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BASW FIELD ORIENTATION PART B. SOCIAL WORK 195A-B 6 units/semester 2 days/week (16 hrs.) M/W or W/F 32 weeks total Same placement for 2 semesters Credit/No.

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2 SOCIAL WORK 195A-B 6 units/semester 2 days/week (16 hrs.) M/W or W/F 32 weeks total Same placement for 2 semesters Credit/No Credit at the end of each semester; MUST PASS BOTH 140B AND 195A TO PRCOEED TO 140C AND 195B Taken concurrently with 140B-C Same professor for 140B/C

3 140B-C + 195A-B = INTERLOCKING COURSES 195A 195B 140C 140B

4 Fall SemesterSpring Semester Start week of Sept. 6 Nov. 11 – Veterans Day (no field) Nov. 25-26 – Thanksgiving Break – no field Dec. 10 – Last Day of Field Evaluations due to Faculty Liaison Dec. 13-23 – May make up field days if needed Start week of Jan. 3 Jan. 17 – Martin Luther King Holiday – no field Mar. 21-27– Spring Break – no field (may use to make up days if needed) Mar. 31 – Cesar Chavez Holiday – no field April 9-10 – NASW Lobby Days – students excused from field April 10 to attend May 13 – Last day of field Evaluations due to Faculty Liaison

5 Important Policies Attendance Grading Emergencies

6 KEY PEOPLE Faculty Liaison Same as 140B/C Professor STUDENT Field Instructor (MSW) Task Superviso r UNIVERSITY AGENCY

7 Field Instructor: BASW Educator in the Field

8 YOUR FIELD INSTRUCTOR WILL….. Orient you to the agency Assess your learning needs Help you develop your Learning Agreement Provide appropriate activities to implement Learning Agreement Help you integrate into agency environment Provide you ongoing feedback and evaluation

9 Your Field Instructor Also Will… Provide weekly field instruction Provides ongoing monitoring of and feedback regarding your performance Coordinate and communicate with Task Supervisor (if appropriate) Communicate with Faculty Liaison Complete Mid-Semester Assessment and End-of-Semester Evaluations together with you

10 First Day of Field

11 New Placement Orientations Include….. Tour of agency Introduction to staff Job description Written policy documents Badge, other ID Opportunities to shadow and observe and ask questions

12 It’s normal to feel anxious….


14 “Start Where the Student Is…” What is my learning style? What are my strengths? What skills, knowledge do I want to acquire? What opportunities exist at the placement?

15 INTERPRETING THE LEARNING STYLE ASSESSMENT Look at your scores for Doer and Thinker. Circle the higher score. Look at your scores for Observer and Feeler. Circle the higher score. You now have a new pair of scores.

16 INTERPRETING THE LEARNING STYLE ASSESSMENT Thinker/Observer: Reflective, likes to start with theory Doer/Observer: Likes practical, “how-to” instruction Thinker/Feeler: Relies on intuition, gut feeling Doer/Feeler: Prefers to learn by doing

17 LEARNING AGREEMENT Include a comprehensive list of all activities the student will engage in Each activity is tied to a Learning Objective Is a working guide, referred to often Revise at any time Develop in conjunction with the Field Evaluation Form Turn into Faculty Liaison by Oct. 4

18 LEARNING AGREEMENT Student Activities Learning Objective # 1.Conduct assessments. 1,2,3,4, 12,13 2.Review cases for ethical issues. 1 3.Attend staff meetings. 5, 10, 12,14, 18 4.Attend interagency meetings 14, 18 5.Provide case management for 3 clients. 1, 2, 3, 14, 12, 15 6.Co-facilitate group. 2,3,12, 17 7.Attend Board meeting. 5, 19 8.Shadow staff in home visits. 1,2,9,10 9.Develop resource manual. 14

19 FACULTY LIAISON RESPONSIBILITIES 1.Monitor student placement via Field Journals Discussion in Practice Class Communication with Field Instructor via phone calls and site visits (minimum 1/semester Be available to consult with Field Instructor 2.Consult with, advocate for student 3.Give field grade

20 The Faculty Liaison is the 140B/C Professor

21 BASW Liaisons Nancy Larson John Davis Mimi Lewis Chrys Barranti Santos Torres Sylvester Bowie Joseph Anderson

22 What Are My Responsibilities in My Placement?

23 STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES 1.Take responsibility for own learning in the field. a.Initiate Learning Agreement. b.Provide FI with syllabus for 140B-C classes. c.Bring topics and questions to FI hour. d.Ask for help when needed. e.Be open to new experiences and willing to push yourself. f.Be open to feedback. g.Initiate evaluation process

24 Be a Proactive Learner Stay Open to Feedback

25 STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES (cont’d) 2. Complete field assignments a.Field Journals b.Biopsychosocial assessments c.Macro Project d.Others 3.Attend placement 4.Take responsibility for making up missed time

26 Evaluation Form Evaluation criteria rate progress in each of the learning objectives “2” and “3” is good for 1 st semester Ratings are not synonymous with A-B-C- D-F Download these forms from Field website.


28 Everyone has a part to play in problem-solving in field


30 PROBLEM-SOLVING PROCESS Student identifies problem in field Student speaks With field instructor Problem solved Problem Not solved Student notifies Faculty liaison

31 PROBLEM-SOLVING PROCESS (continued) Liaison advises student & or Liaison contacts Field Instructor Plan is developed & or Liaison meets With student & Field Instructor Plan is developed

32 PROBLEM-SOLVING PROCESS (continued) Develop Plan (Liaison monitors) Problem Solved Problem Not solved Liaison Recommends to To Field Director Placement change Student Receives Incomplete Student Receives No Credit

33 JILL KELLY, LCSW Director of Field Education 278-7189 JOHN STROTHER, MSW, RN Undergraduate Field Coordinator 278-6121


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