Some Old English and Middle English letters used in handwriting until late in the 15th century: OE þæt, oðer, ME þat, oðer þ is sometimes used at the beginning.

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Presentation on theme: "Some Old English and Middle English letters used in handwriting until late in the 15th century: OE þæt, oðer, ME þat, oðer þ is sometimes used at the beginning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some Old English and Middle English letters used in handwriting until late in the 15th century: OE þæt, oðer, ME þat, oðer þ is sometimes used at the beginning of words, ð elsewehere. Many texts use only þ, others ð Dotted y used in earliest printed texts “ye Olde Englishe Tea Shoppe” þ, ð

2 Some Old English and Middle English letters OE g was written and used for 3 sounds: –[g] as in go (gangan, guma) > ME gange, goom –[j] as in yellow (geolwe, geong) > ME y or –[ ] as in Icelandic; boga - ME w (bowe) In Middle English it was written and known as “yogh” – it was used for the sounds [j] and [x ] OE h in words such as niht, eahta, þoht became - later night, eight, thought g

3 Some Old English and Middle English letters OE c was used for [k] and [ ] can cniht cyrice céosan These usually became k and ch in ME can kni 3 t chirche chese c,k

4 Some Old English and Middle English letters OE cg was used for bygc ecg This usually gg or dge in ME bridge edge cg

5 Some Old English and Middle English letters Old English w was written. In Middle English it was written u, v, uu, v v Old English cw (cwic, cwén) came to be written qu (quick, quene) w

6 See:



9 Old English p, þ w and r and s looked rather similar: p th w r s

10 The problem of the minim in Middle English writing inm u,v

11 The problem of the minim in Middle English writing come son - sun rung lung among tongue s u m e s o m e

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