On management aspects of future ICT systems Associate Professor Evgeny Osipov Head of Dependable Communication and Computation group Luleå University of.

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Presentation on theme: "On management aspects of future ICT systems Associate Professor Evgeny Osipov Head of Dependable Communication and Computation group Luleå University of."— Presentation transcript:

1 On management aspects of future ICT systems Associate Professor Evgeny Osipov Head of Dependable Communication and Computation group Luleå University of Technology

2 Outline On the complexity of management of informational resources: a historical perspective The dissertation of Sergiy Nikitin is about… And the contribution is…

3 The ARPANET… 50 kbps

4 On early management of ICT systems Leonard Kleinrock: “…and the darned system CRASHED!” ucla_host$ l o sri_host$ l o Typed ”l” Got the ”l” ucla_host$ g Got the ”o” WhAt ThE X… ?!?!?! Typed ”o” Typed ”g”

5 And here we are SOURCE: http://www.zakon.org/robert/internet/timeline/

6 The Internet at large The graph data in this particular example depicts Internet topology showing 535,000-odd Internet nodes and over 600,000 links. 6

7 Internet nowadays is not just machines… Systems become more interconnected Humans and Industrial processes are included in ICT architectures Architects are less able to anticipate and design interactions between the components Systems becomes too massive for even most skilled system engineers to install configure, optimize, maintain and merge the systems And all this may lead..

8 The last computer genious is theatened! The latest catastrophe in Japan: Partially fault of an operator AND WHAT IF HE IS NOT AS HARD??

9 Global Understanding Environment An ICT system which manages itself given high level objectives from the administrator A distributed service oriented middleware that supports system components and their interactions A system component (or an element) to manage is a resource which delivers services: A real world objects connected to a global ICT system (E-utility); Application service; An entire business.

10 Global Understanding Environment A component is responsible for: managing its own internal state and behavior; managing its interactions within an environment (through signals and messages to and from other components) and the external world. A system manager should only specify what is desired and not how to achieve it.

11 Engineering/scientific challenges How to design diverse (manageable) components? How to monitor elements and determine problems? Event correlation in time / context. How to maintain relationships among the components? Associate the component with a set of output services, which it performs and a set of input services that it requires expressed in a standard format. What programming tools and techniques are needed to aid in managing relationships with other components? How to locate input services? Involving sophisticated reasoning about service ontologies.

12 The dissertation is about… How to design diverse (manageable) components? Agents, Adapters, Ontonuts, Middleware The dissertation of Sergiy Nikitin further develops an architecture of Global Understanding environment Shows feasibility of the GUN vision in industrial applications through pilot implementations

13 The dissertation is about… How to monitor elements and determine problems? Event correlation in time / context. RDF OWL XML Ontologies The dissertation of Sergiy Nikitin further develops an extension to RDF for managing temporal and contextual binding of components’ information Suggests a technique to perform contextual queries using standard tools

14 The dissertation is about… How to maintain relationships among the components? Associate the component with a set of output services, which it performs and a set of input services that it requires expressed in a standard format. What programming tools and techniques are needed to aid in managing relationships with other components? The dissertation of Sergiy Nikitin defines a semantical support and an architectural extension to the agent technology named Ontonuts. Ontonut is a semantic software components for representing and managing the agent’s capabilities.

15 The dissertation is about… How to locate input services? Involving sophisticated reasoning about service ontologies. The dissertation of Sergiy Nikitin provides and in an in-depth analysis of the matchmaking problem when querying web services.

16 Overall, the dissertation of Sergiy Nikitin… A conceptual work supported by several practical implementations Addresses a set of challenging problems for future ICT architecture Demonstrates the feasibility of application of the Global Understanding Environment in the industrial context Contributes to the knowledge in the area of autonomic computing in general and Semantic Web in particular

17 On management aspects of future ICT systems Evgeny Osipov Luleå University of Technology

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