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2 R Read the title and scan the text. Make predictions.
Read the title, look at pictures, scan the text. Make predictions about the genre and author’s purpose. Do the pictures look real or fake? Is there dialogue throughout the passage? Fiction or non-fiction? Be sure to read the writing that is under the title.(sometimes written in italics. Often this will give you a summary, hint at the main idea or give more information about the topic). *Remember these are only predictions, so they may not be correct, but they will get your brain warmed up and thinking.

3 U Underline / highlight key words in the questions
This will help you set a purpose for reading. You should underline important names, dates, and parts of the question. If a word is already bold or italicized it is not necessary to underline since it is already telling you how important the word is. What is the question really asking? (author’s purpose, main idea, sequencing, etc.)

4 N Number the paragraphs / stanzas
If the passage contains a lot of dialogue, avoid numbering all of the paragraphs.

5 N Now read the passage

6 E Enclose clues to right answers
Highlight information in the passage that may be answers to the questions.

7 R Reread the question and all answer choices
Read the question again and focus on the words you circled / highlighted from before. Read the question again and read ALL of the answer choices A-D.

8 S Slash the trash and select the best answer
Show proof from the passage of where your answer was found (justify).

9 The History of Aspirin: An Old Remedy Reexamined
Read the passage using the RUNNERS strategies and answer questions# 7-13. pgs

10 7. How does the author introduce the key idea that aspirin is a natural remedy?

11 8. Which paragraph provides the strongest support for the idea that medicine bears some similarity to what it was in Hippocrates' time?

12 9. Which phrase from paragraph 4 best helps the reader understand the meaning of the word "panacea"?

13 10. Read this sentence from paragraph 6 of the passage.
While not a universal cure-all, aspirin has been found to have other health benefits. What idea does this sentence introduce in the passage?

14 11. Which of the following claims is best supported by the passage?

15 12. Read this dictionary entry.
minor (n) 1. a person who is too young to be given all rights (adj) 2. small in size or importance 3. being too young to be given all rights 4. being a musical scale in which the third tone is a half-step lower Now read the following sentence from the passage. That just goes to show that old technology is not necessarily minor and that its value can be enduring. What is the meaning of "minor" as it is used in the above sentence?

16 13. Which is the best summary of the passage?

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