GREENING NORTH AMERICA’S TRADE CORRIDORS “HOW TO GREEN NAFTA TRUCKS” April 22, 2008 Improving Profits + Reducing Environmental Impact.

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Presentation on theme: "GREENING NORTH AMERICA’S TRADE CORRIDORS “HOW TO GREEN NAFTA TRUCKS” April 22, 2008 Improving Profits + Reducing Environmental Impact."— Presentation transcript:

1 GREENING NORTH AMERICA’S TRADE CORRIDORS “HOW TO GREEN NAFTA TRUCKS” April 22, 2008 Improving Profits + Reducing Environmental Impact

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3 3 Diesel Emissions Emission Car Equivalents Health Effects Particulate Matter (PM)112 Toxic, Carcinogenic Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) 131 Toxic (NO 2 ), Ozone-forming Hydrocarbons (HC)9 Toxic, Carcinogenic, Ozone-forming Carbon Monoxide (CO)2 Respiratory Irritant, Potentially Fatal What emissions are produced by diesel engines? – The annual emissions from a “Fleet Average” heavy-duty diesel truck relative to the annual emissions from a catalyzed “Fleet Average” gasoline car 1 1.California emissions data from EMFAC comparing a “fleet average” catalyzed car with a “fleet average” heavy-duty diesel truck (over 33,000# GVWR)

4 4 Controlling PM Minor Control (5% - 10%)Crankcase recirculation Modest Control (15% - 25%)Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) Intermediate Control (25% - 70%) Partial Filter Turbulent Flow DOC Diesel Particulate Reactor Combustion Catalyst System Maximum Control (85% - 95%) Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)

5 5 Pre-Combustion Solution – Combustion Catalyst System Reduces HC, PM, CO, and NOx Introduces catalysts to combustion as an aerosol to complete combustion PM reductions generally 40% - 80% NOx reductions generally 13% - 27% Reduces fuel consumption 8% - 15% or more Bottle change (5 minutes) every 400 hours Lower initial investment and cost of operation

6 6 Reduces HC, CO and some PM Flow through that “converts” PM rather than “trap” PM PM reductions can be on the order of 15% to 25% No periodic cleaning necessary Exhaust Aftertreatment – Oxidation Catalyst

7 7 Exhaust Aftertreatment – Turbulent Flow Typically catalyzed to reduce HC, CO and lower PM regeneration temperature Flow through “turbulent” path – Wire mesh or metal foil PM reductions can be on the order of 50% to 70% No periodic cleaning necessary

8 8 Exhaust Aftertreatment – Filter (DPF) Non-catalyzed filter – Reduces PM – Traps PM Catalyzed filter – Reduces PM, HC & CO – Traps PM – Catalyzes HC and CO Requires high heat to burn off PM (like a self-cleaning oven) – Exhaust heat from engines under high load – Electric elements or fuel burners Non combustible materials stay in filter and must be removed periodically

9 9 Filter Maintenance Captured in tail pipe...Collected in filter bags... Stored onsite... May need to be handled as a hazardous material

10 10 Current Paradigm EPA Verification is too restrictive SmartWay relies too much on EPA verification. Verified technologies are regulatory solutions, not business minded.

11 11 Perspective Many of the larger trucking companies in Mexico – Are at least as well run or better than their US counterparts – Drive only new trucks and trade them in before they go out of warranty – Would be willing to upgrade trucks to current EPA standards to drive into the US if they were able to cross the border This would also help emissions in Mexico

12 12 Alternatives Viable new technologies arriving on the scene – Reducing emissions in non-conventional ways – Reducing fuel consumption EPA: 1 gallon of diesel = CO2 by 22.2 lbs Create standards that permit companies to take advantage of innovative, validated technologies that are not EPA verified. Encourage creation of “carrot based” rules rather than just “regulatory sticks.”

13 13 THANK YOU! Debra T. Johnson, President/CEO Eco-Edge, LLC 7400 W. Detroit, #150 Chandler, AZ 85226 Phone: 480-705-4444 Toll Free: 877-EPI-INTL Improving Profits + Reducing Environmental Impact

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