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First Thoughts About Backtracking Validation Bruce Schumm UC Santa Cruz October 3, 2007 Inner Detector Software Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "First Thoughts About Backtracking Validation Bruce Schumm UC Santa Cruz October 3, 2007 Inner Detector Software Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Thoughts About Backtracking Validation Bruce Schumm UC Santa Cruz October 3, 2007 Inner Detector Software Meeting

2 “BackTracking” = extending TRT segments backwards into SCT and pixels to find non-prompt tracks Backtracking is only now going through its first real performance assessment (see talk next session) Isolated 20 GeV photon conversions (see next session) Isolated 1-50 GeV p  muons To date, studies done with “nightlies”; backtracking not working well in production releases (13.0.30 expected to have operational backtracking) It is a bit premature to do meaningful validation (nightly comparisons), but perhaps time to start thinking about what it might entail.

3 Formal validation studies will be incorporated in automated InDetRecStatistics analysis. Structure of the The InDetRecStat ntuple:

4 TRTSeededTracks (“BackTracks”) are an instance in InDetRecStat, but IndetRecStat designed for validation; capability to do performance studies is limited Tracks originating within TRT will only have TRT segments, which are not “Tracks” from C++ data-format perspective  Are looking into possibility of including segments as another instance in InDetRecStat This will allow validation of the algorithms that reconstruct non-prompt tracks, including those that originate in TRT (conversions, CHAMPS, etc.) One (modest) BackTrack performance study done within InDetRecStat on isolated muons with 1-50 GeV p 

5 Idealize TRT geometry Approximate as straight line in r-z Estimate path-length in TRT Note: Particles can terminate in and emanate from TRT volume Defining “trackable” tracks

6 This crude TRT path-length approximation could easily be improved, but best would be to have the number of TRT, SCT, Pixel?) hits for each MC particle  outside scope of InDetRecStat “Findable” track definition (start restrictively) Outward-traveling TRT path length > 500mm p  > 750 MeV/c eta< 2.0 Radius of originNo cut for now  Sample contains 155 “findable” isolated muons

7 Use nightlies to reconstruct muons; write out InDetRecStat ntuple. Compare standard tracking (XKalmanTracks) to backtracking (TRTSeededTracks) XKalTracks: 154/155 found (99%) TRTSeededTracks: 142/155 found (92%) What about the 12 tracks found by Xkal but not by BackTracking? Number of TRT hits on Xkal Track Found by BackTrack Missed by BackTrack

8 PP PP   All Findable ParticlesMissed by Backtracking All Findable ParticlesMissed by Backtracking

9 Back to validation… As mentioned, need to explore inclusion of TRT segments in InDetRecStat Thoughts about Validation Material Current data files: single muon, multi muon, Z   all probably useful. Might add 20 GeV photons for monitoring coversion recovery. Thinking still nascent and we are open to suggestions.

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