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Worst and Best-Case Coverage in Sensor Networks Seapahn Meguerdichian, Farinaz Koushanfar, Miodrag Potkonjak, Mani Srivastava IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE.

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Presentation on theme: "Worst and Best-Case Coverage in Sensor Networks Seapahn Meguerdichian, Farinaz Koushanfar, Miodrag Potkonjak, Mani Srivastava IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Worst and Best-Case Coverage in Sensor Networks Seapahn Meguerdichian, Farinaz Koushanfar, Miodrag Potkonjak, Mani Srivastava IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL.4, NO. 1, JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2005

2 Outline Application Scenarios Problem Formulation Centralized Algorithm Simulation Results

3 Application Scenarios 1. A postman soldier wants to travel a path from I to F over a region distributed mines such that the path walked is far from any mine to minimize the risk. 2. A postman soldier wants to travel a path from I to F over a region protected by allied forces such that the maximum distance of the postman soldier from allied forces is minimized.

4 Problem Formulation (1/2) Breach : Given a path P connecting areas I and F, breach is defined as the minimum Euclidean distance from P to any sensor in S. ( P 距離 sensors 最短距離 ) Worst-Case Coverage Maximal Breach Path Identify a path P from I to F such that P ’ s breach is maximized.

5 Problem Formulation (2/2) Support : Given a path P connecting areas I and F, Support is defined as the maximum Euclidean distance from P to the closest sensor in S. ( P 距離 sensor 最遠距離 ) Best-Case Coverage Minimal Support Path Identify a path P from I to F such that P ’ s support is minimized.

6 Centralized Algorithms Worst-Case Coverage Theorem 1. At least one Maximal Breach Path must lie on the line segments of the bounded Voronoi diagram formed by the locations of the sensors in S.

7 Construction Of Voronoi Diagram Divide-and-Conquer Paradigm [Go Details]Go Details

8 Incremental Method

9 Construction of Voronoi Diagram


11 Maximal Breach Path

12 Complexity Voronoi diagram construction ~  ( n log n ) Breath-first Search ~  (V+E) Voronoi vertices <= 2n-5 Voronoi edges <=3n-6 Binary Search ~  (log range ) range = (max_weight-min_weight)/2 Total:  ( n log range )

13 Centralized Algorithms Best-Case Coverage Theorem 2. At least one Minimal Support Path must lie on the edges of the Delaunay triangulation.

14 Proof

15 Minimal Support Path Algorithm support_weight support_weight = support_weight + range support_weight = support_weight - range








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