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Research on the Use of Intelligent Agents in Training Systems at Texas A&M Thomas R. Ioerger Associate Professor Department of Computer Science Texas A&M.

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Presentation on theme: "Research on the Use of Intelligent Agents in Training Systems at Texas A&M Thomas R. Ioerger Associate Professor Department of Computer Science Texas A&M."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research on the Use of Intelligent Agents in Training Systems at Texas A&M Thomas R. Ioerger Associate Professor Department of Computer Science Texas A&M University

2 Outline Our Approach Historical Context of Projects TRL - an agent architecture Modeling Teamwork CAST - a multi-agent architecture Advanced Team Behaviors User Modeling in a Team Context Cognitive Modeling of Command and Control

3 Our Approach Develop programmable agents that can be hooked up with simulators Embed algorithms for interpreting collaborative activity to automatically produce appropriate interactions –they should be able to infer when to act or communicate, like humans Simulating human behavior is useful for training...

4 Historical Context University XXI - DoD funding (1999-2000) –developed TRL for modeling info flow in Bn TOCs MURI - AFOSR funding (2001-2005) –worked with cognitive scientists to develop theories of how to use agents in training, e.g. for AWACS Army Research Lab, Aberdeen (2001-2002) –HBR modeling of teams in sims like OneSAF, JVB NASA (current) –SATS: future ATC with aircraft self-separation


6 TRL Agent Architecture Declarative and procedural knowledge bases TRL Knowledge Representation Language - For Capturing Procedural Knowledge (Tasks & Methods) APTE Method Selection-Algorithm - responsible for building, maintaining, and repairing task- decomposition trees Inference Engine JARE - Java Automated Reasoning Engine - Knowledge Base with Facts and Horn Clauses - back-chaining (like Prolog) - Updating World With Facts - now OpenSource at Written in Java

7 TaskableAgents TRL Agent Architecture Diagram sensing messages JARE KB: facts & Horn-clauses OTB (simulation) operators results assert, query, retract messages APTE Algorithm TRL Task Decomposition Hierarchy Process Nets Other Agents TRL KB: tasks & methods

8 JARE Knowledge Base First-order Horn-clauses (rules with variables) Similar to PROLOG Make inferences by back-chaining consequent antecedents ((threat ?a ?b)(enemy ?a)(friendly ?b) (in-contact ?a ?b)(larger ?a ?b) (intent ?a aggression)) >(query (threat ?x task-force-122)) solution 1: ?x = regiment-52 solution 2: ?x = regiment-54

9 Task Representation Language (TRL) Provides descriptors for: goals, tasks, methods, and operators Tasks: “what to do” –Can associate alternative methods, with priorities or preference conditions –Can have termination conditions Methods: “how to do it” –Can define preference conditions for alternatives –Process Net - Procedural language for specifying how to do things - While loops, if conditionals, sequential, parallel constructs - Can invoke sub-tasks or operators Operators: lowest-level actions that can be directly executed in the simulation environment, e.g. move unit, send message, fire on enemy –Each descriptor is a schema with arguments and variables –Conditions are evaluated as queries to JARE

10 Example TRL Knowledge (:Task Monitor (?unit) (:Term-cond (destroyed ?unit)) (:Method (Track-with-UAV ?unit) (:Pref-cond (not (weather cloudy)))) (:Method (Follow-with-scouts ?unit) (:Pref-cond (ground-cover dense)))) (:Method Track-with-UAV (?unit) (:Pre-cond (have-assets UAV)) (:Process (:seq (:if(:cond(not(launched UAV)))(launch UAV)) (:let((x y)(loc ?unit ?x ?y))(fly UAV ?x ?y)) (circle UAV ?x ?y))))

11 Task-Decomposition Hierarchy T1 M1 T2 T5 T3 T4 M7 M12 M92 M60 T15 T18 T40 T45 T40 C T45 T2 level 1 level 2 level 3 level 4 level 5 Tx =Task Mx = Method C = Condition Process Nets

12 TOC Staff - Agent Decomposition CDR FSO S3 S2 Companies Scouts Control indirect fire, Artillery, Close Air, ATK Helicopter Maintain enemy situation, Detect/evaluate threats, Evaluate PIRs Maintain friendly situation, Maneuver sub-units Maneuver, React to enemy/orders, Move along assigned route Move to OP, Track enemy Move/hold, Make commands/decisions, RFI to Brigade

13 Modeling Teamwork Team Psychology Research: Salas, Cannon-Bowers, Serfaty, Ilgen, Hollenbeck, Koslowski, etc. –“two or more individuals working together, interdependently, toward a common goal” –members often play distinct roles –types of control: centralized (hierarchical) vs. distributed (consensus-oriented) –process measures vs. outcome measures –communication, adaptiveness –shared mental models

14 Computational Models of Teamwork Commitment to shared goals –Joint Intentions (Cohen & Levesque; Tambe) –Cooperation, non-interference –Backup roles, helping behavior Mutual awareness –goals of teammates; achievement status –information needs Coordination, synchronization Distributed decision making –consensus formation (voting), conflict resolution

15 CAST: Collaborative Agent Architecture for Simulating Teamwork developed at Texas A&M; part of MURI grant from DoD/AFOSR multi-agent system implemented in Java components: –MALLET: a high-level language for describing team structure and processes –JARE: logical inference, knowledge base –Petri Net representation of team plan –special algorithms for: belief reasoning, situation assessment, information exchange, etc.

16 CAST Architecture MALLET knowledge base (definition of roles, tasks, etc.) JARE knowledge base (domain rules) Agent expand team tasks into Petri nets keep track of who is doing each step make queries to evaluate conditions, assert/retract information models of other agents’ beliefs agent teammates human teammates simulation messages events, actions state data

17 MALLET (role sam scout) (role bill S2) (role joe FSO) (responsibility S2 monitor-threats) (capability UAV-operator maneuver-UAV) (team-plan indirect-fire (?target) (select-role (scout ?s) (in-visibility-range ?s ?target)) (process (do S3 (verify-no-friendly-units-in-area ?target)) (while (not (destroyed ?target)) (do FSO (enter-CFF ?target)) (do ?s (perform-BDA ?target)) (if (not (hit ?target)) (do ?s (report-accuracy-of-aim FSO)) (do FSO (adjust-coordinates ?target)))))) evaluated by queries to JARE knowledge base descriptions of team structure descriptions of team process

18 Dynamic Role Selection (role al holder) (role dan holder)... (team-plan kick-field-goal () (select-role (?c (center ?c)) (?h (holder ?h) (not (injured ?h))) (?k (kicker ?k))) (process (seq (hike-ball ?c) (catch-ball ?h) (hold-ball ?h) (kick-ball ?k)))) When there is ambiguity, agents automatically communicate (send messages) to decide who will do what Key points: –coordination does not have to be explicit in plan –defer task assignments to see who is best

19 Proactive Information Exchange Information sharing is a key to efficient teamwork Want to capture information flow in team, including proactive distribution of information Agent A should send message I to Agent B iff: –A believes I is true –A believes B does not already believe I (non-redundant) –I is relevant to one of B’s goals, i.e. pre-condition of current goal that B is responsible for in plan DIARG Algorithm (built into CAST): 1. check for transitions which other agents are responsible for that can fire (pre-conds satisfied) 2. infer whether other agent might not believe pre-conds are true (currently, beliefs based on post-conditions of executed steps, i.e. tokens in output places) 3. send proactive message with information

20 AWACS - DDD (Aptima, Inc.)

21 Approaches to Team Training How to use agents in training? –How to improve team performance? Classic approach: shared mental models Impact of individual cognition on teamwork –Collab. with Wayne Shebilske (Wright State) –attention management, workload, automaticity, reserve capacity to help/share Many possible roles for agents: –user modeling, coaching, feedback, AAR, dynamic scenarios, role players, partners, enemies, low-cost highly-available practice...

22 Complex Tasks, and the Need for new Training Methods Complex tasks (e.g. operating machinery) –multiple cognitive components (memory, perceptual, motor, reasoning/inference...) –novices feel over-whelmed –limitations of part-task training –automaticity vs. attention management Role for intelligent agents? –can place agents in simulation environments –need guiding principles to promote learning

23 Previous Work: Partner-Based Training AIM (Active Interlocked Modeling; Shebilske, 1992) –trainees work in pairs (AIM-Dyad) –each trainee does part of the task together importance of context (integration of responses) can produce equal training, 100% efficiency gain co-presence/social variables not required –trainees placed in separate rooms correlation with intelligence of partner –Bandura, 1986: “modeling”

24 Automating the Partner with an Intelligent Agent Hypothesis: Would the training be as effective if the partner were played by an intelligent agent? Important pre-requisite: a CTA (cognitive task analysis) –a hierarchical task-decomposition allows functions to be divided in a “natural” way between human and agent partners

25 Space Fortress: Laboratory Task Representative of complex tasks –has similar perceptual, motor, attention, memory, and decision-making demands as flying a fighter jet –continuous control: navigation with joystick, 2nd-order thrust control –discrete events: firing missles, making bonus selections with mouse –must learn rules for when to fire, boundaries... Large body of previous studies/data –Multiple Emphasis on Components (MEC) protocol –transfers to operational setting (attention mgmt)


27 Implementation of a Partner Agent Implemented decision-making procedures for automating mouse and joystick Added if-then-else rules in C source code –emulate Decision-Making with rules Agent simple, but satisfies criteria: –situated, goal-oriented, autonomous First version of agent played too “perfectly” Make it play “realistically” by adding some delays and imprecision (e.g. in aiming)

28 Experiment 1 Hypothesis: Training with agent improves final scores Protocol : –10 sessions of 10 3-minute trials each (over 4 days) –each session 1/2 hour: 8 practice trials, 2 test trials Groups : –Control (standard instructions+practice) –Partner Agent: (instructions+practice, alternate mouse and joystick between trainee and agent) Participants : –40 male undegrads at WSU –<20 hrs/wk playing video games

29 Results of Expt 1 *Difference in final scores was significant at p<0.05 level by paired T-test (with dof=38): t=2.33>2.04

30 Effect of Level of Simulated Expertise of Agent? Results of Expt 1 raises follow-up question: What is the effect of the level of expertise simulated by the agent? Can make the agent more or less accurate. Recall: correlation with partner’s intelligence Is it better to train with an expert? or perhaps with a partner of matching skill-level?... –novices might have trouble comprehending experts strategies since struggling to keep up

31 Results of Expt 2 Conclusion: Training with an expert partner agent is best.

32 Lessons Learned for Future Applications Principled approach to using agents in training systems: as partners - cognitive benefits Works best if there is a high degree of de-coupling among sub-tasks –if greater interaction, agent might have to “cooperate” with human by interpreting and responding to apparent strategies Desiderata for Partner Agents: 1. Correctness 2. Consistency (necessary for modeling) 3. Realism (how to simulate human “errors”?) 4. Exploration (errors lead to unusual situations)

33 Should also consider effect of workload, skill, and attention (user modeling) Working hypothesis: –effective teamwork requires sufficient reserve capacity and attention management to be able to monitor activities of teammates of offer help or information Design of a team training protocol –look at impact of attention training on frequency of interactions and helping behaviors within team Application to Team Training

34 The more Traditional Approach: Agent-Based Coaching Agents can track trainees’ actions using team plan, offer hints (either online or via AAR) Standard approach: plan recognition Team context increases complexity of explaining actions and mistakes –failed because lack domain knowledge, situational information, or “it’s not my responsibility”?

35 Modeling Command and Control What’s missing from teamwork simulations? –we have roles, proactive information sharing –special teams: Tactical Decision Making (TDM) C2 is what many teams are “doing” in many application areas (civilian as well as military) –distributed actions –distributed sensors, uncertainty –adversarial environment, ambiguity of enemy intent How to “practice” doing C2 better as a team? –it’s all about gathering and fusing information...

36 Cognitive Aspects of C2 many field studies of TDM teams... Naturalistic Decision Making (Klein) Situation Awareness (Endsley) Recognition-Primed Decision Making (RPD) while (situation not clear) choose feature unknown initiate find-out procedure trigger response action

37 Basic Activities to Integrate mission objectives information gathering, situation assessment implicit goals: maintain security maintain communications maintain supplies emergency procedures, handling threats tactical decision making

38 Overview of Approach Implement RPD loop in TRL represent situations, features, weights in JARE find-out procedures –e.g. use radar, UAV, scouts, RFI to Bde, phone, email, web site, lab test... challenges: –information management (selection, tracking, uncertainty, timeouts) –priority management among activities

39 C2/CAST: declarative and procedural KB’s (rules and plans)

40 Model of Situation Assessment situations: S 1...S n e.g. being flanked, ambushed, bypassed, diverted, enveloped, suppressed, directly assaulted features associated with each sit.: F i1...F im RPD predicts DM looks for these features weights: based on relevance of feature (+/-) evidence(S i )=  j=1..m w ij. F ij >  i unknowns: assume most probable value: F i =true if P[F i =true]>0.5, else F i =false

41 Situation Awareness Algorithm (see ICCRTS’03 paper for details) basic loop: while situation is not determined (i.e. no situation has evidence>threshold), pick a relevant feature whose value is unknown select a find-out procedure, initiate it information management issues –ask most informative question first (cost? time?) –asynchronous, remember answers pending –some information may go stale over time (revert to unknown, re-invoke find-out)

42 Priorities Model: current “alert” level suspends lower-level activities 5 - handling high-level threats 4 - situation awareness 3 - handling low-level threats 2 - maintenance tasks for implicit goals 1 - pursuing targets of opportunity 0 - executing the mission high-level threat occurs, suspend mission resume mission when threat handled

43 Current Work on C2 Extending RPD to model to team as a “shared plan” –agents have shared model of common situations and relevant information –work together to disambiguate and derive consesus on identity of situation –infer what local information is relevant to the group and sychronize views (resolve conflicts) Knowledge acquisition of air combat situations for modeling AWACS WD’s

44 Collaborators Wayne Shebilske (Wright State, Psych) Richard Volz (Texas A&M, Comp. Sci.) John Yen (Penn State, IST)

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