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Theme: Farm Animals Natalia Prociuk ED 275 Spring 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Theme: Farm Animals Natalia Prociuk ED 275 Spring 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theme: Farm Animals Natalia Prociuk ED 275 Spring 2004

2 Rationale Importance a farmer has to a farm and the animals Realization of a farmer’s job Realization that there are other kinds of farmers

3 Day in the Life of a Dairy Farmer 4:00 am - The day starts. - Set up the milk parlor. 4:30 am - 9:30 am - Milking starts in the milk parlor. 9:30 am – 4:00 pm - Cleaning Stalls. - Cleaning the barns. - Feeding starts. - General repairs around the farm. 4:00 pm – 9:00 pm - The feeding, milking and cleaning starts all over again 9:00 pm - The day is over. Time for bed!

4 Video: Dairy Farming for Kids

5 Fun Facts The average farmer produces enough food to feed about 129 people, 97 in the U.S. and 32 abroad. One dairy cow makes 100 glasses of milk each day. To be successful, today’s farmers need both formal education and work experience.

6 References Adamson, Heather. A Day in the Life of a Farmer. Capstone Pr. Inc., 2003. - This is a great book that takes the students through a farmer’s day at the farm “A Day in the Life of a Dairy Farmer.” California Country, weekly TV show. - This is a TV show’s website that followed a dairy farmer for a day. “A Day on the Farm.” Family Farm Project, 1996. - Shows what a day on the farm would be like. Citrus Farming for Kids. Rainbow Communications. 1999. - Video showing what citrus farming is all about. “Farm Life.” - Shows the students what a day as a farm family is like.

7 References Cont’d Froehlich, Joseph, R., and Charles E. Roth. The Farm Book. New York: Harper and Row,1975. - Gives an introduction to farming. Gives the students a glimpse of what it is like to be a real farmer. Knightley, Rosalinda. The Farmer. New York: Macmillan, 1987. - Describes a farm and the different jobs associated with one. Matthews, Morgan. What’s it like to be a farmer. Mahwah, N.J.: Troll Associates, 1990. - Follows a farming family through a year of raising crops and animals Stringer, John. “Farming and the countryside. Activities and posters.” Child Education 78.7 (2001). Education ABS. Elizabethtown College. Article BEDI01016714. March 24, 2004. - Great activities for students to act as farmers.


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