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Ge/Ay133 In what sort of region did our own solar system form?

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Presentation on theme: "Ge/Ay133 In what sort of region did our own solar system form?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ge/Ay133 In what sort of region did our own solar system form?

2 In what sort of environment did our own solar system form? In relative isolation (Taurus, Bok globules,…)?

3 Or as part of a rich cluster (more likely)?

4 terrestrial One important set of clues: Short-lived nuclides in meteorites Murchison Thin section (chondrules) CAIs



7 Also need to worry about spallation (e.g. 14 C):

8 The dynamics of small bodies in the outer solar system can also tell us about the early environment in which planets were built.

9 The radiation environment can be quite harsh in clusters: Orion Proplyds

10 For stars still accreting gas/dust, photoevaporation can dramatically shorten the disk lifetime:

11 External photoevaporation scenario:

12 1.5 pc 1000AU green = H-alpha blue = [OIII] red = [SII]

13 3 pc 1000AU




17 Must therefore consider environment in clusters!

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