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Constantine, Creeds and Traditions Around 325-500AD
Constantine Roman Emperor - Caesar Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus [3] (27 February c. 272 [2] – 22 May 337), commonly known in English as Constantine I, Constantine the Great, or (among Eastern Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Byzantine Catholic Christians) Saint Constantine (/'kɒnstɛntaɪn/), was Roman emperor from 306, and the undisputed holder of that office from 324 until his death in 337. Best known for being the first Christian Roman emperor, Constantine reversed the persecutions of his predecessor, Diocletian, and issued (with his co-emperor Licinius) the Edict of Milan in 313, which proclaimed religious toleration throughout the empire. [3] [2]English Eastern OrthodoxOriental OrthodoxByzantine Catholic/'kɒnstɛntaɪn/Roman emperorChristianpersecutionsDiocletianLiciniusEdict of Milanreligious toleration The Byzantine liturgical calendar, observed by the Eastern Orthodox Church and Eastern Catholic Churches of Byzantine rite, lists both Constantine and his mother Helena as saints. Although he is not included in the Latin Church's list of saints, which does recognize several other Constantines as saints, he is revered under the title "The Great" for his contributions to Christianity.ByzantineEastern Orthodox ChurchEastern Catholic Churches of Byzantine riteHelenaLatin Church'sChristianity Constantine also transformed the ancient Greek colony of Byzantium into a new imperial residence, Constantinople, which would remain the capital of the Byzantine Empire for over one thousand years.ByzantiumConstantinopleByzantine Empire Roman Emperor - Caesar Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus [3] (27 February c. 272 [2] – 22 May 337), commonly known in English as Constantine I, Constantine the Great, or (among Eastern Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Byzantine Catholic Christians) Saint Constantine (/'kɒnstɛntaɪn/), was Roman emperor from 306, and the undisputed holder of that office from 324 until his death in 337. Best known for being the first Christian Roman emperor, Constantine reversed the persecutions of his predecessor, Diocletian, and issued (with his co-emperor Licinius) the Edict of Milan in 313, which proclaimed religious toleration throughout the empire. [3] [2]English Eastern OrthodoxOriental OrthodoxByzantine Catholic/'kɒnstɛntaɪn/Roman emperorChristianpersecutionsDiocletianLiciniusEdict of Milanreligious toleration The Byzantine liturgical calendar, observed by the Eastern Orthodox Church and Eastern Catholic Churches of Byzantine rite, lists both Constantine and his mother Helena as saints. Although he is not included in the Latin Church's list of saints, which does recognize several other Constantines as saints, he is revered under the title "The Great" for his contributions to Christianity.ByzantineEastern Orthodox ChurchEastern Catholic Churches of Byzantine riteHelenaLatin Church'sChristianity Constantine also transformed the ancient Greek colony of Byzantium into a new imperial residence, Constantinople, which would remain the capital of the Byzantine Empire for over one thousand years.ByzantiumConstantinopleByzantine Empire
Contributions Issued the Edict of Milan which stopped the persecution of Christians Council of Nicea (chaired the consultation) Throughout his rule, Constantine supported the Church financially, built various basilicas, granted privileges (e.g. exemption from certain taxes) to clergy, promoted Christians to high ranking offices, and returned property confiscated during the Great Persecution of Diocletian Also built Old St. Peter’s Basilica and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher Used the ‘chi rho’ symbol of Christianity Closed many pagan temples Issued the Edict of Milan which stopped the persecution of Christians Council of Nicea (chaired the consultation) Throughout his rule, Constantine supported the Church financially, built various basilicas, granted privileges (e.g. exemption from certain taxes) to clergy, promoted Christians to high ranking offices, and returned property confiscated during the Great Persecution of Diocletian Also built Old St. Peter’s Basilica and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher Used the ‘chi rho’ symbol of Christianity Closed many pagan temples
Flaws Still seemed to worship Apollos the Sun God and commanded everyone to observer the venerable day of the sun (Sunday) Esoteric Eastern sun worship on coins, (Sol Invictus) Christianity not on coins, only on his personal attire Did not declare himself a Christian until he was past 40 years old. Still seemed to worship Apollos the Sun God and commanded everyone to observer the venerable day of the sun (Sunday) Esoteric Eastern sun worship on coins, (Sol Invictus) Christianity not on coins, only on his personal attire Did not declare himself a Christian until he was past 40 years old.
Disastrous Decisions Intervened in the Donatist dispute and eventually led a Christian army against the Donatists – the first intra-Christian war Retained the title of Pontifex Maximus or head of the pagan cult worship of the day. He made December 25th, the birthday of the pagan Unconquered Sun god, the official holiday it is now--the birthday of Jesus. It is likely that he also instituted celebrating Easter and Lent based on pagan holidays. His mother, Helen, made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and began excavations to recover artifacts in the city, discovering the “holy Cross’. This popularized the tradition of pilgrimages in Christianity. Intervened in the Donatist dispute and eventually led a Christian army against the Donatists – the first intra-Christian war Retained the title of Pontifex Maximus or head of the pagan cult worship of the day. He made December 25th, the birthday of the pagan Unconquered Sun god, the official holiday it is now--the birthday of Jesus. It is likely that he also instituted celebrating Easter and Lent based on pagan holidays. His mother, Helen, made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and began excavations to recover artifacts in the city, discovering the “holy Cross’. This popularized the tradition of pilgrimages in Christianity.
Mixing Church & State Constantine believed that Church and State should be as close as possible. By chairing Nicaea, and enforcing its decisions and intervening in the Donatist dispute and even by elevating Christians and destroying pagan temples Constantine mixed church and State very closely and this inevitably leads to problems. The Church becomes political and corrupt The State makes decisions on doctrines and worship practices they do not fully understand. Constantine believed that Church and State should be as close as possible. By chairing Nicaea, and enforcing its decisions and intervening in the Donatist dispute and even by elevating Christians and destroying pagan temples Constantine mixed church and State very closely and this inevitably leads to problems. The Church becomes political and corrupt The State makes decisions on doctrines and worship practices they do not fully understand.
The Two Natures Dispute Pages 164 to 173 in Latourette The divine and human natures of Jesus Christ One nature (divine) that transforms the human – monophysitism Two separate natures - Nestorianism Two full natures (Chalcedon) Pages 164 to 173 in Latourette The divine and human natures of Jesus Christ One nature (divine) that transforms the human – monophysitism Two separate natures - Nestorianism Two full natures (Chalcedon)
Theotokos vs Christotokos Mary’s relationship to Christ Theotokos – God-bearer (Mother of God) Christotokos – Christ-bearer (Mother of Christ) Evangelicals hold to the second position Mary’s relationship to Christ Theotokos – God-bearer (Mother of God) Christotokos – Christ-bearer (Mother of Christ) Evangelicals hold to the second position
Nestorius Vs. Cyril A vicious debate that was totally un-Christian Doctrine decided by political skulduggery and by alliances rather than by examining the Scripture Whoever convinced the Emperor of the time won the day. Ecclesiastical politics rather than the Holy Spirit!! The age of mere human tradition and church politics had begun
Creed of Chalcedon Page 170-172 in Latourette Dispute between Bishop of Alexandria (Dioscurus) and Bishop of Rome (Leo) over two nature of Christ Tome of Leo Eventually decided that Christ was fully God and fully man Page 170-172 in Latourette Dispute between Bishop of Alexandria (Dioscurus) and Bishop of Rome (Leo) over two nature of Christ Tome of Leo Eventually decided that Christ was fully God and fully man
Three Main Creeds of Christianity Apostles Creed – response to Gnosticism Nicene Creed – response to Arianism Formula of Chalcedon – response to Nestorianism and to allegorical views of Christ. Apostles Creed – response to Gnosticism Nicene Creed – response to Arianism Formula of Chalcedon – response to Nestorianism and to allegorical views of Christ.
Forced Unity Only Brings Disunity The desire to have a completely unified Christian faith was so strong that good people were being excommunicated over very subtle doctrinal differences Politicians desired a united empire in ‘harmony’ and would interfere in ecclesiastical matters in to bring ‘order to the Empire’ The result was complete chaos and the development of an extremely carnal and competitive Church
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