15 October 2014University of Athens Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications 11 Road-, Air-and Water-based Future Internet Experimentation H2020 - 645220.

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1 15 October 2014University of Athens Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications 11 Road-, Air-and Water-based Future Internet Experimentation H2020 - 645220 RAWFIE

2 15 October 2014University of Athens Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications 2 Who (1/2)  UoA, GR  CSEM, CH  IES, IT  Fraunhofer, DE  Epsilon, BG  HAI, GR  Pegase, FR  CERTH, GR  Oceanscan, PT  HES-SO, CH  Robotnik, ES  Aviontek, DE  HMOD, GR

3 15 October 2014University of Athens Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications 3 Who (2/2)  13 partners from 8 countries  Universities, Industry, SME  Technical partners software/hardware providers  Testbed operators  End Users

4 15 October 2014University of Athens Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications 4 What  Create a federation of unmanned vehicle testbeds  Unmanned vehicles can me aerial (UAVs), ground (UGVs) or Maritime Surface (USVs)  Remote operation, experiment execution of multiple vehicles  Central platform, controlling environment  Support software (experiment management, data logging, etc.)

5 RAWFIE multi-tier architecture 15 October 2014University of Athens Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications 5

6 RAWFIE node 15 October 2014University of Athens Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications 6

7 15 October 2014University of Athens Dept. of Informatics and Telecommunications 7 Open calls for contribution  2 rounds of open calls for all actors testbed operators UxV providers experimenters

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