 October 15 – available to the general public  October 30 – due to the Department of Education  January 15 – due to the NCAA.

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Presentation on theme: " October 15 – available to the general public  October 30 – due to the Department of Education  January 15 – due to the NCAA."— Presentation transcript:


2  October 15 – available to the general public  October 30 – due to the Department of Education  January 15 – due to the NCAA

3  Based upon Student Right-to-Know Act  Data collected via Website (http://surveys.ope.ed.gov/athletics/)http://surveys.ope.ed.gov/athletics/  Revenues and expenses must equal  EADA Help Desk (888/233-5421; eadahelp@westat.com)  Individual institution’s report can be viewed (http://ope.ed.gov/athletics/)http://ope.ed.gov/athletics/

4  Reporting of both federal EADA requirements and revenues/expenses of athletics departments  Collected via Website: http://www.ncaa.org/wps/ncaa?ContentID=577 http://www.ncaa.org/wps/ncaa?ContentID=577  Username/password changed this past year  No individual institution’s data are released  Links to prior years’ submissions

5  Today’s economic climate = negative revenue?  Reporting of dual-sport coaches?  Reporting of athletics aid?  Audit requirements?  What is E&G?

6 Women's Teams Head CoachesWomen's Teams Assistant Coaches SportNumber of PositionsFTE Coaching Salaries, Benefits, and Bonuses Paid by the University and Related Entities. Coaching Other Compensation and Benefits Paid by a Third Party.Number of PositionsFTE Coaching Salaries, Benefits, and Bonuses Paid by the University and Related Entities. Coaching Other Compensation and Benefits Paid by a Third Party. 121920121920 Archery Badmiton Baseball Basketball Bowling Equestrian Fencing Field Hockey Football Golf Gymnastics Ice Hockey Lacrosse Rifle Rowing Rugby Skiing Soccer Softball Squash Swimming and Diving Synchronized Swimming Team Handball Tennis Track and Field, X-Country Volleyball Water Polo Wrestling Others Subtotal All Teams 0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams Total Expenses $0.00

7 Head Coaches of Women's Teams Male Coaches - Head CountFemale Coaches - Head Count Sport Full Time Coaching DutiesPart Time Coaching Duties Full Time University Employee Part Time University Employee or Volunteer Full Time Coaching DutiesPart Time Coaching Duties Full Time University Employee Part Time University Employee or Volunteer Archery Badmiton Baseball Basketball Bowling Equestrian Fencing Field Hockey Football Golf Gymnastics Ice Hockey Lacrosse Rifle Rowing Rugby Skiing Soccer Softball Squash Swimming and Diving Synchronized Swimming Team Handball Tennis Track and Field, X-Country Volleyball Water Polo Wrestling Others Coaching Position Totals

8  Overall institution education and general expenses  Scholarships ARE included  Depreciation NOT included  Auxiliary enterprises, hospitals NOT included  Comparison of institutional expenses, not included in dashboards yet.

9 Male Athletes Female Athletes Scholarships Sport Equivalencies Awarded in 2008- 2009 Number of Students Receiving Athletic Aid Total Dollar Amount Equivalencies Awarded in 2008- 2009 Number of Students Receiving Athletic Aid Total Dollar Amount 17 Archery Badmiton Baseball Basketball Bowling Equestrian Fencing Field Hockey Football Golf Gymnastics Ice Hockey Lacrosse Rifle Rowing Rugby Skiing Soccer Softball Squash Swimming and Diving Synchronized Swimming Team Handball Tennis Track and Field, X-Country Volleyball Water Polo Wrestling Others Subtotal All Teams 0.000$0.000.000$0.00 Expenses Not Related to Specific Teams Total Expenses $0.00

10  Division I – outside audit every year  Division II – outside audit every three years  Division III – data audited as part of overall institution’s figures

11  “Run data review” intermediate data check before submission  Submit for 3 rd party review  Submit button sends to President  President receives e-mail from eadahelp@ncaa.org eadahelp@ncaa.org  No log-in required, simply a click on link  Two choices – submit to NCAA or send back to preparer

12  This year’s figures vs. last year’s  Comparison with similar institutions  Comparison with conference institutions  Totals checked

13  Institutional revenues/expenses  Athletics total revenues/expenses  Direct/Indirect support  Debt and Debt Service  Athletics aid  Capital Expenditures figures  Validations included in data submission (pop-up messages).

14  Large percentage change/dollar amounts from previous year  Salaries without coaches/FTE  High amounts in unallocated by sport/gender  Change in gender allocation from previous reporting  Outliers compared to similar institutions  Biggest inconsistencies from year to year

15  Verification of anomalies/number changes  “We are not the IRS”  Simple explanation/verification needed  Use comment section




19  Graphic comparison of the annual financial picture of the institution’s athletics program  Compare own financial data against similar institutions (conference, public/private, FBS/FCS, football/non-football)  Comparisons made in aggregate; individual institutional data still confidential  Institutions can select their own peer group; minimum number of schools required (8 for Division I/5 for Division II)

20  Collaborated with NACUBO on definitions  Year three for Division I  Year one for Division II

21  Different variables for Division I vs. Division II  GSR/ASR comparisons  Income generated vs. income allocated  Multi-years’ worth of data included.

22  Recommended that gender equity be included in dashboards  Participants, enrollment, athletics aid, recruiting, operating budgets and sponsored sports

23  Sent to the President/CEO each Spring  Link to a website with username/password  AD’s and CFO’s also notified  Over 80% usage by Division I membership


25  Presidential View  “key” indicators as determined by Financial Aid Advisory Committee (piloted dashboards)  Ability to select peer groups

26  VARIANCE – Displays indicators where institution falls below 25th percentile or above 75 th percentile for peer groups or default conference  MY VIEW – User can create personal list of indicators from which to choose.  ALL INDICATORS – all available indicators.  WHAT IF – used for budgeting and planning.


28 Common due date (86% preferred later, common date) Athletics participation (include gender for each team to capture consistency in reporting of track/cc, as well as male practice players)

29  Revenue reporting Allocated – institutional support, student fees, state/government support Generated – ticket sales, contributions, guarantees, marketing  Other reporting Include benefits with salaries “Start-up” costs Allow deficit reporting

30  Maria DeJulio (mdejulio@ncaa.org; 913/397-7668)mdejulio@ncaa.org  Tamara Gingerich (tgingerich @ncaa.org; 317/917-6439)  Scott Seymour (sseymour@ncaa.org; 317/917/6953)sseymour@ncaa.org

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