Case Studies Purpose of breakout: Formulating case studies for funding.

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1 Case Studies Purpose of breakout: Formulating case studies for funding

2 Conclusions Writing case studies – Win win (promote work (isgtw) & promote service) – PhD students (seek out PI comments) Different Types of Case Studies – Audience – Intent Increasingly important – REF (impact) – Good ones (not just research impact but social impact)

3 Conclusion 2 Funding – Help with impact reports and as supporting information for future funding Flattery – EGI adopting NGS approach to case studies Part of outreach – Spectrum Twitter Blog posts Case studies Papers (sometimes papers are detailed case studies) Open question – Do researchers re-use the case studies they wrote for a service (NGS to find out)

4 Further work – SSI Could Write case study templates guidelines – Audiences Funders Researchers Public Government – Intent Convince/Justify Inspire Case study support – Review case studies (List of technical writers) Write a case study of case studies – Why people adopt the approach of thers (e.g. EGI taking NGS) – Which mechanisms are most beneficial – a hierarchy (tweet, blog, video, case studies, how they cf. papers)

5 What was discussed Types of case studies - why For funding – Ngs show how used by a range of people – Show jisc from mrc and bbsrc your research done this using our services – Re-funding – written case studies – 13 on ngs website – How to get people to write – annula survey – would you like you research to be features on NGS website 60% say yes ‘as promotion of work’ Simple template – what about and how benefit the general public (funder, pi and grant number and quotes later) PhD students want the research to be highlighted 2.5K leaflets Uses of case studies (are they used to promote their own work in their own venues

6 Disc 2 REF – IMPACT of work – case studies another box to tick – benefit science and the service ngs Difference between funding service and research project – more useful for researcher at the end of the grant Case studies to show what achieved Funding not easy to develop ideas – esp. turn of project plan

7 Disc 3 Develop a prototype and work on that and then can develop further and realistic chance of funding – harder to develop further as not novel – not all the funtionality – conundrum Ncess nodes Case studies for REF more important now How does REF case studies actually count EGI are copying format and process and roadshow ideas from NGS

8 DISC 4 Case studies get picked by isgtw – internation science grid this week 7K subscribers Scientific computing world huge readership – get there if mention NGS Case studies as papers – what doing with e-research technologies (Alex voss) – community intelligence what people are doing with technology Initial blog post Spectrum tweet, blog, case study, paper Funders – case studies – justify work case studies of projects good for them lead to something concrete not have domain specific knowledge – output important – human infrastructue more important – not sure on reports as no one likes to read reports

9 Disc 5 Smaller project – easier to do blogging as project goes on – case studies – key ideas what the project is about – done something useful – Case study – all the way to social impact – good at writing one for the researchers – all the way to public perception – Paragraph 7 – how not done without NGS – faster better quicker Ideal case studies – different audience – Government – Researchers – Infrstrucutre builders – Public Intent – Convince – inspire

10 Disc 6 Look where no one can look change way done research Andy Brass Funding – convince or inspire – both – or inpsire community and start lobbying Collaborative projects - bio science and cs on the other side – Present to various funding bodies – Welcome trust expect biological output – Few papers but on cs side – Biological side needs more work validation – Of go to bbsrc don’t have biooutput – Epsrc – what is this bio – Collaoration project a bit of both what you need to present not obvious more need for bridging – (tagetted depending upon the community)

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