary satellites remain above the equator at a height of 22,300 miles (geosynchronous orbit) travel around the earth in exactly the time the earth takes to rotate

49 Satellite Transmission Links
earth stations communicate by sending signals to the satellite on an uplink the satellite then repeats those signals on a downlink the broadcast nature of the downlink makes it attractive for services such as the distribution of television programming

50 Satellite Transmission Process
transponder dish dish 22,300 miles uplink station downlink station

51 Satellite Transmission Applications
television distribution a network provides programming from a central location direct broadcast satellite (DBS) long-distance telephone transmission high-usage international trunks private business networks

52 Principal Satellite Transmission Bands
C band: 4(downlink) - 6(uplink) GHz the first to be designated Ku band: 12(downlink) -14(uplink) GHz rain interference is the major problem Ka band: 19(downlink) - 29(uplink) GHz equipment needed to use the band is still very expensive

53 Satellite Advantages can reach a large geographical area
high bandwidth cheaper over long distances

54 Satellite Disadvantages
high initial cost susceptible to noise and interference propagation delay

55 Wiring Center Options Most LAN architectures use wiring hubs to provide device interconnection A wiring hub is a central interconnection point for workstations, servers, and other network equipment that is used in numerous LAN implementations to provide node-to-node connections (see Figure 7-19) Hubs vary in terms of: LAN architecture (e.g. Ethernet vs. token ring) number of ports stand-alone vs. stackable unmanaged vs. managed Because hubs do not process the frames transmitted by network-attached computers, they are often considered to be physical layer devices

56 Figure 7-19

57 LAN Switches LAN switches physically resemble hubs and like hubs, they vary in number of ports, stand-alone vs. stackable, and managed vs. unmanaged However, because they must read and process transmitted frames in order to provide a switched connection between network-attached devices, they are found at the data link layer (or higher) Some switches support virtual LANs (VLANs). A VLAN is a logical group of workstations interconnected by one or more LAN switches that function as a self-contained LAN or workgroup

58 Wireless LAN Hubs Wiring center options for wireless LANs depend on the kind of communication medium that is used (see Figure 7-20) When SSR is used (e.g. in IEEE ) in WLANs, the wireless hubs are called access points Access points are often used to create wireless segments of cable-based networks (see Figure 7-20b)

59 Figure 7-20a

60 Figure 7-20b

61 LAN Adapters LAN adapters, also called network interface cards (NICs), provide the connection between the communication medium and a workstation or server bus (see Figure 7-21 and 7-22) Adapters are designed to support a specific LAN architecture (e.g. Ethernet or token ring) and support one or more physical connection interfaces. They must be compatible with the computer’s bus architecture PC cards (PCMCIA) adapters are available for notebook computers and wireless LAN adapters are needed for WLANs

62 Figure 7-21

63 Figure 7-22

64 NIC Functions LAN adapters have their own onboard architectures (see Figure 7-23) and they carry out several important functions including: monitoring activity on the communication medium providing each workstation/server with a unique identification address recognizing and receiving data transmitted to the computer creating (building) the frames needed to transmit data on the communication medium controlling LAN transmission speed transmission error detection and recovery

65 Figure 7-23

66 Other Important LAN Hardware
Other key LAN hardware components include: printers and print servers backup devices and media including duplexed servers high-capacity removable disks mirrored disks RAID (redundant arrays of independent disks) optical disk systems virtual disk systems magnetic tape backup systems uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs)

67 Print Servers Print servers manage shared printers and print queues
Some file servers also function as print servers, however, dedicated print servers are very common Most print servers are capable of managing multiple printers Primary print server functions include job distribution (routing print jobs to the printers controlled by the print server) and job sequencing (managing the print queues for the individual printers controlled by the print server)

68 Storage Area Networks Storage area networks (SANs) enable storage to be physically separated from an organization’s servers and to be managed as a central resource while still logically controlled by each server’s application software There are two main ways of implementing SANs (see Figure 7-24): centralized decentralized Network attached storage systems (NASs) are similar to centralized SANs, but connect to LANs much like a server

69 Figure 7-24

70 LAN-to-Host Interfaces
Today’s LAN-to-host interfaces include: Installing a LAN adapter in the host and establishing node-to-host connections via LAN wiring center technologies Dedicated point-to-point connections between LAN nodes and the host Switched or dedicated connections via modems Shared/multiplexed connections between LAN nodes and the host Shared connections via a communication server Connections via distributed or collapsed backbone networks LAN-to-host gateways

71 Chapter 7 Introduction to Local Area Networks
Part II: Understanding Internet Access Technologies

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