1 Preconstruction Site investigation, Scheduling, Estimating, and design Preconstruction Site investigation, Scheduling, Estimating, and design Prepared.

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1 1 Preconstruction Site investigation, Scheduling, Estimating, and design Preconstruction Site investigation, Scheduling, Estimating, and design Prepared by : Eng. Asmahan Jubeh Eng. Tahreer Fayyad Eng. Wafaa R. Wafi Eng. Tahreer Fayyad Eng. Wafaa R. Wafi

2 2 Introduction  This chapter emphasizes the role of PCM in preconstruction planning.  The manager must first understand the designer objectives and operating methods.  He must be expert on the local job site conditions and the area construction practices important to: 1. developing proposed contracted packages. 2. fair cost Estimate. 3. realistic schedules. 4. and value- engineering program.

3 3  An early work plan for overall project execution is important in creating a team effort among designer, owner, and PCM.  The component parts of project work plan includes: preliminary estimate, summary schedules, work packages, value- engineering program, and construction planning

4 4 Construction site conditions  The items to investigate on the site are many and varied, these items are the result of many years of experience in managing and estimating construction work.

5 5  Some of the items that should be investigated are: site description,utilities serving site,building department,labor unions, recommended contracts,materials and methods,equipment rental,climatologically data,other projects,and general appraisal (summary and conclusions to be taken into account during the planning of the program) site description,utilities serving site,building department,labor unions, recommended contracts,materials and methods,equipment rental,climatologically data,other projects,and general appraisal (summary and conclusions to be taken into account during the planning of the program)

6 6 Foundation and earth work conditions  The knowledgeable construction manager obtain an overall plot plan of the new facility, with the soil report and other information that may be available.  The soil engineer recommend proposed foundation,this information should be confirmed using surface inspection and hand excavation.

7 7 General planning  By visiting the site the construction manager can see access roads railroads and other factors. This will enable him to choose areas for locating temporary facilities, develop preliminary plan for contractors storage area, allow for existing service utilities, in developing or evaluating bid packages,plan for site security.  CM must continue to be fully informed of the new development in the site and communicate his on site knowledge to the owner and designer.

8 8 Area construction practice  Investigate the normal method of doing business in the project locale.  Systematically review the local conditions and practices.  The PCM must fit his construction packages to design schedule and also attract qualified contractors.

9 9 labor costs,productivity,and availability  Numerous relevant facts may be obtained through: 1. Discussion with local contractors and labor union personnel. 2. Inspection of several projects in the area. 3. Determination of labor availability. 4. Collective bargaining agreement for all crafts. 5. Inspection of locally favored methods and materials. key local prices key local prices They can help in comparing alternative methods as well as in making fair cost estimates. They can help in comparing alternative methods as well as in making fair cost estimates.

10 10 Local contractors   The PCM must prepare a list of qualified interested contractors for each proposed bid package.   This list must be large enough to insure competition, small enough to create significant interest in all bidders.   The best method is to invite only fully qualified bidders to submit proposals.

11 11 Local contractors Follow   Make meetings with reputable and leading general contractors to accomplish the following: 1. 1. Explain the overall program for the project. 2. 2. Review the preliminary procurement schedule. 3. 3. Determine the interests of the potential bidders. 4. 4. Discuss trade jurisdiction as applied to the particular contractor. 5. 5. Obtain required information on previous jobs completed by the contractor.

12 12   These contractors can offer suggestions for scoping work packages or for using logical methods or materials that can be worth considerable savings to the owner.

13 13 Other key local contractors  Local chamber of commerce can give economic data, discuss weather, and confirm local business licenses.  Local building department is key factor to successful early start for phased construction program.  Local utilities

14 14 Establishment of project field office  Ideally, the field office should be established in advance of the award of the first contract.

15 15 Preliminary estimate  After conceptual design Preliminary estimate can serve to check the design against owner budget.  If design is more alternative concepts can be explored trough value engineering program.  Preliminary estimate: 1. Is necessary for preparing realistic overall project schedule. 2. Bases for cost control

16 16 Summary schedule Types of Summary schedule: 1. deign and procurement schedule. 2. Construction schedule summarized by individual contracts. 3. Construction schedule summarized by individual facilities.

17 17 Design and procurement schedules  Schedule for each proposed bid package must be prepared showing the detailed design and specification period, packages review and approval period,bidding period,and evaluation and award period.  This schedule will form the control standard for monitoring actual performance during the planning and design and the procurement phase.

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19 19  Reasonable bid periods should be scheduled by the manager, taking in account his knowledge of the present bidding volume in the area.

20 20 Summary Construction schedules  When Preliminary estimate and design schedule by contract packages have been finalized the CPM precedence diagram can be prepared.  Summary bar chart schedule can be prepared.

21 21 Work packages  Now the individual can define proper work packages.  Two of many important factors that should influence this process are: 1. Construction economy. 2. Design constraints.

22 22  A successful phased construction program is wholly dependent upon the care and skill in defining work packages in order to balance economic considerations with completion requirements to achieve maximum overall benefit to the owner.

23 23 Value-engineering program  Value-engineering program must be enthusiastically accepted and practiced by the owner, designer, and the manager.  The manager's function is to provide an organized program and to stimulate creative analysis during all phases of the program, but especially in planning and design, bidding, and award phases.

24 24 Conceptual phase  Early in the program, the manager and the designer can explore basic concepts and list possible alternative solutions to produce substantial cost saving.

25 25 Detailed design phase  Well organized PCM will keep an up to- date book, indexed by the standard architectural specifications sections, alternative materials and methods, cost comparison from previous jobs.  This kind of construction-cost oriented benefits designers to be within budgets.

26 26 procurement phase  An aften overlooked but important resource for value-engineering savings consists of the bidding contractors themselves.

27 27 Construction planning  Basic Construction planning during or before the detail design phase will include an organization chart, project staffing schedule, temporary facility requirement of the construction manager, selection of the particular individuals to be assigned, and delineation of their responsibilities.  Complete cost estimate to serve as the manager’s budget can be readily prepared if initial planning is sound.

28 28 Temporary facilities  An important phase of construction planning is the analyzing of Temporary utilities and general conditions requirements for the project.

29 29 Procedure outline  Each project is unique.  One of the greatest advantages of PCM program is its flexibility.

30 30  The manager must assess the conditions and problems as they develop and to react without delay.  The PCM, designer, and owner each must understand the responsibilities and duties of the others.

31 31 Cash flow requirement  An estimate of the Cash flow requirement for the project can be readily prepared from the Preliminary estimate and from the summary schedule.

32 32 summary  Planning must be based upon facts if project goals are to be achieved.  To start, the professional construction manager must understand the overall objectives of the owner and must know the overall concepts and operating methods of the designer.

33 33  However the implementation of the owners objectives and the designers concepts must be done in the particular locality where the project is to be built.

34 34 Thank you

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