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A fantastic power point By Ruby

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Presentation on theme: "A fantastic power point By Ruby"— Presentation transcript:

1 A fantastic power point By Ruby
About weather A fantastic power point By Ruby

2 Contents Introduction Summer weather Autumn weather Winter weather
Spring weather End page

3 Introduction There is a lot of types of weather around the world. Like: hot, cold, warm, blowing and lots more. Places close to the equator mostly have hot and pleasant days. When your not that close to the equator you don’t always get hot weather.

4 Summer weather Summer is usually hot, warm and pleasant, But is not always hot, warm and pleasant.

5 Autumn weather Autumn is all types of weather. Autumn weather usually is warm, but slightly is getting colder.

6 Winter weather Winter weather is usually cold, rainy and wet.

7 Spring weather Spring weather get’s hotter, because winter has gone and summer is coming.

8 THE END I hope you enjoyed!!!

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