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A Happiness Index and Determinants of Happiness Study Prof Lok Sang Ho Centre for Public Policy Studies Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences Lingnan.

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Presentation on theme: "A Happiness Index and Determinants of Happiness Study Prof Lok Sang Ho Centre for Public Policy Studies Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences Lingnan."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Happiness Index and Determinants of Happiness Study Prof Lok Sang Ho Centre for Public Policy Studies Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences Lingnan University

2 1. How Happy Are Hong Kong People Question: Overall, How happy are you? 0 indicates very unhappy 100 indicates very happy

3 Results

4 Primary Education or below Secondary Education Post-secondary Education Total 21-29--67.866.967.4 30-5972.970.773.871.9 60 or above 74.673.985.076.7 Total73.870.372.471.4 Happiness Index by Education and Age Groups








12 Question: Are you happier over the last 10 years? 0 ------------------------ 50 -----------------  100 (Happiness Decreased a lot) (No change) (Increased a lot)




16 Determinants of Happiness Independent Variables Coefficient Significant level Young Age -2.280.2273 Old age 4.010.1006* Female1.900.1488 Poor Health -8.730.0009*** Poor Health X Spiritual Practice 10.800.0403** Good Health 4.110.0019*** Spiritual Practice (Yes) 5.490.0009*** Married4.650.0032*** Primary Education 1.140.6180 Tertiary Education 3.220.0398** No Income 1.970.2744 Low Income 1.650.3279 High Income 0.570.8048 Dependent Variable: Happiness Index * = 10% Sig. ** =5% Sig. and *** = 1% Sig.

17 3. Determinants of Happiness Independent Variables Coefficient Significant level Importance of Money -0.18720.569 Importance of Financial Stability -0.43840.234 Importance of Marriage 1.18240.000*** Importance of Having Children 1.28790.000*** Importance of Harmonious Family Relations 2.03140.000*** Importance of Friends 0.85510.015** Spiritual Practice (Yes) 6.02780.000*** Dependent Variable: Happiness Index * = 10% Sig. ** =5% Sig. and *** = 1% Sig.

18 4. Evaluation of Government Provided Services: Health Care Services and Education

19 Mean: 6.43

20 Formal Democracy cf. Civic Liberties

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