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Data Analysis and Visualization Using the Morse-Smale complex

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1 Data Analysis and Visualization Using the Morse-Smale complex
Attila Gyulassy Institute for Data Analysis and Visualization Computer Science Department University of California, Davis Center for Applied Scientific Computing LLNS

2 Seminar Overview Introduce basic concepts from topology
Intuitive definition of the Morse-Smale complex What is a feature? Examples from various application areas Algorithm

3 Topology Background - Critical Points
Let ƒ be a scalar valued function whose critical points are not degenerate. We call ƒ a Morse function, and in the neighborhood of a critical point p, the function can be represented as ƒ(p) = 0 ƒ(x, y, z) = ƒ(p) ± x2 ± y2 ± z2 Regular Minimum Saddle Saddle Maximum Index Index Index Index 3

4 Topology Background - Integral Lines
An integral line is a maximal path that agrees with the gradient of at every point

5 Topology Background - Manifolds
Descending Manifolds D(p) = {p} { x | x є l, dest(l) = p} Ascending Manifolds A(p) = {p} { x | x є l, orig(l) = p} 3-Manifold 1-Manifold 3-Manifold 1-Manifold 2-Manifold 0-Manifold 2-Manifold 0-Manifold Maximum 2-Saddle 1-Saddle Minimum

6 What is the Morse-Smale Complex?
The intersection of all descending and ascending manifolds D(p) ∩ A(q), for all pairs p,q of f Any cell in the complex has the property that all integral lines in that cell share an origin and a destination The Morse-Smale complex is a segmentation of the domain that clusters integral lines that share a common origin and destination.

7 Morse-Smale Complex - 1D Example

8 Morse-Smale Complex - 1D Example

9 Morse-Smale Complex - 1D Example

10 Morse-Smale Complex - 2D Example

11 Morse-Smale Complex - 2D Example

12 Morse-Smale Complex - 2D Example

13 Morse-Smale Complex - 2D Example

14 Morse-Smale Complex - 3D Example
Cells of dimension i connect critical points with index that differ by i. Crystal Quad Arc Node

15 Topology based simplification
A lemma from morse theory states that we can remove critical points in pairs whose indices differ by one, and are connected by the complex. We use the notion of persistence to order critical point pairs, where persistence is the absolute difference in function value of the pair that is removed. Generally we consider low persistence pairs to be small features in the data. Going back to the construction, we insterted all the extra nodes so they have low persistence, and hence are removed first. Next: Simplification algorithm We formalize our simplification algorithm as

16 What is a feature?

17 What is a feature?

18 What is a feature?

19 What is a feature?

20 What is a feature?

21 What is a feature?

22 What is a feature?

23 What is a feature?

24 What is a feature?

25 What is a feature?

26 What is a feature?

27 What is a feature?

28 What is a feature?

29 What is a feature? Critical Points

30 What is a feature? Arcs

31 What is a feature? Higher Degree Cells

32 Examples from applications
Persistent extrema are the features Finding atom locations in molecular simulations including reeb graphs, contour trees, and other hierarchical representations. The advantage of using a Morse-Smale complex is that it is a complete characterization of the gradient behavior, and therefore is a more complete representation. We extend work from 2D to idendentify and simplify the Morse-Smale complex for volumetric domains. We use the basic definitions for three-dimensional Morse Smale complexes, and the notion of persistence based simplification in our approach. Next: New approach

33 Motivation Previous Work Examples from applications
Persistent extrema are the features Morse-Smale comple in 2D (Multi-Scale Analysis) There are loads of scalar functions used in scientific computing, including physical simulations, mri and CT scans, and x-ray crystallography and we want to understand the structure of these functions. We use a global analysis technique to identify this structure, in particular, we find the three dimensional morse-smale complex of the function. Next: motivation pic Tracking the formation of bubbles in turbulent mixing fluids (Laney et al.)

34 Examples from applications
Persistent extrema are the features Testing the “smoothness” of a generated function How does the critical point count change as a function of persistence? Length of the persistent arcs? Size of the persistent cells? Critical point count Persistence

35 Examples from applications
Persistent arcs are the features Terrain representation (Bremer et al.) including reeb graphs, contour trees, and other hierarchical representations. The advantage of using a Morse-Smale complex is that it is a complete characterization of the gradient behavior, and therefore is a more complete representation. We extend work from 2D to idendentify and simplify the Morse-Smale complex for volumetric domains. We use the basic definitions for three-dimensional Morse Smale complexes, and the notion of persistence based simplification in our approach. Next: New approach

36 Examples from applications
Persistent arcs are the features There are loads of scalar functions used in scientific computing, including physical simulations, mri and CT scans, and x-ray crystallography and we want to understand the structure of these functions. We use a global analysis technique to identify this structure, in particular, we find the three dimensional morse-smale complex of the function. Next: motivation pic Surface Quadrangulation (Dong et al.)

37 Examples from applications
Persistent arcs are the features Analysis of porous media

38 Time comparison of the reconstructions
Examples from applications Persistent arcs are the features Time comparison of the reconstructions

39 Examples from applications
Persistent arcs are the features Analysis of the structure of galaxies including reeb graphs, contour trees, and other hierarchical representations. The advantage of using a Morse-Smale complex is that it is a complete characterization of the gradient behavior, and therefore is a more complete representation. We extend work from 2D to idendentify and simplify the Morse-Smale complex for volumetric domains. We use the basic definitions for three-dimensional Morse Smale complexes, and the notion of persistence based simplification in our approach. Next: New approach

40 Examples from applications
Persistent cells are the features including reeb graphs, contour trees, and other hierarchical representations. The advantage of using a Morse-Smale complex is that it is a complete characterization of the gradient behavior, and therefore is a more complete representation. We extend work from 2D to idendentify and simplify the Morse-Smale complex for volumetric domains. We use the basic definitions for three-dimensional Morse Smale complexes, and the notion of persistence based simplification in our approach. Next: New approach Analysis of a combustion simulation

41 A Simple Algorithm For Constructing the Morse-Smale Complex
Construct the known complex for a similar function called the augmented function Simplify the artificial complex including reeb graphs, contour trees, and other hierarchical representations. The advantage of using a Morse-Smale complex is that it is a complete characterization of the gradient behavior, and therefore is a more complete representation. We extend work from 2D to idendentify and simplify the Morse-Smale complex for volumetric domains. We use the basic definitions for three-dimensional Morse Smale complexes, and the notion of persistence based simplification in our approach. Next: New approach

42 A Simple Algorithm For Constructing the Morse-Smale Complex
Contributions A Simple Algorithm For Constructing the Morse-Smale Complex Constructing the Morse-Smale complex of an Augmented Morse Function The augmented Morse function has a very regular structure. Every vertex of S is critical, with index = dimension of its cell in K. Arcs of the complex are the edges of S. Therefore we present a simple construction for a similar function. Here we see a simple 1D PL function defined at the yellow data points. To compute the complex directly, we would have to look at local neighborhoods of each points, and trace ascending and descending paths. In 3D this is much worse, since we need to find maximally ascending and descending surfaces. Instead, we modify the function so that the entire complex for that function is known. Here we insert bumps into the function to make every point critical, therefore we can easily give the complex for the function. next: in 3D,....

43 Topology based simplification
Contributions A Simple Algorithm For Constructing the Morse-Smale Complex Topology based simplification We go back to the 1-D example to see how this is done. The complex tells us nothing about the critical point behavior of the original function, next: simplified

44 Topology based simplification
Contributions A Simple Algorithm For Constructing the Morse-Smale Complex Topology based simplification Until we remove the extra critical points. If we simplify in a controlled manner, we can remove exactly those critical points that do not correspond to critical points in the original function. So the question remains what ordering do we use in our simplification to remove the right critical points? Next: the index lemma Remove extra critical points Correct Morse-Smale complex within small error bound

45 A Simple Algorithm For Constructing the Morse-Smale Complex
Original data points

46 A Simple Algorithm For Constructing the Morse-Smale Complex

47 Questions?

48 Structural Analysis of a Simulated Porous Material
25% dense copper foam, 70nm  70nm  80nm Filament structure? Length? Number of cycles? How many cuts needed? Further experiments on the structure...

49 Time comparison of the reconstructions
We Obtain a Consistent Reconstruction of the Filament Structures in the Material Time comparison of the reconstructions

50 Efficient Computation of Morse-Smale Complexes for 3D Scalar Fields
Attila Gyulassy, Vijay Natarajan, Valerio Pascucci, Bernd Hamann Center for Applied Scientific Computing Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Department of Computer Science and Automation, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India Institute for Data Analysis and Visualization Computer Science Department University of California, Davis

51 Contributions Filtering Filtering the Morse-Smale complex
- Certain conditions can be set to determine whether or not it is possible to cancel an arc: Therefore we present a simple construction for a similar function. Here we see a simple 1D PL function defined at the yellow data points. To compute the complex directly, we would have to look at local neighborhoods of each points, and trace ascending and descending paths. In 3D this is much worse, since we need to find maximally ascending and descending surfaces. Instead, we modify the function so that the entire complex for that function is known. Here we insert bumps into the function to make every point critical, therefore we can easily give the complex for the function. next: in 3D,.... - These can be conditions for inclusion/exclusion - still maintain a “valid” complex in terms of gradient behavior - restrict certain cancellations

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