The Golden Age of Weimar. Learning Objectives Success Criteria.

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Presentation on theme: "The Golden Age of Weimar. Learning Objectives Success Criteria."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Golden Age of Weimar

2 Learning Objectives

3 Success Criteria

4 Challenge Criteria

5 Think about the Kaiserreich vs the Weimar Republic

6 William Shirer: correspondent of the Chicago Tribune

7 Deutsch Kultur vor dem ersten Weltkrieg- how hat es sich verändert?

8 Neue Sachlichkeit

9 Kunst

10 Georg Grosz: Grey Day (1921) Architect of the new republic War veteran Faceless workerBusiness

11 Georg Grosz: The Eclipse of the Sun (1926) Hindenburg His ministers The public Big Business

12 Literatur

13 Kabarett und Theater

14 Nachtleben und Diskotheken

15 Otto Dix: Big City

16 Das Kino


18 Bauhaus Bauhaus- University, Weimar

19 The foyer of Bauhaus-University, Weimar

20 A clash of cultures

21 Images Prostitutes buying cocaine

22 Disparity between rich and poor

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