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29.4 Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 77 Topic: 30.5 Blood Essential Question(s): 1.No EQ 2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules.

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1 29.4 Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 77 Topic: 30.5 Blood Essential Question(s): 1.No EQ 2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules 30.5 Blood

2 Crabs have blue blood. Earthworms have green blood. Starfish have yellow blood. Humans have red blood. Hypothesize what gives blood its color.

3 30.5 Blood Its components (what is inside of it) In humans hemoglobin, a red pigment that is found in red blood cells, gives human blood its color

4 30.5 Blood KEY CONCEPT Blood is a complex tissue that transports materials.

5 30.5 Blood Director of the American Red Cross Recruited 100,000 people to donate blood Developed large scale blood banks during WWII Resigned from his position when the U.S. military insisted that blood be segregated according to race He argued that blood has no race. He was correct. Charles Richard Drew (1904-1950)

6 30.5 Blood Blood is composed mainly of cells, cell fragments, and plasma. Whole blood is made up of different materials. –plasma –red blood cells –white blood cells –platelets red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets plasma

7 30.5 Blood bone marrow manufactures most of the blood components –Red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets red blood cell platelet white blood cell Bone marrow

8 30.5 Blood On the rest of pg. 77, please create a Tree Map of the parts of blood and their functions from the class notes and videos. Blood Plasma Red White Platelets Blood Blood Cells Cells

9 30.5 Blood Plasma is a key factor in maintaining homeostasis. –Liquid component of blood mostly water (93% by volume) contains dissolved proteins, glucose, mineral ions, hormones and carbon dioxidehormonescarbon dioxide red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets plasma

10 30.5 Blood Predict what you think might happen to your blood if you become dehydrated. Because the blood contains so much water, being dehydrated would make the blood thicker, affecting blood flow, and homeostasis.

11 30.5 Blood Red blood cells make up 40-45 % of all blood cells. –transport oxygen to cells and carry away carbon dioxide –have no nuclei and contain hemoglobin –life span (120 days) –Determine blood type

12 30.5 Blood RBCs have surface protein markers that define your blood type If you receive blood with a protein marker different from your own: immune system will attack the foreign blood cells, causing them to clump- can result in death

13 30.5 Blood ABO blood group: A, B, AB, and O –O has no marker and can be donated to anyone –AB can accept any blood type Rh factor: Rh+ or Rh- –Anyone can receive Rh- –Rh- cannot receive Rh+ –immune system will make Rh+ cells burst **Blood must be checked for both ABO and Rh factor –blood types must be compatible for transfusions

14 30.5 Blood For example I am A positive (A+) Please copy down blood type table on pg. 76

15 30.5 Blood White blood cells fight pathogens and destroy foreign matter. –Contain no hemoglobin –Also part of the immune system red blood cell platelet white blood cell

16 30.5 Blood Platelets help form clots that control bleeding. –Cluster around a wound –Blood above dries out to form a scab –Blood clots that form in blood vessels present serious risk to health- can cause stroke or heart attack –Inability to form clots is equally serious- Hemophilia platelets fibrin red blood cell white blood cell

17 30.5 Blood Please add to your tree map with notes from the videos

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