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Managing Your Hard Disk and Operating System 23,26 March 2004 2:30pm - 4:00pm.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Your Hard Disk and Operating System 23,26 March 2004 2:30pm - 4:00pm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Your Hard Disk and Operating System 23,26 March 2004 2:30pm - 4:00pm

2 Knowing your Hard Disk and Partition Management

3 Multiple Operating System

4 Physical Geometry About Your Disk u Side(Head) u Cylinder (Tracks per Side) u Track u Sectors/Track u Cluster u 1 Sector = 512 Bytes u Capacity = Cylinder x Head x Sector x 512 Bytes u e.g. A hard disk with 1023 Cylinders, 6 Heads and 63 Sectors/Track (CHS=1023/6/63) – Capacity = 1023 x 6 x 63 x 512 Bytes = 386694 sectors = 197987328 B = 188.8 MB Side/Head Track Sector

5 Limitations of Your System * The disk capacity limited by the min. values.

6 To Overcome the Limitations u Address Translation – Controller board on hard disk translates the the CHS values such that the no. will not exceed the max. no. allowed in BIOS and partition table. – Convert the physical values to logical values, e.g. 2000/16/63  1000/32/63 u Modify BIOS’s design – For addressing still using traditional CHS values u Logical Block Addressing (LBA) – LINEAR addressing instead of using CHS values u Newer OS/file system e.g. FAT32, NTFS

7 Logical Block Addressing (LBA) u Suppose a Hard disk with CHS=2040/16/63 u To access a sector on Cyl:2000, Head:10, Sect:60 (CHS=2000/10/60) u LBA value = 2000 x 16 x 63 + 10 x 63 + 60 = 2016690 Sect 1 Sect 63 Head 0Head 1 Sect 126 Head 15 Sect 1008 Cyl. 0 Sect 2016690 C=2000 H=10 S=60

8 Limitation of Logical Block Addressing (LBA) * Most hard disk use 28-bit LBA addressing.  Max. Capacity of 28-bit LBA = 2 28 Sectors = 128GB * Newest hard disk use 48-bit  ~ 1 Million times bigger!

9 File Systems

10 Popular file systems for PCs u File Allocation Table (FAT) – FAT12, FAT16, FAT32 – DOS, Win9x/Me/NT/2000/XP u High Performance File Sys.(HPFS) – IBM’s OS/2 u New Technology File Sys.(NTFS) – Win NT/2000/XP u EXT 2,3 – Linux

11 Type of FAT system u FAT12 – 12bits cluster addressing  # of cluster = 2 12 = 4K – 1 cluster = 1 sector = 512 Bytes – Max. capacity = 2 MB – Mainly for floppy disk u FAT16 – 16bits cluster addressing  # of cluster = 2 16 = 64K – 1 cluster = 4~64 sectors = 2KB~32KB – capacity = 128 MB ~ 2 GB – Mainly for DOS u FAT32 – 32bits cluster addressing  # of cluster = 2 32 = 4G – 1 cluster = 8~64 sectors = 4KB~32KB – capacity = 512 MB ~ 2 TB – Mainly for Win 9X

12 File Allocation Table (FAT) file system Boot Sector FAT (store usage of clusters) Root Directory User data area (addressable by cluster #) Disk Space Clusters #

13 Partitions

14 Why Partition? u Organize and protect important data – e.g. OS in C:, Data in D: u Run several operating system with one HD u Gain access to large disk (for FAT16 or older file systems) u Minimize wasted disk space – Larger disk  Larger Cluster size  more wastage of space – smaller partition  smaller Cluster size  less wastage

15 Partition Table u located in Master Boot Record (MBR) u Storing information of partitions u Max. 4 partitions in a table u Can be Extended Disk Space addressable by Sector# MBR/ Partition Table Partitions Win XpWin 98Data

16 Primary and Extended partitions MBR Extended Win XP Win 98 MSDOS Partition Table F: Extended E: D: Extended Partition Table Primary Partitions Extended Partitions Logical drives Linux swap Linux Extended Partition Table Boot Code

17 A Typical Partition Table System TypeBoot StartEndRelative Sect. No. of Sect. SideCyl.Sect.SideCyl.Sect. 68010125463 1028097 70006412543246310281604192965 5000325125497063522112510377990 b0009711254102363155991154192965 Some Typical System Type: 5 Extended Partition 6 DOS FAT-16 7 HPFS/NTFS b FAT-32 c FAT-32X(Cyl > 1024)

18 Screenshot of DISKEDIT

19 Screenshot of SPFDISK

20 Partition Management u Create u Delete u Re-size u Move u File system conversion u Hide/Unhide

21 Tools for partition management u FDISK (MSDOS, Win 9X, Linux) u Partition Magic u System Commander u Norton GHOST u Many of freeware/shareware from Internet e.g. SPFDISK, EFDISK

22 Why not just use FDISK? u Can create only one primary partition – multiple primary partition needed for multiple OS u Destroy data in partition after creation or deletion u Cannot change system ID (type) which is helpful in preparing multiple boot system u Cannot hide partition

23 Comparison among Some Tools

24 Installing Multiple Operating System

25 Why use multiple OS? u Better utilization of large hard disk u Allows OS with – different capability » e.g. WinXP for working, Linux for testing … – different user » e.g. One for me, one for brother,… – different purpose » e.g. One for software download, one for internet- banking * Be sure you are properly LICENSED!

26 Ways to run Multiple OS u Hard Disk Partitioning u Running Virtual Machine in Host OS – VMware (for Win NT/2000/XP) – Virtual PC (for MAC)

27 Create Multi-boot System by Partitioning u Perform system check to make sure no disk error u Re-size your current partition to free up space for other OS u Create and format another primary partition u Install a Boot Manager u Install another Operating System u Be careful if the OS will destroy the MBR

28 How Is Your Computer Boot Up Single OS System Power on BIOS POST FloppyCD-ROM HD 0 HD 1 Load MBR On HD 1 st Pri. Partition Boot sequence

29 How Boot Manager Works Multiple OS System Power on BIOS POST FloppyCD-ROM HD 0 HD 1 Load MBR On HD Boot Manager Win XP Win 98 Linux Boot sequence

30 Some Boot Managers u System Commander u Reborn Card u Boot Manager Plus (BMP) u Smart Boot Manager (SMB) u SPFDISK u Build in OS – e.g. Win NT/2000/XP, Linux, OS/2 u Many many from Internet

31 Something to Consider u File system type ? – FAT16, FAT32 or NTFS ? u Partition location – Some OS cannot boot beyond 2GB boundary(Cyl.>1023) – e.g. Win NT/2000, Linux (older ver.)

32 Try it yourself!

33 Try the following steps: u Delete partition using FDISK u Use SPFDISK to create partitions u Use GHOST to restore partitions u Install a Boot-manager u Configure the Boot Manager u Done!

34 The End Thank You!

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