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Some Thoughts on Leadership in Higher Education John Swanwick.

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Presentation on theme: "Some Thoughts on Leadership in Higher Education John Swanwick."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some Thoughts on Leadership in Higher Education John Swanwick

2 Background Sources Open University Business School UK (OUBS) British Quality Foundation Leadership Group Leadership in industry – public sector (British Post Office)

3 Stakeholder Groups Many and varied – more so than in industry? Focused on different outcomes that demand different approaches and behaviours In OUBS a sizeable group of ‘associate lecturers’ largely devoted to the delivery of distance learning, not course content

4 Who Are Our Stakeholders? Institutions Students Parents Schools FE Colleges Other Institutions HEFCE QAA Government Faculty and Staff Local Community & Region DfES LSC NHS Companies Suppliers Research Funders Police Forces Companies Customers Funding Providers/ Regulatory Bodies Suppliers People Community OfSTED

5 Associate Lecturers are …. Active business people – practioners as a powerful source of current case studies and up to date experience (use of the model?) but limited ‘theory’ Willing to give time to offer learning to others, but there are limits to this

6 Associate Lecturers are …. Retired business people also able to offer experience and practical case studies, including use of the model Time not so limited but risk of getting ‘out of date’ Do we prepare employees now for such a role in retirement (either inside or outside the parent organisation)?

7 Associate Lecturers are … Other teachers (often full time university lecturers) Sound in theory and practice but perhaps less at the cutting edge Guardians of intellectual rigour and standards necessary for accreditation, certification, etc.

8 Associate Lecturer backgrounds Active practioners retireesteachers

9 The Leadership Challenge As ever, cost v quality and relevance v rigour? Perhaps leadership in models where practioners give back learning within academic frameworks? Leadership that gives direction to systems of governance and administration that are in the hands of only one stakeholder?

10 Implies….? A growing willingness to ‘give something back’ - casualisation of academia? How can leaders, companies and individuals prepare for this? Confrontational styles of leadership because stakeholders needs, expectations and behaviours vary greatly? A vision somehow forged from disparates? Can the model help?

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