Heart Healthy Resources. By the year 2020 to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20% while reducing deaths from cardiovascular diseases.

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Presentation on theme: "Heart Healthy Resources. By the year 2020 to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20% while reducing deaths from cardiovascular diseases."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heart Healthy Resources

2 By the year 2020 to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20% while reducing deaths from cardiovascular diseases and stroke by 20% American Heart Association / American Stroke Association IMPACT GOAL

3 Life is Why

4 Healthy Employees are Why There’s no better benefit to offer your employees than helping them have healthier, longer lives, whether your workplace is a school, corporation, hospital or any other type of worksite By teaming up with the American Heart Association you can help your employees get on their way to better health

5 Fit-Friendly Worksites Recognition Created to recognize employers who go above and beyond when it comes to their employees’ health Focuses on three areas: Physical Activity, Nutrition and Culture Review requirements here: www.heart.org/fitfriendlywww.heart.org/fitfriendly Apply online at: http://ffc.heart.orghttp://ffc.heart.org

6 Encourages companies to give employees an excuse to get away from their desks Your company can set up walking routes around the office and celebrate and reward employees who use them to make their sedentary lifestyle more active Download your copy herehere Worksite Wellness Kit

7 With the free, online Activity Tracker, your employees can: –Track their daily physical activity –Track their daily diet intake –Use our Google Map-based Walking Paths to find or create walking routes in their neighborhood, around work, and even around their hotel when traveling on business –Follow a personalized Walking Plan –Get nutrition and physical activity tips to help them achieve their goals For more information, click here.here Activity Tracker

8 Projection: Lives Saved per Day in 2020 Created to help organizations improve their food environment and promote a culture of health by providing practical action steps and suggestions that are easy to understand and apply Who should use the toolkit? Anyone involved with procuring, providing or planning food and beverages in an organization/workplace -- from vending machines to catered special events – can use this resource to learn how to make healthy changes. You can easily modify the guidance offered to fit the specific needs of your organization or office. Download your copy here.here Healthy Workplace Food and Beverage Toolkit

9 Designed with the goal of improved health by educating the public on how best to live These measures have one unique thing in common: any person can make these changes, the steps are not expensive to take and even modest improvements to your health will make a big difference. Complete the My Life Check Assessment here: http://mylifecheck.heart.org/http://mylifecheck.heart.org/ My Life Check & Life’s Simple 7

10 To continue striving towards our 2020 Impact Goal, the American Heart Association is implementing Community Planning 2.0 to empower our local boards to make impacts in our communities. The Lancaster Board of Directors has chosen to back the Lighten Up Lancaster Active Transportation group’s efforts to establish more Complete Streets in Lancaster County as the primary focus, with a continued effort to make CPR training a graduation requirement for Lancaster schools as a secondary focus. Community Planning 2.0

11 Wednesday, April 1 st National Start Walking Day

12 12 How to Get Involved: Participate Sponsor Volunteer Share Your Why

13 13 The Heart Ball is our premiere gala held Saturday, February 7 th at Lancaster Country Club. The contributions raised at the Heart Ball continue to fund biomedical research and ongoing educational programs, resulting in lives saved and enhanced health and wellness in our community.

14 Just a Little Heart Attack

15 15 Go Red for Women Luncheon on Friday, May 1 st at Lancaster Country Club provides women with tips and information on healthy eating, exercise and risk factor reduction, such as smoking cessation, weight maintenance, blood pressure control and blood cholesterol management.

16 16 The Lancaster Heart Walk brings 1,700+ walkers together to celebrate the benefits of heart healthy living, while simultaneously raising funds to support American Heart Association’s life-saving mission. Over 78 companies participated this past September raising over $230,000. This year’s event will be held again at Spooky Nook Sports Complex on Saturday, September 19 th.

17 Resource Index www.heart.org http://ffc.heart.org www.heart.org/fitfriendly http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/WorkplaceWellness/WorkplaceWellnessResources/T he-American-Heart-Associations-Worksite-Wellness-Kit_UCM_460433_Article.jsp http://www.startwalkingnow.org/start_workplace.jsp http://www.startwalkingnow.org/mystart_tracker.jsp http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/WorkplaceWellness/WorkplaceWellnessResources/H ealthy-Workplace-Food-and-Beverage-Toolkit_UCM_465195_Article.jsp http://mylifecheck.heart.org/ www.heart.org/nutritioncenter www.heart.org/lancasterwalk


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