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CSE325 Computer Science and Sculpture Prof. George Hart.

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1 CSE325 Computer Science and Sculpture Prof. George Hart

2 Lecture 5 Organic Polyhedral Forms New operations: Subdivide, Average Vertices, Smooth Creating openings “Keep faces together” while extruding Convert Selection, Expand Selection Extrude with twist

3 Hyperbolic Icosahedron From www.mathworld.comMaya version

4 Hyperbolic Icosahedron Subdivide icosahedron three times with quads Select the original 12 vertices Invert Selection (so all but corners can move) Average Vertices many times

5 Stylized Cube

6 Steps to make “Stylized Cube” 1. Subdivide a cube to 1/8 the edge length 2. In face mode, delete all but edge facets. An orthogonal view makes it easy to select front and back. 3. Polygon | Tool Options | Keep faces together Extrude faces slightly. 4. In vertex mode, select all vertices except the corners. Average vertices several times. 5. Smooth

7 Soft Dodecahedron

8 Subdivide dodecahedron, first with triangles, then twice with quads. Select vertices at centers of faces. Convert selection to faces. Expand selection twice. Delete the selected faces. Extrude (keep faces together) Smooth twice.

9 Chimney by Antonio Gaudi Cameron Browne’s reconstruction Park Guell, Barcelona

10 Gaudi-Style Chimney Select top face of a cube Extrude Face □ window: –The columns are: U, V, Normal –Translate 3 in Normal direction –Rotate 720 about Normal axis –Scale 0.3 in U and V direction –Set 50 divisions. Apply. On another cube, do -720 rotation (Translate the 1 st with the channel box to move it away temporarily.) Union the two and Smooth

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