Music Development Office 2015 Strategic Plan Responding to more than half of the recommendations from the Live Music Thinker in Residence Report Karen.

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Presentation on theme: "Music Development Office 2015 Strategic Plan Responding to more than half of the recommendations from the Live Music Thinker in Residence Report Karen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Music Development Office 2015 Strategic Plan Responding to more than half of the recommendations from the Live Music Thinker in Residence Report Karen Marsh Senior Music Development Officer Industry and Innovation Becc Bates Manager, Contemporary Music Arts SA

2 Music Development Office (MDO) Vision and Alignment MDO Vision: To support the creation of a vibrant, dynamic and globally integrated South Australian music industry Achieving this vision will contribute to the following South Australian Economic Priorities: Key Economic Priorities: # 6: Growth through innovation # 7: South Australia - the best place to do business Also: # 4: The Knowledge State – where international students are attracted to our educational opportunities and we commercialise our research # 8: Adelaide, the heart of the vibrant State # 9: Promoting South Australia’s international connections and engagement # 10: South Australia’s businesses have access to capital and global markets 2

3 MDO Mission To develop initiatives that position music at the centre of South Australia’s cultural vision; to facilitate the development of South Australia’s music industry through creative and business development; and to increase industry’s capabilities and development of markets, locally, nationally and internationally. To achieve all the above by taking an integrated, customer-centric approach to the industry that is aligned across all of Government (local, State and Federal). 3

4 4 MDO Objectives  Growth: support cultural and economic growth for the South Australian music industry  Collaboration: facilitate collaboration both within the sector, within Government, and with other industries for the overall benefit of the music industry.  Mapping: measure the value and capabilities of the South Australian music industry, map its connections, identify levers and drivers for change, and develop future measures based around findings  Market building: support the South Australian music industry to build new and expand upon existing local, national and international markets  Information: enable the South Australian music industry to easily access relevant, targeted guidance and support  Entrepreneurial environment: encourage a supportive environment for creative development and artistic innovation, and for entrepreneurs to build their business in Adelaide without the need to leave the state

5 5 MDO Key Activities Growth:  Live Music: the MDO has an integrated program of activities in support of the live music industry. These include:  Supporting the work of the Music Industry Council and Live Music Office in regulatory reform to make it easier for venues to host live music.Music Industry Council Live Music Office  Partnering with the Live Music Office and Music SA to:Music SA  Develop a census for live music in Adelaide that will form a baseline to assess the impacts of increased support for the industry, and  Develop a ‘Best Practice Guidelines for Live Music Venues’ toolkit to encourage more venues to host live music.  Implementing regional engagement activities to activate live music precincts in metropolitan and regional areas of South Australia.  Partnering in a national report by University of Tasmania entitled “The Economic and Cultural Value of Live Music” that will be released early June 2015.  Robert Stigwood Artist and Industry Fellowship program:  The Stigwood Program is an annual program that provides long-term, tailored support for the rising stars of the local industry.Stigwood Program  The 2015 program begins in August.  Song writing and Producer Development  Partner in national song writing development programs that build on 2014’s Songhubs and 50 Songs programs.  Deliver a producer development initiative (‘The Producer Series’) that builds national and international networks, collaborations and experiences for local producers.  Funding: deliver Arts SA’s Contemporary Music Grants Program (four rounds per annum) and annual Organisations Funding.Arts SA’s Contemporary Music Grants Program 5

6 6 MDO Key Activities 6 Collaboration:  Music Industry Cluster - support funded organisation Musitec to drive industry clustering initiatives, including seeking opportunities to promote the value of clustering to the industry, and actively participating in cluster engagement activities.Musitec  Strategic alliances - develop collaborations with APRA, Sounds Australia, Live Music Office, The Great Escape, Creative Victoria, Australia Council for the Arts etc that will benefit the South Australian music industry.  Build connections between film and music:  Partner with the Adelaide Film Festival and the Media Resource Centre to develop programs that connect film makers and South Australian musicians.  Technology - identify and implement mechanisms to encourage deeper engagement between music and technology and that allows South Australia to develop a specialisation in music technology collaborations Mapping:  Map the industry using a systems-thinking approach that combines face-to-face surveys, stakeholder engagement activities and mapping techniques, and use this approach to identify levers and drivers for change and to ensure future programs closely meet industry needs.

7 7 MDO Key Activities 7 Market building:  Support the Music Industry Council to analyse impact of the local media environment on audiences for live music.  Connect businesses to export initiatives such as Export Partnership Program and the Export Market Development Grant, and to State and local Government small business programs. Information:  Make the MDO easy for industry to connect with via a range of communications include the MDO website, social media, and in person at St Paul’s Creative Centre.St Paul’s Creative Centre  Publish information on the MDO website that clearly illustrates pathways to support.  Deliver targeted stakeholder engagement sessions at St Paul’s Creative Centre to deliver information to, and gather information from, the industry. Entrepreneurial Environment:  Build the St Paul’s Creative Centre as a creative and business development hub, and a centre for music industry clustering. Work to attract a diverse mix of tenants, hot deskers, education providers, facilities and events to the space, and to foster cross-industry connections and collaboration.

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