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Theories of Creativity Class 2 January 24, 2005. Creativity: An individual trait or situation-driven? Both Individual Trait Situation-Driven.

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Presentation on theme: "Theories of Creativity Class 2 January 24, 2005. Creativity: An individual trait or situation-driven? Both Individual Trait Situation-Driven."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theories of Creativity Class 2 January 24, 2005

2 Creativity: An individual trait or situation-driven? Both Individual Trait Situation-Driven

3 Individual Traits Influencing Creativity Intrinsic Motivation Personality (e.g., Myers Briggs)  Other Personality-Related Individual Differences: Left vs. Right Brain Need for Cognition Dogmatism Divergent Thinking Ability Willingness to Break the Rules Intelligence

4 Approaches to Studying Creativity Case Studies / Historiometric Developmental Biological Psychometric Experimental  Social-Personality (e.g. motivation, risk-taking, intelligence)  Cognitive (e.g., processing strategies, imagery)

5 The Creative Cognition Approach Creative accomplishments, whether mundane or extraordinary, are based on ordinary mental processes Thus, our understanding of human cognition can be directly applied to understanding creative thought as well

6 The Creative Cognition Approach The Geneplore Model  Generative Processes Pre-Inventive Structures (Finke, Ward, and Smith 1992) Mental transformation / assimilation to create a structure For example, arrange an 8, a V, and a circle to make a figure or structure  Exploratory Processes

7 Creative Cognition Path of Least Resistance (“POLR”) (Perkins 1997; Ward 1994)  Top-Down Process Recall an existing solution to an active problem Implement a well-known plan to solve it

8 Constraints and the POLR Constraints  Input Restrictions In-Stock (Acquisition Costs) Monetary (Budgetary Constraints)

9 Input Constraints and the POLR

10 Individual Traits Influencing Creativity Intrinsic Motivation Personality (e.g., Myers Briggs)  Other Personality-Related Individual Differences: Left vs. Right Brain Need for Cognition Dogmatism Divergent Thinking Ability Willingness to Break the Rules Intelligence  8 Types of Intelligence (Gardner)  Linguistic (writing poems, short stories)  Logical, mathematical (solving a logical proof)  Spatial (getting the “lay of the land”)  Bodily-kinesthetic (athletics/dancing)  Musical (composing/playing)  Interpersonal (relating to others)  Intrapersonal (self understanding)  Naturalist (seeing complex patterns in a natural environment)

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