Griffith Law School Dr. Afshin Akhtarkhavari Deputy Head of School (Academic)

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Presentation on theme: "Griffith Law School Dr. Afshin Akhtarkhavari Deputy Head of School (Academic)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Griffith Law School Dr. Afshin Akhtarkhavari Deputy Head of School (Academic)

2 What sets the Griffith Law School apart? Why should you recommend Griffith Law to students as a first preference? What’s new at the Griffith Law School?

3 Griffith were recognised as the Best in Queensland in Legal Research and amongst the best in Australia by being awarded a ranking of 4 in the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) Awards This Places the Griffith Law School at an 'above world standard' ranking. While the GLS is proud to join a number of high- achieving Group of Eight law schools, our students are the real beneficiaries of this ranking.

4 The Griffith Law School's strong research culture means that its law students are taught by a team of lecturers that don’t just teach from books but they write the books. Our students learn new and relevant things because we help generate the “ideas”. Understand how intellectual property laws are constructed and shaped with Professor Brad Sherman, who recently published a trailblazing book on the History of Modern Patent Law. Explore the workings of the High Court in Constitutional Law by AJ Brown the recent author of the biography of one of the most celebrated High Court justices, Michael Kirby. Or share the love of jurisprudence with the most passionate legal theorist in the Griffith Law School, Dean Professor William MacNeil, the author of the seminal text on law and popular culture: Lex Populi. What does excellence in research mean for our students:

5 WE GET CLINICAL.... Largest selection of clinical courses including the leading Innocence Project in Australia. This allows students have an opportunity to work on real cases under supervision before they even graduate. Imagine the insights you’re student will develop from a Family Law or Legal Professional Practice course taught by Ms Zoe Rathus. She was recently inducted into the order of Australia for actively working on the front line to improve the rights of women, children and indigenous people. Some of our Clinics include Refugee Law, Street Law, Caxton Legal Service Clinic and the Innocence Project. Students at work at the Caxton Legal Service Clinic with Ms Zoe Rathus AM

6 Provide students with a professional qualification that focuses not just on the content of the law but... (1) Skills including alternative dispute resolution; (2) Team work in various context like negotiations; (3) Ethical conduct grounded in social justice & not just professional relations. Our students graduate with: (1)Generic and legal skills; and (2)Well prepared for day 1 of work. Leaders in legal education with a difference …..

7 One of the strongest concentration of scholars in Australia in critical & cultural theory. Provide students with a liberal arts education by focusing not just on the law but: (1) Critical and contextual insights into the role of law as a social institution; (2) Comparative insights from other legal systems and traditions of the world; and (3) Embed international and transnational developments. What does this mean for our students: (1)More mobile; and (2)Better prepared for a diverse range of job markets, including legal professional practice; Leaders in legal education with a difference…..

8 Our student go international.... Every year Griffith sends a team of student to compete in the Vis Moot head in Hong Kong and Vienna. Our amazing success over the years has made un a formidable force in international arbitration. We have one of the highest student exchange and study abroad numbers at Griffith University meaning we have the experience and means to support alternative learning opportunities for students who want to spend 6 months somewhere else in the world. The 2011 Griffith Team and their Coaches in Hong Kong

9 We Meet the Profession and we get the Jobs Griffith Law students get the jobs, the 2010 figures indicate that the GLS has a graduate employment rate of around 90%. Our graduates have consistently had success in getting employed and we have ranked highly compared to other law schools in Australia. From the early stages Griffith Student are able to engage with the profession and build strong relationship before graduation. Meet the Profession Meet and Greet Evening

10 We do more than administer the students experience... With a range of academic staff to support our students we often do well in exit survey’s conducted by the Commonwealth Government. Left to right: Dr Therese Wilson,- Final Year Convenor, Ms Merran Lawler- First year Advisor (Gold Coast), Dr John Touchie- Undergraduate Program Convenor(Nathan and Gold Coast) and First Year Advisor (Nathan)

11 Is there anything else you would like to know??

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