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Computing UCLA July 8 – 9, 2003 Shizuka Suzuki Manager, History Department Computer Resource Center.

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1 Computing Resources @ UCLA July 8 – 9, 2003 Shizuka Suzuki Manager, History Department Computer Resource Center

2 Brief Overview Computing is cared for at the departmental level. Decentralization Campus and division-wide computing groups are pushing for centralization and data sharing. Following slides are not comprehensive of all groups on campus. UCLA’s future vision set by the IT Planning Board consists of collaboration within UCLA and externally with other entities. (

3 UCLA Computing Groups Supporting Collaborative Efforts Academic Technology Services (ATS) Social Sciences Computing (SSC) Office of Instructional Development (OID) Center for Digital Innovation (CDI) Icompass

4 Collaborative Computer Resources on Campus Academic Technology Services (ATS) Visualization Portal ( UCLA's Visualization Portal is an immersive virtual reality theater The Portal has a 160x40-degree spherical screen (24 ft in diameter, 8 ft high) that allows 3-D objects and virtual environments to be viewed with stereographics, localized and surround sound, tracking, and interactive object manipulation. The 45-seat Portal theater is remotely connected to labs at schools and departments throughout UCLA. Supports researchers and faculty in their use of visualization, multimedia, high-performance computing, and networking technologies. UCLA Today Article:

5 Collaborative Computer Resources on Campus Continued, Academic Technology Services (ATS) Technology Sandbox ( Provides a physical space (see right) Also, an organizational structure that was formed to allow departments to collaborate in evaluating technologies, to publish their findings, and to help in the implementation of those technologies.

6 Collaborative Computer Resources on Campus Social Sciences Computing (SSC) Video Streaming technology used to teach long distance courses with a University in Australia Classweb ( Web-based instructional program which creates websites for all undergraduate Social Sciences Courses. Posting files, classroom materials, discussion board to communicate with Professor and students, email announcements Open source and available for free. Current plans to make this a University-wide program under the Course Management Consortium ( Wiki: “Open Editing” ( Hoxie Slide Collection (

7 Collaborative Computer Resources on Campus Office of Instructional Development (OID) Scholarship in a New Media Environment (SIANME) Videoconferencing Services Distance Learning with other UC’s: Instructional Media Production 40 seat classroom environment UCLA Teleconferencing Center Holds up to 20, can be used for research or small distance learning classes. Complete with 2 large screen monitors, fax/copy, data/phone lines. WebCast, live and on-demand streaming media

8 Collaborative Computer Resources on Campus Center for Digital Innovation (CDI) TransPacific Interactive Distance Education (TIDE) UCLA and Kyoto University: s/tide.html s/tide.html Simultaneous transmission of high-bandwidth content such as demonstrations, graphics, video, sound, and computer simulations, content that can be remotely controlled in real time. Lectures, assignments, demonstrations, and class interactions will be archived for later on-demand access by students and instructors.

9 TIDE The existing circuit from Kyoto University to Tokyo University will carry the first segment of the eastbound transmission, followed by the NTT high-speed, trans-Pacific link from Tokyo to Cupertino. Another link will carry the signal on to Berkeley where it will be converted for transmission on the CalREN (a project of the Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California, CENIC) network to UCLA. Graphic courtesy of http://www.cdi.ucla.edu

10 Collaborative Computer Resources on Campus Icompass Website towards centralization of UCLA’s Information Technology efforts.

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