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MHD Coronal Seismology with SDO/AIA UK Community Views Len Culhane, MSSL with inputs from Valery Nakariakov, Warwick Ineke de Moortel, St Andrews David.

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Presentation on theme: "MHD Coronal Seismology with SDO/AIA UK Community Views Len Culhane, MSSL with inputs from Valery Nakariakov, Warwick Ineke de Moortel, St Andrews David."— Presentation transcript:

1 MHD Coronal Seismology with SDO/AIA UK Community Views Len Culhane, MSSL with inputs from Valery Nakariakov, Warwick Ineke de Moortel, St Andrews David Williams, MSSL Mihalis Mathioudakis, Queen’s University

2 1. Transverse (Kink) Oscillations Commonly accepted interpretation  Standing fast magnetoacoustic m=1 modes of coronal loops Seismological applications  Estimation of the mean value of the magnetic field strength (Nakariakov and Ofman, 2001)  Estimation of the density stratification in the loop (Andries et al. 2005) Open questions  Excitation Mechanisms  Decay Mechanisms  Selectivity of the Excitation  Role of Nonlinear Effects  Use of Observations for Seismology

3 Derivation of simple analytical expressions  Linking the observables with physical parameters in the loop (e.g. magnetic field strength) 3- D MHD numerical modelling in extrapolated magnetic geometry  Linking the outcomes with analytical theory  Testing the robustness of the modelling, in particular to the errors in extrapolation and to computational constraints  Creation of seismological methods for the determination of coronal currents by MHD waves Necessary Theoretical Developments 3- D MHD modelling  Incorporation of fine structuring effects - stratification, curvature, nonlinearity in simple magnetic geometries (isolated loop, arcade, parallel loops bundle)  Parametric numerical study of the dependence of observables on model parameters (period, decay time, time dependence, scaling laws)

4 2. Longitudinal (Slow) Waves Commonly Accepted Interpretation:  Slow magnetoacoustic perturbations, guided by magnetic field lines. Seismological Applications:  Observables (periods, wave lengths, height evolution) depend strongly upon thermal effects - information about the heating function.  Modes are natural probes of coronal thermal structure - simultaneous detection of mode in TRACE 171A and 195A suggested as a probe of sub-resolution structuring of the corona (King et al., 2003) Open Questions:  What is their origin and driver?  What determines the periodicity and coherence of propagating waves?  What is the physical mechanism for the abrupt disappearance of the waves at a certain height  Are the waves connected with the running penumbra waves? (King et al., 2003)

5  Effects of transverse structuring (physical and observational).  Incorporation of a realistic TR and chromosphere in the model, including 2-D and partial ionisation effects.  Investigation of thermal over-stability of coronal plasmas.  Forward modelling of observables. Necessary Theoretical Developments

6 Novel Data Analysis Techniques - Periodogram Mapping  Periodograms of the time signals from each pixel of analysed data cube are calculated.  Determine whether there is a spectral peak with an amplitude over a prescribed confidence level.  There are two types of maps: - Periodomaps: pixel colour corresponds to the detected period if its amplitude exceeds a certain threshold - Filtermaps: pixel colour corresponds to the amplitude of the detected signal, if the period is in a certain prescribed range.  Reduce a 3-D data cube to a 2-D periodogram map  Current desktop computing for 4k x 4k datacube takes 150 hours; sample duration was ~ 83 minutes at 30 sec cadence - code in IDL - using regular Fourier transform - gain at least x 10 with FFT and better code Periodomap of a TRACE data cube from the 2nd of July 1998. The period detection level is 95%. The period range is 2.9-3.2 mHz.

7 Solar-B – Role of EUV Imaging Spectrometer  Solar-B launched two years before SDO  Observations will focus on individual Active Regions and Photospheric Dynamics  Spectral line wave observations with EIS will be challenging -Identify target structures for joint observations -Measure n e (ratios), v plasma (peak shifts) and v non-thermal (line widths) -Undertake Doppler shift and broadening observations related to wave phenomena (e.g. torsional Alfven modes)  Before SDO launch, rehearse using EIS observations of structures in campaigns with TRACE  Establish links between Solar-B observation planning and SDO operational modes for joint study of targets of interest for coronal seismology

8 EIS Instrument Features  Large Effective Area in 2 EUV bands: 170-210 Å and 250-290 Å –Multi-layer Mirror (15 cm dia ) and Grating both with optimized Mo/Si Coatings –CCD camera two 2048 x 1024 high QE back-illuminated CCDs  Spatial resolution → 1 arc sec pixels/2 arc sec resolution  Line spectroscopy with ~ 25 km/s per pixel sampling  Field of View : –Raster: 6 arc min×8.5 arc min –FOV centre moveable E – W by ± 15 arc min  Wide temperature coverage: log T = 4.7, 5.4, 6.0 - 7.3 K  Simultaneous observation of up to 25 lines (spectral windows)

9 Density Sensitive Line Ratio  Density sensitive line ratios with pairs of forbidden lines  CHIANTI is used for this estimate  Filling factor of coronal loop estimated at 2 arc sec resolution  Fe XI line ratios 182.17/188.21 and 184.80/188.21 will also be useful (Keenan et al. 2005)

10 Doppler Velocity and Line Width Uncertainties Doppler velocity Line width Bright AR line Flare line Photons (1  1  area) -1 sec Photons (1  1  area) -1 (10sec) - 1  One-  uncertainty in: - Doppler shift (  v in km/s) - Non-thermal line width (  FWHM in km/s)  Values are plotted against number of detected photons in the line for: - Bright AR line (Fe XV/284 Å) - Flare line (Fe XXIV/255 Å)

11 Loop Cross Section and Coronal Parameters Simulated cross-section of a loop with radius 720 km (1” Earth view). Horizontal axis is perpendicular to the observer’s line-of-sight, whilst the vertical axis extends parallel to the line-of-sight. Coloured areas: Simulated line-of-sight velocities Contours: Line-of-sight velocity multiplied by n e 2  Calculated emission from a flux tube imaged by Solar-B EIS assuming: – 1 arc sec spatial pixel – 23 mÅ spectral pixel – Fe XII 195 Å line registered in EIS – possible periods ~ 10 – 100 s – assume  t = 1s in 1 arc sec slice at loop apex  Assume radial profile of azimuthal velocity amplitude (Ruderman et al.,1997)  is V  (r) = 16 v o (r/a) 2 (1 – r/a) 2 v o is maximum azimuthal velocity, a is loop radius and  is measured clockwise from line-of-sight about loop axis  Also assume B o = 50 G, n e, max = 2.10 9, T e = 1.5.10 6 K, n e, core is x10 external density (r > a) and loop length L = 10a  Williams et al. simulated effect on line profile of a torsional wave passing through a coronal AR loop – effects invisible in e.g. TRACE-like passband unless high velocities

12 Simulated profile of the Fe XII 195 Å line in EIS B AR loop of radius a = 350km (0.5”) Loop cross-section is contained in a single 1” pixel Torsional velocity amplitude maximum of 25 km.s -1. Rest profile centre shown by vertical dotted line. Spatially averaged, optically thin torsional broadening mimics a non-thermal velocity of approximately half the maximum amplitude of the actual azimuthal velocity. Simulated profile of the Fe XII 195 Å line in EIS B AR loop of radius a = 720km (1.0”) Loop cross-section straddles two pixels, each of which detects a profile with a different centroid For receding right-hand side (x > 0), profile has spatially averaged red-shift of ~ 12 km.s -1 Approaching left-hand side of loop shows apparent blue-shift of ~ 5 km.s -1 Discrepancy is largely due to the photon noise in these simulated lines. Simulated Line Profiles

13 Coronal Seismology Requirements Summary Observational  Observe transverse “kink” modes in coronal loops to enable seismology applications e.g. magnetic field estimates, damping scaling laws - search for higher harmonics for density stratification information  Study propagating longitudinal waves throughout the solar atmosphere to investigate coupling of different regions of solar atmosphere and probe thermal structure - high-cadence observations of quiescent coronal loops in a wide T e range  Observe EIT waves to check evolution of wave amplitude and speed with distance - study wave front interaction with active regions - establish height structure of disturbances - clarify role of global magnetic topology  Search for torsional Alfven modes - observe line shifts and broadenings with Solar-B EIS and target structures at high cadence with AIA

14 Coronal Seismology Requirements Summary Theoretical  Incorporate effects of e.g fine structure, stratification, curvature, in analytical theory and numerical simulations for propagation in simple loop geometries  Incorporate transverse structure and realistic transition region and chromosphere in analytical theory and numerical simulations for propagation throughout atmosphere  Examine role of magnetic topology in wave propagation – EIT waves? Techniques and Tools  Automated detection of wave modes and oscillations periodogram mapping search for significant periods amplitude search within specified frequency ranges  Develop robust and automated (?) wavelet analysis techniques  Relate NLFF extrapolated magnetic fields (HMI) with AIA wave observations  Joint spectral (Solar-B) and imaging (AIA) observations → n e, v plasma, v non-thermal


16 EIS Sensitivity IonWavelength (A) logTN photons ARM2-Flare Fe X184.546.001536 Fe XII186.85 / 186.886.1113/21105/130 Fe XXI187.897.00-346 Fe XI188.23 / 188.306.1141 / 15110/47 Fe XXIV192.047.30- 4.0  10 4 Fe XII192.396.1146120 Ca XVII192.826.7031 1.8  10 3 Fe XII193.526.11135305 Fe XII195.12 / 195.136.11241/16538/133 Fe XIII200.026.2020113 Fe XIII202.046.203582 Fe XIII203.80 / 203.836.207/2038/114 Detected photons per 1  1  area of the Sun per 1 sec exposure. IonWavelength (A) logTN photons ARM2-Flare Fe XVI251.076.40-108 Fe XXII253.167.11-71 Fe XVII254.876.60-109 Fe XXVI255.107.30- 3.3  10 3 He II256.324.7016 3.6  10 3 Si X258.376.111462 Fe XVI262.986.4015437 Fe XXIII263.767.20- 1.2  10 3 Fe XIV264.786.3020217 Fe XIV270.516.3017104 Fe XIV274.206.301476 Fe XV284.166.35111 1.5  10 3

17 Spectroscopic Performance Long Wavelength Band Ne III lines near 267 Å from the NRL Ne–Mg Penning discharge source Gaussian profile fitting gives the FWHM values shown in the right-hand panel 57.7 mÅ 58.1 mÅ 57.9 mÅ  ~ 4600

18 Spectroscopic Performance Short Wavelength Band Mg III lines near 187 Å from the NRL Ne–Mg Penning discharge source Gaussian profile fitting gives the FWHM values shown in the right-hand panel 47 mÅ  ~ 4000

19 Four slit/slot selections available EUV line spectroscopy - Slits - 1 arcsec  512 arcsec slit - best spectral resolution - 2 arcsec  512 arcsec slit - higher throughput EUV Imaging – Slots –Overlappogram; velocity information overlapped –40 arcsec  512 arcsec slot - imaging with little  overlap –250 arcsec  512 arcsec slot - detecting transient events Slit and Slot Interchange

20 EIS Field-of-View 360  512  EIS Slit Maximum FOV for raster observation 512  900  Raster-scan range Shift of FOV center with coarse-mirror motion 250  slot 40  slot 512 

21 EIS Effective Area Primary and Grating: Measured- flight model data used Filters: Measured- flight entrance and rear filters CCD QE: Measured- engineering model data used Following the instrument end-to-end calibration, analysis suggests that the above data are representative of the flight instrument

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