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6601 Project---Graphics --Enhancing Plots --Fine Control of Graphics Xingyan Bai, Qian Zhang, Ying Li.

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Presentation on theme: "6601 Project---Graphics --Enhancing Plots --Fine Control of Graphics Xingyan Bai, Qian Zhang, Ying Li."— Presentation transcript:

1 6601 Project---Graphics --Enhancing Plots --Fine Control of Graphics Xingyan Bai, Qian Zhang, Ying Li

2 Enhancing Plots Multiple figures on one plot Adding information  Using Color  Identifying points interactively  Adding further axes and grids  Adding legends  Mathematics in labels

3 Multiple figures on one plot  par(mfrow = c(…)) par(mfcol = c(…))  split.screen(figs, screen, …) screen(n =, …) erase.screen(n = ) close.screen(n, …)  subplot(fun, …) in S-plus

4 Multiple figures on one plot Example Code: split.screen(figs=c(3,2)) [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 hist(t.stars, nclass=20, prob=TRUE) screen(3) hist(t.stars, nclass=10, prob=TRUE) screen(6) hist(t.stars, nclass=30, prob=TRUE)


6 Multiple figures on one plot Example Code: par(mfrow=c(2,3)) hist(t.stars, nclass=20, prob=TRUE) hist(t.stars, nclass=10, prob=TRUE) hist(t.stars, nclass=30, prob=TRUE) hist(t.stars, nclass=5, prob=TRUE) hist(t.stars, nclass=15, prob=TRUE) hist(t.stars, nclass=50, prob=TRUE)


8 Using Color Code par(mfrow=c(2,1)) hist(t.stars, nclass=20, prob=TRUE, col='gray', border='white') hist(t.stars, nclass=10, prob=TRUE, col='green', border='red')

9 Code par(mfrow=c(1,1)) plot(data$x, data$y) identify(data$x,data$y) [1] 3 26 38 56 83 87 90 Identifying points interactively

10 Code locator(5,type='l') $x [1] -99.78800 -25.17453 51.60166 124.05243 182.44558 $y [1] -49.04550 40.17314 111.34755 138.41388 164.47775 Identifying points using locator()

11 Code > library(MASS) > attach(wtloss) > oldpar <- par() > par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 4.1)) > plot(Days, Weight, type = "p", ylab = "Weight (kg)") > Wt.lbs <- pretty(range(Weight*2.205)) > axis(side = 4, at = Wt.lbs/2.205, lab = Wt.lbs, srt = 90) > mtext("Weight (lb)", side = 4, line = 3) > detach() > par(oldpar) Adding further axes and grids


13 Adding legends Code plot(ecdf(y), main='Empirical Distribution of Y') curve(pexp(x, 1/mean(y)), add=TRUE, col='red') legend(200, 0.6, c('EDF','Fitted model (Exponential)'), + lty=c(1,1), col=c('black','red'))

14 Fine Control of Graphics Par Command Figure region and layout parameters Common axes for figures

15 Par Command Par ( name = value) set value to name Par (name) return the value of name Par () return a list of all the graphics parameters

16 Figure region and layout parameters Regions: plot region, margins, figure region, device region Layout parameters: control size and position of figure and plot regions mar()/mai(): for margin region, fig(): for figure as a fraction of device region, plt(): for plot as a fraction of figure region. User coordinates: for positions in the plot region

17 Example for layout parameters Code x <- rnorm(50) y <- rnorm(x) z <- rexp(x) par(fig = c(0, 2/3, 0, 1)) plot(x, y) par(fig = c(2/3, 1, 0, 1)) plot(x, z) par("usr") [1] -2.1027427 2.1591728 -0.1081944 3.7349138

18 Example for layout parameters

19 Common axes for figures  Use the same xlim or ylim  Set up the desired axis system with the first plot and then use Par to set the low-level parameter xaxs = “d” & yaxs = “d”, which (direct) specifies that the current axis should be used on subsequent plots.  Some of the more commonly used general and high- level graphics parameters see Table4.4(page 87)

20 Thank You !

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