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Using and teaching media in the English classroom.

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Presentation on theme: "Using and teaching media in the English classroom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using and teaching media in the English classroom

2  To examine issues and ideas in Media strand  To consider activities and lessons for teaching media literacy and media production  To finish grammar and self and peer assess  To prepare or conference for final stages of assignment

3  Literacy: Luke, Chase, Neil, Gloria  Media Studies: Sarah, J.D, Mauricio, Shaun


5  1. Understanding Media Texts  2. Understanding Media Forms, Conventions and Techniques  3. Creating Media Texts  4. Reflecting on Skills and Strategies

6 MEDIA LITERACY  Analysis, critical thinking MEDIA PRODUCTION  Expression, Creativity, Skill

7  “Not just a treat”!  Analysis, review  Examining clips rather than full film- example- different portrayals of Hamlet over the years  Not “comparison” with book but assessment of treatment of book  Instead of watching movie version of book, consider a related movie ( Blue Jasmine- A Streetcar Named Desire)  Other ideas?

8  Documentary critique- sample 4C activity: examine issues/ “teachable moments”  Studying media effects- articles, books- example – Neil Postman’s Amusing Ourselves to Death ( 4U unit)

9  Expectations  Benefits to student learning  Complement to media literacy or literature studies  Application of knowledge  Integration with other strands- reading, writing, oral  Samples of student work

10  In a small group, create a media literacy and/ or production task. Determine your learning goals and outline the process. Consider methods of evaluation. Outline on chart paper to post and explain to class. Consider application of oral, reading and writing expectations.

11  Professional Reading Assignment  What do YOU think, based on your completion of the task, should be the criteria on the rubric?  What does an A paper look like? ( Descriptors)  Extra challenge: Distinction between an A and A+?

12  Final mini-lessons  Review: self- assessment- back to diagnostic quiz  Jigsaw groups: Ask the experts! One rep from each mini-lesson

13  Lesson activities and final reflection  How are you progressing?  How did your professional reading complement your study?  What are your next steps? Are you answering your critical questions?

14  Read and Write- demo Foxit- ipad app  Options: share with me as google doc and I can comment and mark on your doc and you can read it  Send it as PDF, download foxit on your device so that you can read my comments  OR submit the old-fashioned way and I will send final reflection back to you by inter-board mail if you’re in Ottawa for practicum

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