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THE RISE OF MOSCOW. THE RISE FROM OBSCURITY  Prince Yuri Dolgorukii (Long- arm) laid foundations in 1156  Sacked by Mongols in 1238  Recognized as.

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2 THE RISE FROM OBSCURITY  Prince Yuri Dolgorukii (Long- arm) laid foundations in 1156  Sacked by Mongols in 1238  Recognized as principality, 1263

3 THE RISE OF MOSCOW THE MUSCOVITE PRINCES  Daniil (son of Alexander Nevskii)  Began building & extending  Yuri gained control of Moscow River  Rivalry with Tver Prince Daniil (r. 1283-1303) Prince Yuri (r.1303-1325)

4 THE RISE OF MOSCOW THE MUSCOVITE PRINCES  Ivan Kalita (Moneybag) = Ivan I  Defeated Tver  “Gathering of Russian lands”  Moscow as religious center  Simeon the Proud  Continues expansion  First to call himself Prince “of all Russia” Ivan I (r. 1325-1341) Metropolitan Peter

5 THE RISE OF MOSCOW CHALLENGE TO MONGOLS  As Moscow strengthened, Mongols weakened  Grand Prince Dmitrii  Builds stone walls of Kremlin, 1368  Gets ready for confrontation

6 THE RISE OF MOSCOW CHALLENGE TO MONGOLS  Dmitrii engages Mongols  Defeats them on Vozha River, 1378  Defeats them at Battle of Kulikovo near Don River, 1380

7 THE RISE OF MOSCOW CHALLENGE TO MONGOLS  Significance of Kulikovo victory:  Marks new role for Moscow  Ends image of Mongols as invincible  Does not end Mongol rule, but weakens its grip

8 THE RISE OF MOSCOW UNIFICATION OF MUSCOVY  Vasilii I = new prince, 1389  Gained significant territory  Vasilii’s death caused succession struggle (only one in Muscovy)  Vasilii II (the Blind) emerges as Prince, 1448  Asserts independence against fragmented Mongol Empire  After 1452, Moscow practically free of Mongol rule

9 THE RISE OF MOSCOW UNIFICATION OF MUSCOVY  Ivan III (the Great) = new prince, 1462  Begins new period – Muscovite Russia  End of disunity & rise of autocracy  Ivan III solidified Moscow’s position  Continues expansion, absorbs old rivals  Greatly increases authority & prestige of Grand Prince Ivan III (r. 1462-1505

10 THE RISE OF MOSCOW WHY DID MOSCOW SUCCEED?  Geographic location  Role of princes  Relationship with Mongols  Role of Church

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