Electrical and Computer Engineering Preliminary Design Review Team 14: BMW Brainwave Manipulated Wagon.

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Presentation on theme: "Electrical and Computer Engineering Preliminary Design Review Team 14: BMW Brainwave Manipulated Wagon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electrical and Computer Engineering Preliminary Design Review Team 14: BMW Brainwave Manipulated Wagon

2 2 Electrical and Computer Engineering Team 14 Members Zijian Chen CSE Tiffany Jao CSE Man Qin EE Xueling Zhao EE Faculty Advisor: Qiangfei Xia

3 3 Electrical and Computer Engineering What is the Problem ? Current wheelchair cannot satisfy everyone’s need  Inconvenient for senior users  Impossible for some people with disability to use http://www.trustedquote.com/disability-insurance

4 4 Electrical and Computer Engineering How significant is the problem ?  There are seniors and disability population who cannot use their hands well to control wheelchair  High expenses for family to pay for home care service in other country  Cost for high-tech wheelchair is unaffordable for every household

5 5 Electrical and Computer Engineering Context : Effect on Individual  Seniors and disability population do not need to rely on other people to bring them outside all the times  Requires a more convinent control for wheelchair http://image1.masterfile.com/

6 6 Electrical and Computer Engineering Context: Effect on Group  Allocate human resource to other field http://www.mpaexhibits.com/

7 7 Electrical and Computer Engineering Solution: Brainwave(EEG) control We are going to use a model car to demonstrate the capability of brainwave signal control http://www.brainwavelove.com/

8 8 Electrical and Computer Engineering Requirements Analysis: Specifications  Uses dominant brainwave frequency to trigger vehicle motion  Includes controls for forward, backward, left, right, stop and speed  Records brainwave frequency with corresponding user’s command Different user may have different frequency when thinking ‘left’ naturally

9 9 Electrical and Computer Engineering Requirements Analysis: Inputs and Outputs Inputs  Brainwave signal Outputs  Car movements  User interface display brainwave frequency level User’s brainwave configuration with different command

10 10 Electrical and Computer Engineering General Solution Block Diagram Input: Brainwave Headset Output: Receiver to control car Arduino/ Microprocessor with Transmitter Computer - Signal Processing - User Interface

11 11 Electrical and Computer Engineering Our Solution: Block Diagram User Interface Computer[MATLAB] Signal from headset Signal Analysis Command Processing Micro-controller TX RX: Robotic Car Car FPGA 3 bits output Commands Database Arduino

12 12 Electrical and Computer Engineering Our Solution: Possible Extra Functionality  Collision avoidance algorithm using radar  Alarm to give warning if user’s dominant frequency is low (drowsiness)

13 13 Electrical and Computer Engineering Our Solution: EEG Signal Processing  Retrieve EEG raw Data using NeuroSky MindWave Mobile headset  Utilize MATLAB to extract real-time EEG raw Data  Allows PC to communicate with the headset using thinkgear.dll library http://store.neurosky.com/products/mindwave-mobile

14 14 Electrical and Computer Engineering Our Solution: Signal Processing Details  FFT / Power Spectrum  Signal Filtering to find dominant frequency  Output function variable - Attention Level Utilize the function implemented in thinkgear.dll  Output max frequency and amplitude

15 15 Electrical and Computer Engineering Alternative for Signal Processing  Additional variable in NeuroSky MindWave Mobile Eye-blink detection Alternative for turning control  Electrodes OpenEEG or EEG circuit Pros More controllable signal low price Cons Time consuming unknown technical issue with additional channel

16 16 Electrical and Computer Engineering Our Solution: Command Processing  Receive inputs: frequency and amplitude  Algorithm to transform frequency, power and amplitude into car operation command  Algorithm will be self-learning Generalizes from database that contain user’s previous configuration

17 17 Electrical and Computer Engineering Our Solution: User Interface  Allow user to view brainwave frequency spectrum  Provide configuration setup for user to record their brainwave with corresponding command Connection with self-learning algorithm and signal processing Database to store user’s previous brainwave signal configuration

18 18 Electrical and Computer Engineering Alternatives: Light stimuli user interface  Steady state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) Brain signal response to visual stimuli at certain frequency i.e: light blinking  Enable possibility for more controls using brainwave signal  Con: Require to wait for change in brain signal Distract attention from outside environment Could be appropriate for application that speed is not a major factor

19 19 Electrical and Computer Engineering Our solution: RF Transmitter  High transmission speed  Reasonable Antenna size  Good Generator (Quartz crystal oscillator/op)  Modulation (555-timer)

20 20 Electrical and Computer Engineering Our solution: RF Receiver  Low noise power  Matched inductor  Amplifiers/Rectifiers  Digital output  Power efficiency

21 21 Electrical and Computer Engineering Our Solution: Board Design layout and Print our board by PCB Alternative, by hand soldering

22 22 Electrical and Computer Engineering Our Solution: FPGA  Use FPGA to store 3 one-bit numbers from input  Then output the three-bit data to the car  Alternative, CMOs Logic Gate

23 23 Electrical and Computer Engineering MDR Deliverables- Part 1  Brainwaves signals are able to process and identify  Desire output parameters are available for use – frequency, amplitude, power  Successful communication between RX and TX  FPGA performs expected logical function  Model car is ready for testing

24 24 Electrical and Computer Engineering MDR Deliverables- Part 2  Working graphical user interface and database  Command Processing Algorithm Can fetch user configuration from database Can determine operations base on frequency, amplitude, power and user configuration.

25 25 Electrical and Computer Engineering Timeline: Gantt chart 10/1310/2010/2711/311/1011/1711/24 (MDR)12/112/8 Order Part (All) Signal Processing Algorithm (Xueling Z.) Design and Assemble TX/RX (Man Q.) Integrate FPGA with TX/RX (Man Q.) Command Algorithm (Zijian C.) Graphical interface (Tiffany J.) Database (Zijian C.+ Tiffany J.) Car model (Man Q.+Xueling Z. ) Arduino code connecting to the transmitter (Tiffany J.) MDR Presentation/ Report (All)

26 26 Electrical and Computer Engineering Thank you Any Question?

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