The DREAMs 葉 賜 恩 Yip Chee Yan S.T.F.A. Lee Shau Kee College 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "The DREAMs 葉 賜 恩 Yip Chee Yan S.T.F.A. Lee Shau Kee College 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 The DREAMs 葉 賜 恩 Yip Chee Yan S.T.F.A. Lee Shau Kee College 2000

2 The Road ahead Digital Road of Education and Administration into the Millennium

3 Digital: 4 Wide and wise use of IT by teachers and students for teaching and learning. 4 Information readily available from intranet and the Internet both at home and in school campus 4 Intra- and inter-school communication between teachers and students through the network

4 Road: 4 IT is going to reshape the delivery of instruction and bring about changes in education - transforming education in the industrial society to education in the information society 4 Discussion, cooperation and experience sharing are urgently needed to update our knowledge to put steps onto such frontier of educational practice.

5 Education 4 A lot of teaching resources is anticipated: –Training kits - for self study –Teaching materials - for demonstration in class, –Assessment tools - MC, conventional questions for self assessment. –Reference materials - dictionaries, syllabus –Further studies - links 4 Discuss: Who can help?

6 Administration 4 Replace clerical work done by teachers –SAMS (School Administration and Management System) –SPM-Net (Student Performance Monitoring Network) –CDS (Communication Delivery System) and Email system

7 Into the Millennium 4 Many countries are hurdling into the information era by equipping their younger generation and building up competencies of their citizens 4 We have to put in unprecedented efforts to ensure that our new generation can meet the challenge and demands of the information age.

8 The Teaching Materials Durable Reusable Expandable Accessible Modifiable

9 Durable 4 Can last for a number of years –Discuss: frequency of platform upgrade, Standardization.

10 Reusable 4 Can be linked by different ways for different use. –Discuss: teaching kits, teaching materials, assessment tools, reference materials...

11 Expandable 4 Can be integrated into a large system –Discuss: searched by search engines, by level, by subject, by topic, by...

12 Accessible 4 Can be accessed by different machines. –Discuss: PC, Mac, UNIX... 4 Can be accessed via the Internet. –Discuss: file size, download time, stored in floppy disk, in CD-ROM... 4 Can be accessed at low cost. –Discuss: cost of software for user/reader, freeware...

13 Modifiable 4 Can be modified by any user for his/her specific use –Discuss: cost of software for modification, ease of modification...

14 The platform: (discussion) 4 text (htm, txt, doc?) 4 bit map graphics (gif, png, bmp?) 4 vector graphics (?) 4 photographs (jpg ?) 4 video clips (mpg, avi ?) 4 3D worlds (wrl ?) 4 recorded sound (wav ?) 4 synthesized sound (mid ?)



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