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[M2] Traffic Control Group 2 Chun Han Chen Timothy Kwan Tom Bolds Shang Yi Lin Manager Randal Hong Wed. Sep 22 Overall Project Objective : Dynamic Control.

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2 [M2] Traffic Control Group 2 Chun Han Chen Timothy Kwan Tom Bolds Shang Yi Lin Manager Randal Hong Wed. Sep 22 Overall Project Objective : Dynamic Control The Traffic Lights

3 Status  Design Proposal  Chip Architecture  Behavioral Verilog Implementation  Size estimates/  floorplanning  Behavioral Verilog simulated  Gate Level Design  Component Layout/Simulation  Chip Layout  Complete Simulation

4 Traffic Flows Sensors (Blue) To detect the car entered Sensors (Red) To detect the car leaved

5 Traffic Light Flow Whenever pedestrian push the button, then this light will insert in the end of this cycle. ARM 1 ARM 2 Red GreenY Green (S traight + R ight )YRed+Green(L eft ) Red Y Green (S traight + R ight )YRed+Green(L eft )Y Phase A Phase C Phase BPhase APhase B ARM1 ARM2 PED We define three phases (A,B,C) for different operations.

6 SW – Switch light G – Green R – Red Y – Yellow T – Time for Yellow PED – Pedestrian SW (1bit) ARM (1bit) PED(1bit) T (2bits) Phase(2bits) FSM Initial G.R Y.R R+L eft.R Y.R R.G R.Y R.R+L eft PED SW = 0 SW = 1 T < 2 T = 2 SW = 1 SW =0 PED = 1 T = 2 PED = 1 T = 2 T<= 2 SW = 0 SW = 1 T = 2 PED = 0 T = 2 PED = 0 ARM = 0ARM = 1 Init. Ped = 0 Choose the Phase

7 Hold until n 1 or n 2 changes Light favors n 1 or n 2 ? n1n1 n2n2 T<r 1 ? T<r 2 ? T>= R 1 ?T>= R 2 ? n 1 =0? n 2 =0? f 1 <=0? f 2 <=0? Switch Light Reset T = 0 No Yes No Yes No Light favors arm 1 or arm 2 ? n1n1 n2n2 T<r left ? T>= R left ? No Yes No Yes No n 1 not change in T = 5? No Control reset Pedestrian For Green light For Red + Left T>= R p ? Yes No For Pedestrian n 2 not change in T = 5? n 1, n 2 :# of cars T :Time spent in this phase R i, r i : Max. and Min. time for each phase f i : the control function f 1 = α 1 *n 1 + β 1 – n 2 f 2 = α 2 *n 2 + β 2 – n 1

8 Adder Subtractor Register (Total Number) Adder N2 F Accumulator Alpha & Beta Accumulator Arm 1 Arm 2 Compute N2, α2 and β2 Ni = Number of cars queued F1(t) = α1N1(t) + β1 – N2(t) F2(t) = α2N2(t) + β2 – N1(t) T = time elapsed since last change of phase r, R = minimum, maximum allowable durations of phase for arm_i FUNCTION BLOCK Initialize & User Inputs ComparatorFSMSwitch Counter Time Clock Pedestrian Register Provide comparator some values, such as r, R, T, α,β, N1 and N2. Compute N1 Compute β Inputs and Initialized T Reset T=0 Decide when to switch

9 Floating Point Representation  12 bit representation  1 bit – sign  4 bit – excess-7 exponent with radix 2  7 bit – Significand/Mantissa

10 Addition & Subtraction  Align decimal places  Shifting Mantissa, alter exponent if needed  Add  Add Mantissas  Normalize result  Subtraction  Align decimal places  Subtract by altering input signals to reuse adder  Normalize

11 Multiplication  Multiply Mantissas  Add True Exponents  Unbias both exponents to get true  Re-bias exponent  Normalize result

12 Division  Using the Newton Raphson approximation  Given f(x) = D – 1/X Xn+1 = Xn(2-D*Xn) X1 = reciprocal of D  Plan to use ~20 iterations  X1 will be obtained via a look up table based on the exponent of the D

13 Design Decisions  Removal of Division and Subtraction block from transitor Count  Increased amounts of Demux/Mux into multiply and adder block  Insertion of ROM for lookup table

14 `define FP_ADD 2'd0 `define FP_SUB 2'd1 `define FP_MULT 2'd2 `define NAN (32'hFFFFFFFF) module FPU (Y, A, B, SEL, Valid); `include "fpu_tasks.v“ output [31:0] Y; input [31:0] A,B; input [1:0] SEL; output Valid; reg [31:0] Y; reg Valid; reg [7:0] expA, expB, expY; reg [26:0] sigA, sigB; reg [27:0] sigY; reg signA, signB, signY; reg overflow, underflow; reg diff_sign,exp_ovf,sticky; reg [47:0] mtmp; reg [7:0] i; reg [5:0] leading_zs; reg [6:0] leading_mzs; reg exp0; always @(A or B or SEL) begin sigA = 0; sigB = 0; underflow = 0; overflow = 0; sticky=0; {signA, expA, sigA[25:3]} = A[31:0]; {signB, expB, sigB[25:3]} = B[31:0]; sigA[26] = ( A[30:0] != 0 ); sigB[26] = ( B[30:0] != 0 ); diff_sign = signA ^ signB; {signY,sigY,expY} = 0; leading_zs = 0; leading_mzs = 0; i = 0; mtmp = 0; exp0 = 0; casex (SEL) // Case of FP_ADD, FP_SUB 2'b0?: begin /*****************************/ /* Handle Some special cases */ /*****************************/ signB = (SEL == `FP_SUB) ? ~signB : signB; if (expA == 8'hFF || expB == 8'hFF) begin if (expA == 8'hFF && A[22:0] != 0) {signY,expY,sigY[25:3]} = `NAN; else if (expB == 8'hFF && B[22:0] != 0) {signY,expY,sigY[25:3]} = `NAN; else if (expA == 8'hFF && expB != 8'hFF ) {signY,expY,sigY[25:3]} = A; else if (expA != 8'hFF && expB == 8'hFF ) {signY,expY,sigY[25:3]} = {signB, B[30:0]}; else if (A == B ) {signY,expY,sigY[25:3]} = A; else {signY,expY,sigY[25:3]} = `NAN; end else begin

15 /**********************************/ /* Correct for Addition overflow */ /**********************************/ if ( !diff_sign && sigY[27] ) begin sticky = sigY[0]; sigY = sigY >> 1; sigY[0] = sticky | sigY[0]; if (expY >= 254) overflow = 1; expY = expY+1; end else if (diff_sign) begin /*Right shifting for exponent adjustment*/ LeadingZeros_27(sigY[26:0],leading_zs); if (leading_zs leading_zs) ) begin sigY = sigY << leading_zs; expY = expY - leading_zs; end else if (leading_zs < 27 && (expY <= leading_zs)) begin expY = 0; sigY = sigY << expY; end /*********************************/ /* Do the complicated Arithmetic */ /*********************************/ diff_sign = signA ^ signB; i = (expA - expB); /* If B is has a smaller exponent, right shift align it */ if (i == 0) begin sigB = sigB; sigA = sigA; expA = expA; expB = expB; end else if (i[7] == 0 || expB==0) begin getSticky_27(sigB, i[4:0], sticky); sigB = sigB >> i[4:0]; expB = expB + i[4:0]; end /*If A has the smaller exponent, right shift align it*/ else if (i[7] == 1 || expA==0) begin i = ~i+1; getSticky_27(sigA, i[4:0], sticky); sigA = sigA >> i[4:0]; expA = expA + i[4:0]; end expY = expA; /* Do the Addition/Subtraction */ if (!diff_sign) sigY = {1'b0,sigA} + {1'b0,sigB}; else if (signA) sigY = {1'b1,~sigA} + {1'b0,sigB} + 1; else sigY = {1'b0,sigA} + {1'b1,~sigB} + 1; /* Set the final sign bit */ if (diff_sign) signY = sigY[27]; else signY = signA; /* Make positive again if needed */ if (sigY[27] && diff_sign) sigY = ~sigY + 1; else sigY = sigY; if(sigY==0) /* Zero Result */ expY=0; else expY = expY;

16 /************************/ /* Round the numbers */ /************************/ if (!sigY[2]) begin /* Truncate */ {sigY,expY} = {sigY,expY}; endelse if (sigY[2] && (|sigY[1:0])) begin /* Round Up */ sigY[27:3] = sigY[27:3] + 1; if (sigY[27]) begin if (expY == 254) overflow = 1; sigY = sigY >> 1; expY = expY + 1; end end else begin // If guard bits are 100. if (sigY[3]) begin sigY[27:3] = sigY[27:3] + 1; if (sigY[27]) begin if (expY >= 254) overflow = 1; sigY = sigY >> 1; expY = expY + 1; end end else begin {expY,sigY} = {expY,sigY}; // $display("Round Down on 100"); end if (overflow) begin /* If overflow, go to Infinity */ expY = 8'hFF; sigY = 0; end else if (sigY == 0) /* If zero, zero out Exponent */ expY = 0; end /* finished Complicated Arithmetic */ end /* End of Add/Sub Case */ `FP_MULT: begin signY = diff_sign; exp0 = ((expA == 8'h7f) || (expB == 8'h7f)); expY = expA + expB + 8'h81; if (exp0) {overflow,underflow} = 0; else begin overflow = expA[7] && expB[7] && (!expY[7]) && (expY != 8'h7f); underflow = !expA[7] && !expB[7] && expY[7]; end // mtmp = sigA[26:3] * sigB[26:3]; mult_24(sigA[26:3], sigB[26:3], mtmp); if (mtmp[47]) begin if (expY >= 254) overflow = 1; expY = expY + 1; mtmp = mtmp >> 1; end LeadingZeros_47(mtmp[46:0], leading_mzs); if (leading_mzs leading_mzs) ) begin mtmp = mtmp << leading_mzs; expY = expY - leading_mzs; end else if (leading_mzs < 47 && (expY <= leading_mzs)) begin expY = 0; mtmp = mtmp << expY; end sigY[27:3] = (!mtmp[22:0]) ? mtmp[46:23] : mtmp[46:23]+1; if (sigY[27]) begin if (expY >= 254) overflow = 1; expY = expY + 1; sigY = sigY >> 1; end if (overflow) begin /* Set to infty */ expY = 8'hFF; sigY = 0; end else if (underflow) begin /* Set to Zero */ expY = 0; sigY = 0; end /* If Zero happened then make zero */ else if (sigY == 0) expY = 0; if ({expY,sigY} == 0) signY = 0; /* In these special Cases */ if (expA == 8'hFF || expB == 8'hFF) begin if (expA == 8'hFF && A[22:0] != 0) {signY,expY,sigY[25:3]} = `NAN; else if (expB == 8'hFF && B[22:0] != 0) {signY,expY,sigY[25:3]} = `NAN; else if (expA == 8'hFF && expB != 8'hFF ) {signY,expY,sigY[25:3]} = A; else if (expA != 8'hFF && expB == 8'hFF ) {signY,expY,sigY[25:3]} = {signB, B[30:0]}; else if (A == B ) {signY,expY,sigY[25:3]} = A; else {signY,expY,sigY[25:3]} = `NAN; end endcase Y = {signY, expY, sigY[25:3]}; End endmodule

17 `define FP_ONE_VAL (32'h3f800000) `define FP_TWO_VAL (32'h40000000) `define FP_PI_VAL (32'h403a7efa) `include "fpu.v" `include "LookupTable.v" Verilog Behavioral Modeling - FP Divider (portion)

18 module Divide(N, D, Q, clk, DONE, START); output reg [31:0] Q; input [31:0] N, D; input clk, START; output reg DONE; wire [31:0] X1, Y1; wire [31:0] Q_reg, Q_regt; reg [2:0] state, nstate; reg [31:0] D_reg, N_reg; /* FPU mult(Y1, `FP_TWO_VAL, D_reg, 2'd2, Valid); FPU sub(X1, `FP_PI_VAL, Y1, 2'd1, valid2); arrayDblock3 af(X1, D_reg, Q_regt); FPU sdz(Q_reg, Q_regt, N_reg, 2'd2, valid3); */ LookupTable blah(D_reg[30:23], X1); arrayDblock af(X1, D_reg, Q_regt); FPU sdz(Q_reg, Q_regt, N_reg, 2'd2, valid3); always @ (*) begin case(state) 0: nstate = 1; 1: nstate = 2; 2: nstate = 2; endcase end always @ (posedge clk) begin if(START == 1) begin state <= 0; D_reg <= D; N_reg <= N; DONE <= 0; end else if(state == 1)begin DONE <=1; Q <= Q_reg; state <= nstate; end else begin state <= nstate; DONE <= 0; end endmodule module Dblock(X, D, X2); input [31:0] X; input [31:0] D; output [31:0] X2; wire [31:0] T1, T2; FPU a(T1, D, X, 2'd2, valid1); FPU b(T2, `FP_TWO_VAL, T1, 2'd1, valid2); FPU c(X2, X, T2, 2'd2, valid3); endmodule …… ……… Verilog Behavioral Modeling - FP Divider (portion) Cont.

19 'define TRUE 1'b1; 'define FALSE 1'b0; 'define Y2RDELAY 2; 'define PEDDELAY 15; module sig_control (arm1, arm2, ped, arm, SW, PEDESTRIAN, clear, clk); output [1:0] arm1, arm2; output ped; reg [1:0] arm1, arm2; reg ped; input arm; input SW, PEDESTRIAN; input clk, clear; parameter RED = 3'd0; Yellow = 3'd1; GREEN = 3'd2; LEFT = 3'd3; PED_OFF = 3'd4; PED_ON = 3'd5; parameter S0 = 4'd0; //initial S1 = 4'd1; // G R S2 - 4'd2; // Y R S3 = 4'd2; // R+left R S4 = 4'd2; // Y R S5 = 4'd2; // R G S6 = 4'd3; // R Y S7 = 4'd3; // R R+left S8 = 4'd3; // R Y S9 = 4'd3; // Ped reg [3:0] state; reg [3:0] next_state; always @(positive clock) if(clear) state <= S0; else state <= next_state; always @(state) begin arm1 = RED; arm2 = RED; ped = PED_OFF; case(state) S0: ; S1: begin arm1 = GREEN; arm2 = RED; end S2: arm1 = YELLOW; S3: arm1 = LEFT; S4: arm1 = YELLOW; S5: begin arm1 = RED; arm2 = GREEN; end S6: arm2 = YELLOW; S7: arm2 = LEFT; S8: arm2 = YELLOW; S9: begin arm1 = RED; arm2 = RED; ped = PED_ON; end endcase end always @(state or SW) begin case (state) S0: if(arm) next_state = S5; else next_state = S1; S1: if(SW) next_state = S2; else next_state = S1; S2: begin repeat('Y2RDELAY) @(posedge clk); next_state = S3; end S3: if(SW) next_state = S4; else next_state = S3; S4: begin repeat('Y2RDELAY) @(posedge clk); if(PEDESTRIAN) next_state = S9; else next_state = S5; end S5: if(SW) next_state = S6; else next_state = S5; S6: begin repeat('Y2RDELAY) @(posedge clk); next_state = S7; end S7: if(SW) next_state = S8; else next_state = S7; S8: begin repeat('Y2RDELAY) @(posedge clk); if(PEDESTRIAN) next_state = S9; else next_state = S1; end S9: begin repeat('PEDDELAY) @(posedge clk); next_state = S0; end default: next_state = S0; endcase end Verilog Behavior Modeling - Light Switching FSM


21 Issues  Other way to get X1?  Linear Approximation (2.914-2*D)  Goldshmidt Division Algorithm  Muxzilla  Reuse of Adders + Multipliers

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