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MEG Review at Brookhaven, Feb 5, 2004 : CMS Si Tracker Project: J. Incandela 1 US CMS Silicon Tracker US LHC Detector Maintenance and Operations Evaluation Group Meeting Joe Incandela University of California Santa Barbara US CMS Silicon Tracker Project Manager February 5, 2004 Outline: Project overview and Status Schedule and Project Completion Installation and Commissioning, Maintenance and Operations R&D for upgrades
MEG Review at Brookhaven, Feb 5, 2004 : CMS Si Tracker Project: J. Incandela 2 US Silicon Tracker Group Fermilab (FNAL) L. Spiegel, S. Tkaczyk, A. Rhonzin, + technicians Kansas State University (KSU) T.Bolton, W.Kahl, R.Sidwell, N.Stanton University of California, Riverside (UCR) Gail Hanson, Gabriella Pasztor, Patrick Gartung University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) A. Affolder, A. Allen, D. Barge, S. Burke, D. Calahan, C.Campagnari, D. Hale, (C. Hill), J.Incandela, S. Kyre, J. Lamb, C. McGuinness, D. Staszak, L. Simms, J. Stoner, S. Stromberg, (D. Stuart), R. Taylor, D. White University of Illinois, Chicago (UIC) E. Chabalina, C. Gerber, T. Timor University of Kansas (KU) P. Baringer, A. Bean, L. Christofek, X. Zhao University of Rochester (UR) R.Demina, R. Eusebi, E. Halkiadakis, A. Hocker, S.Korjenevski, P. Tipton Mexico:3 institutes led by Cinvestav Cuidad de Mexico 2 more groups are in the process of joining us
MEG Review at Brookhaven, Feb 5, 2004 : CMS Si Tracker Project: J. Incandela 3 US Responsibilities 5.4 m 2.4 m Outer Barrel (TOB) ~105 m 2 NEW:End Caps (TEC) 50% Modules for Rings 5 and 6 and hybrid processing for Rings 2,5,6
ROD INTEGRATION AachenKarlsruheStrasbourgZurichWien PETALS INTEGRATION Aachen Brussels Karlsruhe Louvain LyonStrasbourg Brussels Wien Lyon TECassembly TECassembly CERN Frames: Brussels Sensors: factories Hybrids: Strasbourg Pitch adapter: Brussels Hybrid: CF carrier TK ASSEMBLY At CERN Louvain Strasbourg Pisa PerugiaWien BariPerugia BariFirenzeTorinoPisaPadova TIB-TID INTEGRATION FNAL UCSB TOBassembly TIB-IDassembly At CERN PisaAachenKarlsruhe.--> Lyon Karlsruhe Pisa Sensor QAC Module assembly Bonding & testing Sub-assemblies FNAL US CMS tracker responsibilities Integration into mechanics KSU FNAL UCSB
MEG Review at Brookhaven, Feb 5, 2004 : CMS Si Tracker Project: J. Incandela 5 Outer Barrel Production Outer Barrel Modules 4128 Axial (Installed) 1080 Stereo (Installed) Rods 508 Single-sided 180 Double-sided US Tasks All final hybrid bonding & test All Module assembly & test All Rod assembly & test Joint Responsibilities with CERN Installation & Commissioning Maintenance and Operation ~20 cm
MEG Review at Brookhaven, Feb 5, 2004 : CMS Si Tracker Project: J. Incandela 6 End Cap Construction TEC group unable to produce all types of TEC modules. TEC schedule was threatened. Central European Consortium requested US help We agreed to produce up to 2000 R5 and R6 modules UCSB successfully built the R6 module above. Nearly ready to go on R5
MEG Review at Brookhaven, Feb 5, 2004 : CMS Si Tracker Project: J. Incandela 7 Production Improvements Gantry (robotic) module assembly Redesigned More robust, flexible, easily maintained Surveying and QA Automated independent system (OGP) More efficient, accurate, fail-safe Module Wirebonding Developed fully automated wirebonding Faster and more reliable bonding Negligible damage or rework Taken together: Major increase in US capabilities Higher quality
MEG Review at Brookhaven, Feb 5, 2004 : CMS Si Tracker Project: J. Incandela 8 Module and Rod Testing & QA Problems caught by US groups Defective hybrid cables Vibration damage Common Mode Noise traced to ST sensors Faulty pipeline cells in APVs Rod Production Have built 3 rods so far Will build and test all of the 688 rods (+10% spares) in the TOB
MEG Review at Brookhaven, Feb 5, 2004 : CMS Si Tracker Project: J. Incandela 9 Tracker Schedule ST has not yet been officially qualified to produce sensors! We find serious quality and/or robustness issues As a result production schedule is slipping! Fortunately we have increased our capacity.
MEG Review at Brookhaven, Feb 5, 2004 : CMS Si Tracker Project: J. Incandela 10 Current situation US production readiness Both production lines can produce 15 modules per day. UCSB recently completed 75 modules in one week. FNAL about to perform a similar exercise This is almost double our initial expectations and could be exceeded for short periods. Components All components are procured by European groups Hybrids now look ok. Deliveries at high rates Frames, rod frames etc. all coming in ok ST sensors are a serious concern Possible evidence of deterioration over time Attempting to move production to Hamamatsu Photonics Corp. Situation is ‘delicate’ vis-à-vis the ST contract Delays…
MEG Review at Brookhaven, Feb 5, 2004 : CMS Si Tracker Project: J. Incandela 11 Project end & Transition to M&O We assume we will be needed to cover at least half of the effort of installation and commissioning (I&C) of the TOB. Installation/testing of rods in wheels (April 04 – ?). 2-4 FTE Sr. Physicists, 7 Post-docs, students. Testing modules on rods before installation. Limited system tests. 1 FTE Engineer (base). Rod & Module repairs, cooling system, mechanics. Laboratory space and equipment for testing and repairs. For maintenance and operation (M&O) of the TOB we want a team that could provide continuous support in all 6 areas of operation. In late 2005, large M&O support team must be in place. We estimate 12 physicists at CERN together with continued engineering and technical support & associated M&S and operating costs for maintaining a small laboratory space for testing and repairs.
MEG Review at Brookhaven, Feb 5, 2004 : CMS Si Tracker Project: J. Incandela 12 M&O for Tracker Outer Barrel* 1.Operation 3-4 phys., 1 tech. 24/7 on-call to avoid dead time. Includes Leadership: to organize overall effort, make executive decisions for effort allocation and interpretation of diagnostics results. Interface with experiment and rest of CMS admin. (1 FTE of overhead). 2.DAQ – 2-3 phys., 0.5-1.0 Eng., 2 tech. Front end and upper level modules. FEDs and EB managers. Diagnostics, testing, repairs, re-testing, swapping of critical DAQ modules. 3.Radiation protection and cooling 2-3 phys. 0.5-1.0 engineer, 1-2 tech. Monitoring, repair. System issues: cooling tech present at all times dealing with problems as they arise. 4. Power supplies. 1-2 phys, 1-2 tech. Startup crucial. Techs needed for testing all supplies prior to installation, then retest after installation. Safety interlock issue. A serious ongoing maintenance issue. 5.Monitoring and calibration databases 1-2 physicists at CERN. Need some resident presence for calibrations. CDF does this remotely and sees remote calibration control to be a serious problem. We expect a much larger population (possibly students) will work remotely. Need to catch problems in data and in calibration techniques. Significant effort to maintain good channel list. 6.Alignment 1-2 phys., ½ tech. Laser alignment runs, hardware maintenance. Offline alignment and monitoring of alignment constants. *Based upon Run 2 Tevatron silicon experience
MEG Review at Brookhaven, Feb 5, 2004 : CMS Si Tracker Project: J. Incandela 13 M&O Cost Estimate
MEG Review at Brookhaven, Feb 5, 2004 : CMS Si Tracker Project: J. Incandela 14 US CMS SITRK M&O Resources Manpower on Base All Post-docs and one engineer. Too early to identify by name. Post-docs mainly redirected from other programs or the production effort but expect a small number of new positions could be requested. Manpower on Project All technicians and non-base engineering.
MEG Review at Brookhaven, Feb 5, 2004 : CMS Si Tracker Project: J. Incandela 15 Response to April ‘03 Review “The manpower and M&O cost estimate for the TOB are internally consistent, but should be reviewed by the collaboration management to see if adequate resources are available within U.S. CMS or the CMS collaboration at large, given the CDF Run II experience. ” Response: Our main goal is to have at least the minimum required to have a continuous presence in all 6 areas of operation of the microstrip tracker. We do not need to have more than this because all other tracker subsystems will provide manpower and the operation of the tracker as a whole will be shared by everyone, due to the commonality of the electronics from front-end to DAQ. Note however, we do not want to have less than this since we could not have significant involvement in all of the main areas of operation. Finally, several new groups have joined and we will encourage them to add some support to our presence at CERN.
MEG Review at Brookhaven, Feb 5, 2004 : CMS Si Tracker Project: J. Incandela 16 Upgrade R&D Issues CMS silicon has limited lifetime. 10 years of operation (we hope). Further, possibly higher luminosity running will require more rad-hard silicon than currently exists. R&D for current silicon took many years. Expect to participate in future efforts at least at the level of prototyping and testing silicon or silicon-alternative designs. 60k$ per year M&S (not included in current budgets) Now preparing a proposal at this level for FY04
MEG Review at Brookhaven, Feb 5, 2004 : CMS Si Tracker Project: J. Incandela 17 Summary & Conclusions US Groups now responsible for building and testing more than half of the silicon strip tracker We are ready for high throughput. Most components ok and in high rate production. ST sensor issue is serious: no clear solution in sight We are still planning to complete the project in FY05 Based on CDF/D0 experience, significant resources will be needed for I&C and M&O. We estimate ~12 post-docs plus engineering and technical support to allow US to have significant involvement in all aspects of operations
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