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1. 2 Over 64 million people have asthma 1 of every 10 children affected $300-$600 a month for treatment Allergies and Asthma.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 Over 64 million people have asthma 1 of every 10 children affected $300-$600 a month for treatment Allergies and Asthma."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 2 Over 64 million people have asthma 1 of every 10 children affected $300-$600 a month for treatment Allergies and Asthma

3 3 Common Triggers of Allergies

4 More Allergy Triggers Photo courtesy of Charles Graham, Texas A&M University 4

5 5 43% of children under age 12 live in homes with smokers Secondhand Smoke

6 6 Pneumonia Ear infections Lung damage More asthma attacks More allergy problems Symptoms Caused by Secondhand Smoke in Children

7 7 Longer to heal from illnesses Other infections Sudden infant death syndrome Symptoms from Secondhand Smoke

8 8 Underdeveloped babies Infant deaths Slow lung development Children inhale poisons Smoking Parents

9 9 Deaths of Nonsmokers

10 10 Nonsmoking Spouses Have More Heart Attacks

11 11 How Can We Reduce Exposure to Secondhand Smoke?

12 12 Close bedroom door Post nonsmoking sign Never allow smoking in your child ’ s bedroom Have child leave the room Other Ways to Reduce Smoke

13 13 What are Your Kids Exposed To?

14 14 Smoking in Public Places

15 15 Choose Events and Homes That are Smoke-Free

16 16 Thank You For Not Smoking

17 17 Discuss the importance of a smoke-free home Make a clear agreement with your family You may have to compromise Don ’ t insult or place blame Talk With Your Family

18 18 It’s Time to Put It Outside!

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