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Design of a Piloted Spacecraft to Bridge the Gap between the Space Shuttle and Crew Exploration Vehicle Michael Seibert University of Colorado at Boulder.

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Presentation on theme: "Design of a Piloted Spacecraft to Bridge the Gap between the Space Shuttle and Crew Exploration Vehicle Michael Seibert University of Colorado at Boulder."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design of a Piloted Spacecraft to Bridge the Gap between the Space Shuttle and Crew Exploration Vehicle Michael Seibert University of Colorado at Boulder

2 5 April 20052005 CSGC Undergraduate Research Symposium “Tomorrow’s Workforce” 2 Presentation Overview Motivation Vehicle Requirements Conceptual Design Compatible Launch Vehicles Conclusions

3 5 April 20052005 CSGC Undergraduate Research Symposium “Tomorrow’s Workforce” 3 Motivation Hiatus in piloted spaceflight capability –2010-2014 Four Options –Extend STS operations past 2010 –Contract with foreign governments –Accelerate CEV development –Develop a new vehicle

4 5 April 20052005 CSGC Undergraduate Research Symposium “Tomorrow’s Workforce” 4 Vehicle Requirement Areas Crew Size Launch Vehicle Compatibility Launch Abort Orbital Maneuvering Rendezvous and Docking On Orbit Life Recovery Reusability

5 5 April 20052005 CSGC Undergraduate Research Symposium “Tomorrow’s Workforce” 5 Vehicle Requirement Summary Crew Size –5 person crew Launch Vehicle Compatibility –Any 2005 existing or final design phase LV Launch Abort –Capability must be provided Orbital Maneuvering –300-400m/s ΔV –Rotation and translation

6 5 April 20052005 CSGC Undergraduate Research Symposium “Tomorrow’s Workforce” 6 Vehicle Requirements Summary Rendezvous and Docking –2 days maximum –Automated –Dock with US segment On Orbit Lifetime –100 day minimum Recovery –Reentry 75nm cross range 500nm down range Recovery Continued –Controllable Descent –Landing Nondestructive Conventional Runway Reusability –Returned components only

7 5 April 20052005 CSGC Undergraduate Research Symposium “Tomorrow’s Workforce” 7 Conceptual Design Winged Vehicle –Pros Highly maneuverable Runway landing –Cons High temperature reentry Capsule –Pros Lower temperature reentry Simpler design –Cons Low maneuverability Requires parachute for landing

8 5 April 20052005 CSGC Undergraduate Research Symposium “Tomorrow’s Workforce” 8 Conceptual Design Crew Size –Two row arrangement ECLSS –LiOH scrubbers –Separate ascent and descent air supplies

9 5 April 20052005 CSGC Undergraduate Research Symposium “Tomorrow’s Workforce” 9 Conceptual Design Rendezvous –Automated approach –Deployable radar system Docking –APAS-89 docking adapter [1]

10 5 April 20052005 CSGC Undergraduate Research Symposium “Tomorrow’s Workforce” 10 Conceptual Design Recovery –Lift vector generation Offset center of mass and shaped heat shield –Parafoil descent 1NM-2NM maneuvering range –Landing Tricycle landing gear Controlled rollout –Differential braking

11 5 April 20052005 CSGC Undergraduate Research Symposium “Tomorrow’s Workforce” 11 Conceptual Design Reaction Control System –Roll/translation thruster pairs –Translation only pairs Orbital Maneuvering System –Single engine on roll axis

12 5 April 20052005 CSGC Undergraduate Research Symposium “Tomorrow’s Workforce” 12 Conceptual Design Miscellaneous –S/C Cooling Heat exchangers (water/ammonia) –Crew ingress/egress Hatch on port side next to rear seats –Windows Four –2 30cm diameter next to rear seat rows –2 next to front seats

13 5 April 20052005 CSGC Undergraduate Research Symposium “Tomorrow’s Workforce” 13 Conceptual Design

14 5 April 20052005 CSGC Undergraduate Research Symposium “Tomorrow’s Workforce” 14 Compatible Launch Vehicles Estimated Spacecraft Mass –11,000kg* Delta IV Family –Medium+ (4,2) $138M –Medium+ (5,4) $160M Atlas V Family –400 series $138M *Based upon historical spacecraft densities, see accompanying paper

15 5 April 20052005 CSGC Undergraduate Research Symposium “Tomorrow’s Workforce” 15 Conclusions It is possible to develop a new vehicle before 2010 The vehicle described will provide unprecedented launch flexibility The vehicle describe can be used to complement the resumption of exploration beyond LEO

16 Questions?

17 5 April 20052005 CSGC Undergraduate Research Symposium “Tomorrow’s Workforce” 17 References Background Image: NASA Columbia_Moon.jpg [1]Portree, D. Mir Hardware Heritage. NASA RP 1357. NASA, Houston. March 1995

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