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AOP version E Science Operations For the ASAC meeting March 9-10, 2010 Lars-Ake Nyman 1.

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Presentation on theme: "AOP version E Science Operations For the ASAC meeting March 9-10, 2010 Lars-Ake Nyman 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 AOP version E Science Operations For the ASAC meeting March 9-10, 2010 Lars-Ake Nyman 1

2 AOP version E Baseline: DSO staff changes Cost for the Proposal Review Process Reduced number of array configurations Possible future scenarios: Reduced science operations during the Altiplanic winter Reduced number of archives 2

3 DSO AOP version D: 13 DSO astronomers, 9 fellows, 4 AoD shifts/day, assumption that ACA may have to be operated separately AOP version E: Replace the fellows (ISM) with Data Analysts (LSMs) Assume that ACA and the 12m-array can be operated simultaneously by one person (3 shifts/day). Replace 2 AoD shifts/day by Data Analysts and ARC astronomers (assume that the Data Analysts are always supervised by an astronomer) Can be done with 9 DSO astronomers and 6 Data Analysts Cost savings: 950 kUSD/year AoD 8h ACA support: AoD AoD 12h AoD => DA, ARC AOP version DAOP version E 3

4 Department of Science Operations Head of Science Operations 2 Administrative Assistants (OSF) +1 Adm Asst (SCO) Array Operations Group 2 Managers 10 Operators Program Management Group 2 Managers 9 Astronomers (-4) 6 Data Analysts (-9 fellows) 1 Web staff (-1 web content Manager) Data Management Group 2 Managers (Astronomers) 6 Archive Operators/Content Managers (OSF) 6 Archive Operators/Content Managers (SCO) 4 System Astronomers Observations Quality assurance PRC support Web pages Archive and pipeline operations Quality assurance Array operations Department of Science Operations 4 Proposal Handling Team 1 Astronomer (lead) (+1) 1 Adm assistant (+1) 1 IT person (+1)

5 Costs for the Proposal Review process One proposal cycle/year Proposal Handling Team (PHT) included in the DSO (1 Lead Astronomer, 1 Adm Asst, 1 IT staff) Assumptions for ARP and APRC meetings: –There are 8 ARPs each with 9 members. Of the 9 members 6 are traveling to an ARC for f2f meeting, the other 3 non-traveling members provide ranks and science assessments –The APRC (9 members) meet f2f in Santiago Cost savings: 670 kUSD/year 5

6 Reduced number of array reconfigurations 8 configurations moving out and a different set of 8 configurations moving in Stay for 1-2 weeks in each configuration ACA reconfigurations as before Two transporter crews are needed (compared to 4 in version D) Effects on imaging is being studied (the effects are minor) by Baltasar Vila Vilaro and the regional PSs. A memo will be produced Cost savings: two transporter crews 6

7 Future possibility: reduced science operations during the Altiplanic winter Operations of ACA and short baselines of the 12m array during February and March We are investigating whether maintenance and overhauls can be done preferably in this period, in order to make operations more efficient during the rest of the year We will not implement this scenario 7

8 Future Possibility: No ARC mirror archives Baseline plan: 5 Archives (OSF, SCO, ARCs) Scenario: No ARC mirror archives. OSF archive will act as backup. SCO archive will deliver data to PI:s will be the ALMA Science Archive Cost increases: Double the OSF archive upgrade budget. Add costs for physical media Additional SCO server and license for higher reliability and to keep up with the load Add cost for 1 Gbit/s link for archive users between Santiago and the US (or Europe or Japan) Staff increases: 1 delivery administrator at SCO (LSM) 2 database administrators (DTS) (LSM) 1 software engineer (DTS) (LSM) 2 Database Base Content Managers (LSM) 8

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