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Presentation on theme: " Population Activities Unit 1990 census round harmonization project: focused on Aging » Begun 1992: PAU/UNECE, UNFPA,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Population Activities Unit 1990 census round harmonization project: focused on Aging » Begun 1992: PAU/UNECE, UNFPA, US-NIA » Microdata acquired for 15 countries » Harmonized 26 core person variables plus 13 optional; 10 dwelling/household variables, 18 optional » Extensive metadata: questionnaires, nomenclatures, classifications » Progressive over-sampling with age

2 Population Activities Unit 1990 census round harmonization project: focused on Aging

3 Population Activities Unit, 1990 census round harmonization project: focused on Aging » General release: samples for 8 countries » Samples for the other 7 countries available under more restrictive conditions » Dissemination: CDs or other media; no online access allow under the data release agreements » Sustainability: ICPSR (U. of Michigan)

4 Problems with PAU effort: » Sample design too complex » Need for time series » Lacked legal authority » Inadequate funding » Insufficient computing infrastructure and human resources » Antiquated distribution system » Sustainability problematic

5 Population Activities Unit: samples of older persons based on the 2000-round of censuses » Tightly integrated with IPUMS-Europe » Based on the same coding schemes, nomenclatures, and classifications » Utilize the same anonymization techniques and approaches; same data access modalities » Ensure better sustainability through the integration with IPUMS-Europe: MPC, ICPSR

6 Population Activities Unit: samples of older persons based on the 2000-round of censuses » Sample design: - » Sample design: - sample of households not included in the core IPUMS- Europe sample, where at least one member is over age 60 (recommended sampling density: 5 percent); - geography to match that of core samples; » Advantages: - » Advantages: - more straightforward than the design used for 1990s; - in line with the practice of national statistical offices (e.g. PUMS-A and PUMS-O of the US Census Bureau);

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