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Using Information Technology

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1 Using Information Technology
Chapter 2 The Internet & the World Wide Web To the instructor: This presentation attempts to cover every term in the text, sometimes via a slide, sometimes via the Notes page. Additional material beyond what is in the text is presented via: Occasional “FACTOID” notations on the Notes page, and; Occasional hyperlinks in the slides themselves. ScreenTip text has been added to each hyperlink allowing you to see in advance of selecting the hyperlink where that link will take you. In addition, the last ~20 slides are questions covering the material just presented. They can be used to increase interaction between the instructor and students at the end of each lecture, to ensure students understand the material just presented, etc. Finally, some of the Notes pages include “Discussion questions” for use in encouraging student interaction during the lecture.

2 The World of The Internet

3 The Internet & the World Wide Web Exploring Cyberspace
2.1 Choosing Your Internet Access Device & Physical Connection: The Quest for Broadband 2.2 Choosing Your Internet Service Provider (ISP) 2.3 Sending & Receiving 2.4 The World Wide Web 2.5 The Online Gold Mine: More Internet Resources, Your Personal Cyberspace, E-Commerce, & the E-conomy Key Questions (from the text): 2.1 Choosing Your Internet Access Device & Physical Connection: The Quest for Broadband. What are the means of connecting to the Internet, and how fast are they? 2.2 Choosing Your Internet Service Provider (ISP). What is an Internet service provider, and what kinds of services do ISPs provide? 2.3 Sending & Receiving . What are the options for obtaining software, what are the components of an address, and what are netiquette and spam? 2.4 The World Wide Web. What are websites, web pages, browsers, URLs, and search engines? 2.5 The Online Gold Mine: More Internet Resources, Your Personal Cyberspace, E-Commerce, & the E-conomy. What are FTP, Telnet, newsgroups, real-time chat, and e-commerce?

4 2.1 Choosing Your Internet Access Device & Physical Connection
This section discusses the different technologies used to connect individuals to the internet including: 1. Access device: a personal computer with a modem 2. Physical connection: a telephone line

5 Modem Is a device that converts a digital signal to an analog signal and vice versa. Modem is short for modulate/demodulate Conversion from digital to analog signals is called modulation and reverse process is called demodulation. Modem has various types. External modem Internal modem


7 Physical connection The wired or wireless means of connecting to the Internet.

8 Data Transmission Rates
Data is transmitted in bits per second. bps stands for bits per second. A bit is the smallest unit of information used by computers. A computer with an older modem might have a speed of 28,800 bps per second. Kbps stands for kilobits per second. This is the most frequently used measure. Mbps stands for megabits per second We at NIIT have 1 Mbps leased line for internet Gbps stands for gigabits per second

9 Bandwidth - an expression of how much data can be sent through a communications channel in a given amount of time Broadband - very high speed connection Physical connection - the wired or wireless means of connecting to the Internet.

10 Download & Upload Download - to transmit data from a remote computer to a local computer Upload - to transmit data from a local computer to a remote computer Transmission speeds: Bps - bits per second. Kbps - kilobits per second, or 1000 bits per second. Mbps - megabits per second, or 1 million bits per second. FACTOID: The prefix “mega” in “megabits” comes from the Greek word “megas” meaning “mighty” or “great.” Gbps - gigabits per second, or 1 billion bits per second. FACTOID: The prefix “giga” in “gigabits” comes from a Greek word meaning “giant.”

11 Telephone (Dial-Up) Modem: Low Speed but Inexpensive & Widely Available
Modem - device that sends and receives data over telephone lines to and from computers Most modems today have a maximum speed of 56 Kbps. Using a modem and phone line to establish a connection to the Internet is called making a dial-up connection. FACTOID: Just 20 years ago, most modems operated at a speed of only 300 bps. What a difference!

12 High-Speed Phone Lines: (No dialup line)
Packet Switching Integrated Services Digital network (ISDN) - hardware and software that allows voice, video, and data to be communicated over traditional copper-wire telephone lines. Speeds up to 128 kbps. Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) - also uses regular phone lines but much faster than ISDN. Download speeds 1.5 – 8.4 Mbps One for telephone wire is splitted for voice and one for data. 64kbps is required for human voice data transfer ADSL T1 - A traditional trunk line that carries 24 normal telephone circuits and has a transmission rate of 1.5 Mbps. Good for business. 23 lines are for usage and 1 is for connectivity control 23 different phone numbers In Europe it is 29+1 and is called E1 Transmission speeds: ISDN Kbps DSL Mbps download; Kbps upload T Mbps Generally used by corporate, government, & academic sites.

13 ISDN Type of line that could be used directly for digital transmission. End to End Digital transmissions. ISDN adapter can move data at 128,000bps , a vast speed improvement over any modem ISDN circuit includes two phone lines, so a user can use one line to connect to the internet and other to talk on the phone at same time. Expensive High speed and high capacity

14 High-Speed Lines Cable : Close Competitor to DSL Speeds up to 10 Mbps
Fiber Optics: Can support speeds up to 2 Gbps Cable modem: Always “on” (like DSL) Download transmission speed of 10 Mbps Upload transmission speed of 500 Kbps Subject to slowdowns during peak-load times Communications satellite -- a space station that transmits radio waves called microwaves from earth-based stations. Satellite: Download transmission speed of 400 Kbps Upload transmission still via phone line Genuine two-way service under development

15 Assignment 2 -- Due Oct 23rd Tuesday.
Study: Compare and Contrast ISDN, DSL, and Cable Internet? Submission: What are some of the DSL options available?

16 Wireless Systems: Satellite & Other Through-the-Air Connections
Satellite: With a pizza-size satellite dish on your roof, you can receive data at the rate of 400 Kbps from a communications satellite, a space station that transmits radio waves called microwaves from earth-based stations. Other wireless connections: In urban areas, some businesses are using radio waves transmitted between towers that handle cellular phone calls, which can send data at up to 155 Mbps.

17 2.2 Choosing Your Internet Service Provider (ISP)
ISP - a company that connects you through your communications line to its servers, or central computer, which connect you to the Internet via another company’s network access points Well-known ISPs: AOL (America Online) Earthlink Microsoft Network (MSN) AT&T WorldNet Prodigy POP (Point of Presence) - your ISP’s local access number for your area. Log on - make connection to the remote computer of your ISP.

18 2.3 Sending & Receiving E-Mail E-Mail Software & Carriers
Buy software Get program as part of other computer software (such as browser) Get software as part of your ISP package Get free services Discussion question: How many of you have a free account? What are its advantages? What are its disadvantages?

19 E-Mail Addresses User name: Jane_Doe
Domain Name User name: Jane_Doe Domain : earthlink Top-level domain: .net Two-letter country extension: .uk Domain - a location on the Internet. Tips about addresses: Type addresses carefully Use the “reply” command when responding Use the “address book” feature Deal with each reply only once

20 Attachments Attachments: Files attached to an message in their own format. Individuals can attach pictures, sounds, videos, and other files to message. Note: Many viruses ride along with as attached files. Never open an attached file from an unknown source

21 Instant Messaging Instant messaging (IM) - allows any user on a given system to send a message and have it pop up instantly on the screen of anyone else logged onto that system An IM conversation occurs in a small window (rectangular area containing a document or activity) on each participant’s display screen. Drawbacks to IM: Lack of common standards Time wasters when you have to get work done Other participant may be a very slow typist

22 Chat Applet A rectangular area containing a document or activity so that users can exchange messages almost instantaneously while operating other programs.

23 Mailing Lists: E-Mail-Based Discussion Groups
List-serves - mailing lists of people who regularly participate in discussion groups

24 Netiquette: Appropriate Online Behavior
(a) Don’t waste people’s time. (b) Don’t say anything to a person online that you wouldn’t say to his or her face. (c) Consult FAQs: Most online groups post FAQs--for Frequently Asked Questions--that explain expected norms of online behavior for a particular group. (d) Avoid Flaming: Writing an online message that uses derogatory, obscene, or inappropriate language. Netiquette (network etiquette) - guides to appropriate online behavior. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) - documents that explain expected norms of online behavior for a particular group. Flaming - writing an online message that uses derogatory, obscene, or inappropriate language. Emoticons - keyboard-produced pictorial representations of expressions.

25 Netiquette: Appropriate Online Behavior
(e) Emoticons: Keyboard-produced pictorial representations of expressions. (f) Avoid SHOUTING: Use of all-capital letters is considered the equivalent of SHOUTING. (g) Avoid Sloppiness: Avoid spelling and grammatical errors. Try to avoid criticizing others’ sloppiness. (h) Do not send large file attachments, unless requested. This may tie up your country cousin, who has a slow dial-up connection, when he or she badly needs to use it. Netiquette (network etiquette) - guides to appropriate online behavior. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) - documents that explain expected norms of online behavior for a particular group. Flaming - writing an online message that uses derogatory, obscene, or inappropriate language. Emoticons - keyboard-produced pictorial representations of expressions.

26 Netiquette: Appropriate Online Behavior
(i) When replying, quote only the relevant portion. If you’re replying to just a couple of matters in a long posting, don’t send back the entire message. This forces your recipient to wade through lots of text to find the reference. Instead, edit his or her original text down to the relevant paragraph and then put in your response immediately following. Netiquette (network etiquette) - guides to appropriate online behavior. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) - documents that explain expected norms of online behavior for a particular group. Flaming - writing an online message that uses derogatory, obscene, or inappropriate language. Emoticons - keyboard-produced pictorial representations of expressions.

27 Spam: Unwanted Junk E-Mail
Delete without opening the message Never reply to a spam message! Enlist the help of your ISP or use spam filters Fight back Spam - unsolicited in the form of advertising or chain letters.

28 2.4 The World Wide Web The Multimedia makes the Web attractive and inviting. The Hypertext makes the web navigable.

29 Hypertext A system in which documents scattered across many Internet sites are directly linked, so that a word, phrase or an image in one document becomes a connection to a document in a different place. The term hypertext was coined by American computer scientist Ted Nelson in 1965 to describe textual information that could be accessed in a nonlinear way. He used the prefix hyper to describe the speed and facility with which users could jump to and from related areas of text.

30 Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
The set of special instructions (called "tags" or "markups") that are used to specify document structure, formatting, and links to other documents. HTML is a subset of a broader language called Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), which is a system for encoding and formatting documents, whether for output to a computer screen or to paper.

31 HTML Script <html> <head>
<script language="javascript" src=" </script> <meta http-equiv="pics-label" content='(pics-1.1 " l gen true for " r ( nz 0 vz 0 lz 0 oz 0 ca 1))'> <title>Yahoo! Mail - The best free web-based !</title> </head> <body bgcolor=#ffffff onload="document.login_form.login.focus();"> <center> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- hasMsgr = 0; /*

32 The Web & How It Works Web-- A domain on the computer
Site - a computer with a domain name Website - the location of a web domain name in a computer somewhere on the Internet

33 Web page A Web page is a document on the World Wide Web on a Website that can include text, pictures, sound, and video.

34 Designing Web Pages Professional Web page designers can produce a page for customers, or the customers can do it on their own using a menu-driven program included with a Web browser or a Web-page design software package such as Microsoft FrontPage or Adobe PageMill. LAB WILL FOLLOW! 

35 Browsers – Software for connecting with websites
In computer science, a program that enables a computer to locate, download, and display documents containing text, sound, video, graphics, animation, and photographs located on computer networks.

36 URLs – Addresses for Web Pages
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a method of naming documents or places on the Websites. A URL is a string of characters that identifies the type of document, the computer the document is on, the directories and subdirectories the document is in, and the name of the document.

37 A URL Protocol : http
Domain name: Directory name: abli File name: index.htm

38 Using Your Browser to Get Around the Web
Home page - the first page you see when you start up your browser Getting around: Back - takes you back to the previous page Forward - takes you to a page you returned from Home - takes you to your home page

39 Using Your Browser to Get Around the Web
History list - list accessible from browser’s toolbar that allows you to return to a page you have recently visited Bookmarks or favorites - your favorite URLs stored in a list to permit frequent visits without retyping the URLs Simultaneous viewing of two pages via File menu’s “New” item

40 Using Your Browser to Get Around the Web
Interactivity--hyperlinks, radio buttons, and fill-in text boxes Radio buttons - little circles located in front of various options; selecting an option with the mouse places a dot in the corresponding circle Scroll arrows - small up/down and left/right arrows. Clicking on scroll arrows with your mouse pointer moves the screen so that you can see the rest of the web page, a movement known as scrolling. Frame - an independently controllable section of a web page. Discussion question: What type of situation causes horizontal scroll arrows to appear on your browser? Answer: A window too narrow for a single object (such as a picture) to be displayed in its entirety. (At this point, the instructor might want to demo how to force horizontal bars to appear and how to force them to disappear via browser window resizing.) Radio buttons and textbox

41 Web Portals: Starting Points for Finding Information
Web portal - website that groups together in one convenient location popular features such as search tools, , electronic commerce, and discussion groups Discussion question: Which Web portal do you use most often? How did you select it?

42 Web Portals: Starting Points for Finding Information
After logging on, you can: Check the home page for general info Use the directories to find a topic Use keyword to search for a topic Directory - lists of several categories of websites classified by topic. FACTOID: Unlike many IT terms, “directory” is a very old one, dating back to the 16th century. Its meaning then was quite similar to today’s meaning—“guide.” Keyword - the subject word or words of the topic you wish to find.

43 Search Engine Computer software that compiles lists of documents, on the World Wide Web (WWW), and the contents of those documents. Search engines respond to a user entry, or query, by searching the lists and displaying a list of documents that match the search query. Some search engines include the opening portion of the text of Web pages in their lists, but others include only the titles or addresses (URLS) of Web pages.

44 Four Types of Search Engines
Human-organized search sites Computer-created search sites Hybrid search sites Metasearch sites Search engines - WWW feature which allow you to find specific documents through keyword searches and menu choices. Hybrid search sites - humans supplemented by computer indexes, to make sure nothing falls through the cracks. Metasearch sites - compilation of results from sending your query to several other search tools.

45 Human-organized search sites
Unlike indexes created by computers, humans can judge data for relevance and categorize them in ways that are useful to you.

46 Computer-created search sites
These are assembled by software "spiders" that crawl all over the Web and send back reports to be collected and organized with little human intervention. The downside is that computer-created indexes deliver you more information than you want.

47 Hybrid search sites Hybrid sites generally use humans supplemented by computer indexes. The idea is to see that nothing falls through the cracks.

48 Metasearch sites Metasearch sites send your query to several other different search tools and compile the results so as to present the broadest view.

49 Tips for Smart Searching
Start with general search tools. Choose search terms well and watch spelling. Use phrases with quotation marks rather than separate words Put unique words first in a phrase Use Boolean operators--AND, OR, NOT, and + and – signs--to make searching more precise Read the Help or Search Tips section Try an alternate general search site or a specific search site

50 Multimedia on the Web Plug-ins Applets Text and Images Animation Video

51 Plug-ins A program that adds a specific feature to a browser, allowing it to play or view certain files. Plug-ins are required by many Web sites if users want to fully experience the content. E.g in order to view a PDF file, the Adobe Reader plug in is required

52 Some Common Plug-ins

53 Applets Small application programs that can be quickly downloaded and run by most browsers.

54 Text and Images Animation Most Web pages combine both text and images.
Animation is the rapid sequencing of still images to create the appearance of motion.

55 Video Video can be transmitted in two ways.
A file, such as a movie or video clip, may have to be completely downloaded before you can view it. A file may be displayed as streaming video, the process of transferring data in a continuous flow so that you can begin viewing a file even before the end is sent.

56 Audio Audio, such as sound or music files, may also be transmitted in two ways: Downloaded completely before they can be played. Downloaded as streaming audio, which allows users to listen to the file while the data is still being downloaded to the computer. A popular standard for transmitting audio is RealAudio, which compresses sound so that it can be played in real time.

57 Push Technology & Webcasting
Push technology - software that automatically downloads information to your computer Webcasting - customized text, video, and audio sent to you automatically on a regular basis “Pull technology” - you go to a website and pull down the information you want.

58 The Internet Telephone & Videophone
Internet telephony - using the Net to make phone calls, either one-to-one or for audioconferencing

59 2.5 The Online Gold Mine: More Internet Resources, Your Personal Cyberspace, E-Commerce, & the E-conomy File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Telnet Newsgroups Real-Time Chat FTP - a method whereby you can connect to a remote computer called an FTP site and transfer files to your own microcomputer’s hard disk. FACTOID: FTP is also used to upload a file from your computer to a remote computer, such as the server for your own Web page. Telnet - a program that allows you to connect to remote computers on the Internet using a user name and a password. FACTOID: The specification for Telnet was first developed in June 1980 by Jon Postel.

60 File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
FTP is a method whereby users can connect to a remote computer called an FTP site and transfer publicly available files to a microcomputer’s hard disk. The free files cover nearly anything that can be stored on a computer: software, games, photos, maps, art, music, books, and statistics. In computer communications, on the Internet and other networks, a method of transferring files from one computer to another. The protocol is a set of rules that ensures a file is transmitted properly to the receiving computer. A computer that stores files that can be retrieved using FTP is called an FTP site or FTP server. FTP is part of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), the system that enables different types of computers and networks on the Internet to communicate.

61 Telnet A program or command that allows users to connect to remote computers on the Internet using a user name and password. Telnet, protocol, or set of procedures, that enables a user of one computer on the Internet to log on to any other computer on the Internet, provided the user has a password for the distant computer or the distant computer provides publicly available files or data. Telnet is also the name of a computer program that uses those rules to make connections between computers on the Internet. Many computers that provide large electronic databases, like library catalogs, often allow users to telnet in to search the databases. Many resources that were once available only through telnet have now become available on the easier-to-use World Wide Web.

62 Newsgroups Real-time chat
A giant electronic bulletin board on which users conduct written discussions about a specific subject. Real-time chat Participants have a typed discussion ("chat") while online at the same time, just like a telephone conversation except that messages are typed rather than spoken.

63 Your Personal Cyberspace
Relationships--online matchmaking Education--the rise of distance learning Health--patient self-education Entertainment--amusing yourself Distance learning - the name given to online education programs. Discussion question: Have any of you ever tried online matchmaking? What did you think of this use of the WWW? For those of you who have thought about it and discarded the notion, what were your objections?

64 E-Commerce E-tailing--retail commerce online
Auctions--linking individual buyers and sellers Online finance--trading, banking, and e-money Online job hunting B2B commerce E-commerce (electronic commerce) - conducting business activities online. Discussion question: What is your favorite e-tailing site? What makes it your favorite? <Point browser at first site volunteered by a student. Then repeat this question and browser-pointing for each of the first four categories above.> B2B (Business-to-Business) commerce - the electronic sales or exchange of goods and services directly between companies, cutting out traditional intermediaries.


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