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Intended Contributions from the SCIPP (UC Santa Cruz) Group ATLAS e  Workshop June 10 2008 Bruce Schumm, UCSC/SCIPP, for Alan Litke, Jason Nielsen (faculty)

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Presentation on theme: "Intended Contributions from the SCIPP (UC Santa Cruz) Group ATLAS e  Workshop June 10 2008 Bruce Schumm, UCSC/SCIPP, for Alan Litke, Jason Nielsen (faculty)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Intended Contributions from the SCIPP (UC Santa Cruz) Group ATLAS e  Workshop June 10 2008 Bruce Schumm, UCSC/SCIPP, for Alan Litke, Jason Nielsen (faculty) Jovan Mitrevksi (Postdoc), Gabe Hare (Student)

2 Conversions of Non-Pointing Photons from GMSB Typical GMSB signatures: Neutralino/Stau decay length depends on coupling to gravitino…

3 Gauge-Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking Scenarios with in-flight decay not disfavored by cosmological constraints For a reasonable range of, e.g., gravitino mass, signature would be kinked track (possible with change in rate of ionization loss

4 For neutralino channel, signature is non- pointing photons and their converions. SCIPP: Explore conversion reconstruction for non-prompt, non-pointing photons. Pushes capabilities of TRTSeeded tracking Dataset identified that (hopefully) has non- prompt  : misal1_mc12.005411.GMSB2_jimmy_susy.digit.RDO.v12000502_tid005449 but I’m having trouble accessing it on GRID (help?) Mitrevski, Litke, Schumm Loose collaboration with Stephen Swedish (Master’s student at ???)

5 Material Mapping SCIPP interest: connection to data and actual detector from onset of running For now: explore whether tools are optimized appropriately for developing material map from conversions Asses reach and resolution (especially radial) of conversion reconstruction (fitting of TRTSeeded tracks?) Augment material (e.g. 20% per SCT layer) and see if we are sensitive Nielsen, Hare

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