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Schedule for week  Today – Dual mode presentation, ELM and HSM.  Wednesday – Finish up ELM and HSM and review for the mid-term.

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Presentation on theme: "Schedule for week  Today – Dual mode presentation, ELM and HSM.  Wednesday – Finish up ELM and HSM and review for the mid-term."— Presentation transcript:

1 Schedule for week  Today – Dual mode presentation, ELM and HSM.  Wednesday – Finish up ELM and HSM and review for the mid-term.

2 Ways to reduce cognitive load  Reduce extrinsic cognitive load  Avoid redundancy unless necessary  Use worked examples  Use visuals if possible  Use perspectives of maps  Avoid split attention  Use dual mode if possible

3 Dual Mode Presentation  Don’t require one sense to attend to more than one source of information.  For example, use audio combined with visual rather than text with a visual.

4 Application  Assess the following video in terms of cost versus benefit or any other theory we have worked with.  It is not enough to say it is good or bad, you must say why, and if bad, how you would improve it.

5 Focus on  Use of concrete words  Use of analogies  Explanation of “jargon”

6 Jargon  Technical words that make sense to someone other than your target audience.

7 Presentation  ELM or HSM

8 Summary – ELM and HSM  Elaboration Likelihood Model of Persuasion  Heuristic-Systematic Model of Persuasion

9 ELM  2 routes for what to do with incoming information – central and peripheral


11 Central route  Pre-requisite for elaboration – able and willing to process.

12 Willing (Motivated)  Personal relevance (important to that person.)  Satisfies the WIIFM principle

13 WIIFM Principle  What’s In It For Me  A good design is one that advertises the benefit for staying involved – to the intended audience.

14 Message Utility Hypothesis  In an environment with a lot of stimuli (information) we will pay attention to that which is most useful to us at that time and place.

15 Able  Not just intellectual or educational level.  Distracting environment

16 Elaboration


18 Cognitive processing  Unfavorable thoughts  Favorable thoughts  Neutral thoughts

19 Attitude Shift  Enduring  Resistant to change  Predicts behavior

20 Peripheral Route  In ELM, still a conscious thought process  However, no processing of the information content is involved.

21 Heuristics  Short cuts, cues, clues.  Based on past experience

22 Appearance  Attractive  Not attractive

23 Expertness

24 Other factors  Number of arguments  Perception of character  Anything from existing schema that tells you that the information should be accepted or rejected.

25 Attitude Shift  Not resistant to change  Not long-lasting  Not predictive of behavior

26 We want our audiences to elaborate!

27 ELM versus HSM  Both have a central and peripheral route.  The peripheral route in HSM only includes heuristics.  The peripheral route in ELM can include non-conscious cues, such as repeated exposure.

28 What should we take away?  Still based on perception of and actual cost versus benefit.  We can make it easier for them to be able to process if we apply dual coding theory, use existing schemas as starting places and keep cognitive load low.

29 What else?  Don’t use weak arguments – they make people disagree with your points.  When preparing, assume people will process on both routes, so dress nicely and use strong arguments.  Assume people will only gather information until they are satisfied, so make sure your first arguments are the most important.

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