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The ScorePP Priority Pollutant Reduction Information System (PPRIS) ScorePP International Dissemination Workshop, Wednesday 03 February 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "The ScorePP Priority Pollutant Reduction Information System (PPRIS) ScorePP International Dissemination Workshop, Wednesday 03 February 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 The ScorePP Priority Pollutant Reduction Information System (PPRIS) ScorePP International Dissemination Workshop, Wednesday 03 February 2010

2 From the ScorePP DoW PPRIS will provide a user friendly web-based interface through which the wider community of stakeholders at large will readily be able to access the results of the ScorePP project providing both information and guidance on ScorePP tool implementation PPRIS will be used to communicate different terminology and procedural frameworks in different disciplines, conception of uncertainty and perceptions of the project outcomes

3 From the ScorePP DoW From the WP: … the structure of a PPRIS efficiently communicating the project outcome to end-users will be defined up to and during the 3 rd advisory board meeting From the WP: The PPRIS will be developed using state-of-the-art content management systems technology From other WPs: Quantification of releases from different sources … … which will be made available in database format for later inclusion in the PPRIS

4 Demands to the PPRIS User friendly web-based interface efficiently providing the outcome of the project, like tool implementation, terminology frameworks, conception of uncertainty and quantification of substance releases, using state-of-the- art content management systems technology suited for the wider community of stakeholders

5 Who are the end-users? Chemical industry Water and wastewater industry Ministerial, regional and municipal organisations responsible for urban and river basin management

6 Who are the end-users? And where do they search for such information? Chemical industry Water and wastewater industry Ministerial, regional and municipal organisations responsible for urban and river basin management Scientific journals Conferences Seminars Books Internet …

7 The PPRIS – an item appearing on several ScorePP CG meetings September 2007 in Ljubljana Discussions in small groups A book An interactive web-site with dynamic integrated urban wastewater system modelling emission control strategy scenarios based on self defined urban structure and boundaries

8 The PPRIS – an item appearing on several ScorePP CG meetings March 2009 in Paris A few to a range of pre-defined archetype cities Urban structure – e.g. combined/separate sewer system Population – high/low density Geographical location Industry – manufacture/wholesale/retail A range of Emission Control Strategies, partly based on the above criteria Investigate Water Information System for Europe (WISE) wiki

9 The PPRIS – an item appearing on several ScorePP CG meetings WISE “To manage the comprehensive disclosure of existing scientific and technical knowledge with direct relevance to WFD implementation and all other Water Related Water Directives and Guidelines (national, regional,...)” In fact, links to both SOCOPSE and ScorePP are found on this website … wiki From WikipediA: “A wiki (pronounced / ˈ w ɪ ki/ WIK-ee) is a website that allows the easy[1] creation and editing of any number of interlinked web pages via a web browser using a simplified markup language or a WYSIWYG text editor.[2][3] Wikis are typically powered by wiki software and are often used to create collaborative websites, to power community websites, for personal note taking, in corporate intranets, and in knowledge management systems”/ ˈ w ɪ ki/WIK-eewebsite[1]interlinkedweb pages web browsermarkup languageWYSIWYG[2][3]wiki softwarenote takingintranetsknowledge management

10 The PPRIS – an item appearing on several ScorePP CG meetings October 2009 in Quebec City Each work package ends with a chapter/paper/document with a synthesis of the conducted work => basis for our final reporting to the Commission As far as the partners willingness to contribution, this may form the basis for a real, old fashioned book – we have several contacts with publishers BUT, this will also form the basis of the input to the PPRIS in the form of a wiki- site – maybe an IWA-wiki

11 Contributions according to the DoW Emission Control Strategies (DTU) PPRIS Classification and databases (UL) Chemical industry- relevant material (Envicat) Water and wastewater industry-relevant material (AR) Risk assessment and regulation of chemicals (UGent) Treatment Options (MU) Socio-economic information (Estudis) Information systems for public education (MF) Multi-Criteria Assessment (MU)

12 Central items of the PPRIS Emission Control Strategies of Case Cities and Semi Hypothetical Case Cities A baseline and 5 ECS-scenarios A range of substances, incl. metals and organics, PS and PHS B(a)P Cd DEHP Diuron HCB Hg Ni NPs PBDE SCCP

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