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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up: Objectives: 1. QUIZ ON DNA AND REPLICATION"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up: Objectives: 1. QUIZ ON DNA AND REPLICATION
2.Students will create an analogy of the cycle they go through in the school day to the cycle that cell goes through Warm Up: Study 2 min.

2 G1-The cell is Growing and Preparing for cell division
cell division animation

3 G1 Checkpoint- The cell must make sure that conditions are good for cell division.
cell division animation

4 S-The cells DNA is copied through DNA replication
cell division animation

5 G2- The cell is preparing for cell division.
cell division animation

6 G2 Checkpoint- This is where the cell double checks that the DNA has been copied correctly.
cell division animation

7 M phase – The nucleus is dividing during Mitosis.
cell division animation

8 M phase – The cell checks if the nucleus has been divided correctly.
cell division animation

9 Cytokinesis- The entire cell is dividing to go from one cell to two.
cell division animation

10 G0- Some cells never divide so they go into something called the G0 phase. These tend to be cells that are highly specialized.

11 Cells that are growing and dividing go through a repeating series of events called the cell division cycle (or cell cycle). During the first phase (G1), the cell grows and prepares for DNA replication, which occurs in the subsequent S phase. Further growth takes place in the G2 phase, and finally mitosis occurs in the M phase.

12 Mitosis occurs in 4 phases:
Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase/Cytokenisis OR P, MAT OR P for prepare M for middle A for apart T for tear into two

13 Objectives: Warm Up: Review the cell cycle & the phases of mitosis.
Practice recognizing the phases of mitosis. Take a practice quiz. Warm Up: Describe the events of the cell cycle. When does DNA replication occur? Contrast animal cell and plant cell mitosis.

14 Interphase- This includes he G1, S and G2 phases
Interphase- This includes he G1, S and G2 phases. Your cell will spend most of its time in Interphase. cell division animation

15 In prophase, the chromatin condenses into discrete chromosomes
In prophase, the chromatin condenses into discrete chromosomes. The nuclear envelope breaks down and spindles form at opposite poles of the cell. During early prophase: Chromatin fibers become coiled into chromosomes with each chromosome having two chromatids joined at a centromere. The centrioles migrate to different poles. The centrioles produce spindle fibers from both ends of the cell.  

16 In late prophase: The nuclear envelope breaks up. Polar fibers which are microtubules that make up the spindle fibers, reach from each cell pole to the cell's equator. A specialized region called the kineticore, located on the centromere (holds the 2 DNA ladders together) joins with the spindle fibers. The chromosomes begin to migrate toward the cell center.

17 Metaphase, the spindle fully develops and the chromosomes align at the metaphase plate (a plane that is equally distant from the two spindle poles). Changes that occur in a cell during metaphase: Chromosomes align at the metaphase plate at right angles to the spindle fibers. Chromosomes are held at the metaphase plate by the equal forces of the polar fibers pushing on the centromeres of the chromosomes.

18 Anaphase In anaphase, the paired chromosomes = DNA ladders  (These are also called sister chromatids) separate and begin moving to opposite ends (poles) of the cell. Spindle fibers not connected to chromatids lengthen and elongate the cell. At the end of anaphase, each pole contains a complete compilation of chromosomes. Changes that occur in a cell during anaphase: The paired centromeres in each distinct chromosome begin to move apart. Once the paired sister chromatids separate from one another, each is considered a "full" chromosome. They are referred to as daughter chromosomes. Through the spindle apparatus, the daughter chromosomes move to the poles at opposite ends of the cell.

19 Telophase In telophase, the chromosomes are cordoned off into distinct new nuclei in the emerging daughter cells. Changes that occur in a cell during telophase: The polar fibers continue to lengthen. Nuclei(plural form of nucleus) begin to form at opposite poles. The nuclear envelopes of these nuclei are formed from remnant pieces of the parent cell's nuclear envelope and from new cellular material. Nucleoli (plural form of nucleolus) also reappear. Chromatin fibers of chromosomes uncoil. After these changes, telophase/mitosis is largely complete and the genetic contents of one cell have been divided equally into two.

20 Cytokinesis Cytokinesis, the division of the original cell's cytoplasm, begins prior to the end of mitosis and completes shortly after telophase/mitosis. At the end of cytokinesis, two genetically identical daughter cells are produced. In an animal cell microtubules surround the cell and squeeze inward forming a cleavage furrow. Eventually, cell is divided into two separate cells. In plant cells a new cell wall is formed to separate the two daughter cells. Mitosis rap Mitosis of a plant cell

21 Crash course mitosis video

22 NAME _______________ CLASS 4 ___
Mitosis Activity


24 Mitosis! Turn over your paper. You will need colored pencils. Crash course Mitosis

25 Cell division vocabulary:
Chromatin – elongated strands of DNA in the nucleus. Chromosome – the super coiled microscopically visible DNA & associated proteins. NOTE: The super-coiled structures at the beginning of prophase have 2 DNA ladders. The super-coiled structure found in each new daughter cell has only 1 ladder. Centrioles – Origin of spindle fibers Spindle fibers – strands of microtubules & microfilaments that attach to the centromeres of each chromosome. Centromere – structure holding the 2 DNA ladders together. This is produced during the “S” phase of Interphase.

26 The following definitions and actual pictures are from the website: Stages of Mitosis  By Regina Bailey Biology Expert

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