Resource Kit for students with support needs in both mainstream and support classes Debi Toman, National Disability Coordination Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "Resource Kit for students with support needs in both mainstream and support classes Debi Toman, National Disability Coordination Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resource Kit for students with support needs in both mainstream and support classes Debi Toman, National Disability Coordination Officer

2 The National Disability Coordination Officer Program (NDCO) is a national program funded to assist people with a disability access post-school education, training and subsequent employment

3 There are 31 NDCOs in Australia, 10 in NSW/ACT and 5 in they Sydney metropolitan area. Your local NDCO: Debi Toman NDCO Region 2 Canterbury-Bankstown, Inner Western and Central Western Sydney National Disability Coordination Officer Program Hosted by University of Western Sydney

4 Improve transitions Increase participation Establish better links Our Goals Our Activities Information and transition planning assistance Referral, linkages and coordination Resource development and training Awareness raising and promotion

5 The “D” word How do we help students to know they are eligible for services and support post-school? Where are these students in schools? Funded: in support classes or in mainstream classes In Learning Assistance Programs In mainstream classes Students receiving exam provisions

6 What is Disability?  80% of disabilities are hidden  1 in 5 Australians has a disability  D isability is broad

7 * Crohn’s Disease * Liver failure * Cancer * *Asperger’s Syndrome * Chronic Fatigue Syndrome * * Mental Illness * Kidney failure * Multiple Sclerosis * Dyspraxia * * Anxiety Disorder * Dyslexia * Post Traumatic Stress Disorder * * Eating Disorders * Bipolar Disorder * Autism * Depression * * Neurological disability * Epilepsy * Hearing Impairment * * HIV / AIDS * Learning Disability * Sickle-cell anaemia * * Mobility impairment * Brain Injury * Cerebral Palsy * Diabetes * * Schizophrenia * Vision Impairment * Epilepsy * Arthritis * * Cystic Fibrosis * Heart Failure * Chronic Fatigue Syndrome * * Spinal cord injury * Muscular Dystrophy * Down syndrome *

8 The “D” word How can you help? “Disability” does not have to be a label! “Disability” does not have to be a label! Help students and parents understand that the definition of disability under the legislation is broad and is there to help people reach their potential levelling the playing field. Point out page 14 of the UAC guide to prospective Point out page 14 of the UAC guide to prospective university students with disabilities. university students with disabilities. When approached directly by a Disability Employment When approached directly by a Disability Employment Service, contact the Support Teacher Transition for Service, contact the Support Teacher Transition for your school to get advice. your school to get advice.

9 NDCO Resources

10 Get Ready Workbook Practical activities, information and ideas to assist students with disability to prepare well for their transition from school Explores ten top tips for successful transition planning Available from our website

11 A comprehensive and current website providing information about transition planning, education, training and employment options and support for people with disability in Western Sydney.

12 Provides information about options around disclosure of disability in post secondary education and employment environments Also articulates the role and responsibilities of employers and educators in relation to disclosure

13 This information kit is a 'kick start' for high school students with disability thinking about going to uni Contains lots of practical advice about career directions, preparing for uni and support.

14 Resources for students planning for university who have a: vision impairment hearing impairment mental health condition chronic medical condition Asperger’s Syndrome

15 Generic info on disability supports at TAFE, work, or uni

16 UAC Guide page 14 Great as a stand alone resource for any student with a disability, learning disability or chronic medical condition.

17 Employment Support Service (ESS, formerly DENEmployment Support Service (ESS, formerly DEN) – for job seekers with a permanent disability and with an assessed need for more long-term, regular ongoing support needs in the workplace.(primarily work with STTs, Support Teachers) Disability Management Service (DMS, formerly VRS)Disability Management Service (DMS, formerly VRS) - for job seekers with a disability, injury or health condition who require the assistance of a disability employment service but who are not expected to need long-term support in the workplace. (primarily approaching Career Advisors) Disability Employment Services

18 Poster targeting school career advisors and counsellors, reminding them of the broad definition of disability and available services

19 Get Students Ready for Life After School Poster


21 Available online in: pdf format Plain English Text Auslan Audio (mp3)

22 Hosted by Rebel Wilson, this DVD is designed to assist young people with disabilities in their transition to tertiary education.

23 A booklet and CD resource designed to support secondary and vocational teachers in providing work experiences/work placements for students with a disability.

24 Aim: To present a range of things that are common to young people including disability – and show what can be achieved with the right attitude, the help of friends and family and by accessing the many supports that are available.

25 Discussion, comments, questions? How can these be used in your school? Your NDCO is available to come talk at staff or student meetings.

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