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Religious Issues.

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1 Religious Issues

2 Secularism and Theocracy
Movement away from control of life by a religion Secularists are often associated with being indifferent to religion or rejecting it all together Many Western democracies have secular principles, formally declaring the separation of government and religion Theocracy Government run by a religion Existed in the former government of Afghanistan Run by the Taliban Group of fundamentalist Muslim who controlled all aspects of life for the Afghani people Today: Iran


4 Interfaith vs. Intrafaith boundaries
Interfaith boundaries Divide space between two or more religions Intrafaith boundaries Divide space within one religion, often among denominations

5 Interfaith Conflict Place Interfaith boundary Conflict China (Tibet)
Tibetan Buddhism and Atheism The atheist Chinese government is destroying Tibetan Buddhist monasteries. Trying to suppress the religion and assimilate the people Nigeria Islam and Christianity Islam prevails in the northern region while Christianity and local religions prevail in South. Lead to power-based tensions for government control. India Hinduism and Sikhism Sikhs in the NW state of Punjab demand autonomy from the Hindu-controlled government of India India and Pakistan Hinduism and Islam Pakistan was established as a Muslim state in Pakistan and India are fighting over territory called Jammu and Kasmir Former Yugoslavia Christianity and Islam In the Yugoslavian civil wars of the 1990s, Serb leader Slobadan Milosevic tried to kill or evict the Muslim population in Bosnia and other Serbian controlled lands in the region Palestine (Modern-day Israel) Judaism and Islam *Christians too For centuries, Jews and Muslims have fought for control of Palestine. This fight intensified after the creation of Israel following World War II.

6 Intrafaith Conflict Place Intrafaith Boundary Conflict Iraq Islam:
Sunni Islam Shiite Islam After the fall of the largely Sunni government controlled by Saddam Hussein, both Sunnis and Shiites are warring for control of the newly forming political landscape United States Christian: -fundamentalism -moderate Christianity Christians have conflicted in U.S. (and worldwide) over political-cultural issues such as homosexuality, evolution, and abortion. In some cases, violent tactics have been used. Northern Ireland -Protestant -Catholic British Colonialism deposited large numbers of Protestants in traditionally Catholic Northern Ireland. Has caused violent conflicts between the two groups in the regions.

7 Religion vs. Government Conflict
Religious groups may oppose government policies seen as promoting social change conflicting with traditional religious values Islam has particularly been affected by a perceived conflict between religious values and modernization of the economy Hinduism has also been forced to react to new non-religious ideas from the west Buddhism, Christianity and Islam have all been challenged by Communist governments that diminish the importance of religion in society

8 Religion vs. Social Change
Taliban vs. Western Values Taliban rose to power in Afghanistan in 1996 Taliban means “religious students” Once in control of government, the Taliban imposed strict laws inspired by Islamic values as the Taliban interpreted them Banned: western “leisure activities” TV and Internet Homosexuals buried alive, prostitutes hung in public, stoning for adultery Taliban believed they had been called by Allah to purge Afghanistan of sin and violence Hinduism vs. Social Equality Hinduism has been strongly challenged since the 1800s English Colonization Issue is caste system Until recently castes and subcastes were part of rigid system Lack of interaction Problems Neglect of untouchables Economic system Caste system has been considerably relaxed in recent years Legally abolished “untouchable” caste Consciousness persists


10 Religion vs. Communism Soviet Union Buddhism vs. SE Asian countries
Orthodox Church Russian orthodox church of Russia since 1721 C.E. Marxism the official “doctrine” with Bolshevik revolution in 1917 Religion an “opium of the people” – Karl Marx Eliminated the official church 1918 Buildings nationalized Beliefs persisted, although knowledge decreased End of communism = revival of religion Islam Main religion in Central Asian countries Also dominated by U.S.S.R. Difficulties applying Islam to government Buddhism vs. SE Asian countries Buddhist hurt by the Vietnam War Both sides destroyed and vandalized shrines Many Buddhists immolated themselves to protest the policies of the South Vietnamese government Current communist governments have discouraged religious activities and permitted monuments to decay Angkor Wat – Cambodia


12 Religion vs. Religion Rise of fundamentalism has led to more intense religious conflict Def: literal interpretation and strict and intense adherence to basic principles of religion (or branch, denomination, or sect) In a world increasingly dominated by a global culture and economy, religious fundamentalism is one of the most important ways a group can maintain a distinctive cultural identity A group convinced that its religious view is THE correct view may spatially intrude upon the territory controlled by other religious groups Sharia law- the main reason some Muslims oppose any government law is that it is not straight from the Quran.

13 Religion vs. Religion Northern Ireland Conflict
Most troublesome religious boundary (intrafaith) in Western Europe is in Ireland Republic of Ireland is 87% Roman Catholic Became independent in 1937 North Ireland is part of United Kingdom and is 46% Protestant and 40% Roman Catholic Voted to stay in the United Kingdom Protestantism a BIG reason Conflict Catholics have been victimized by discriminatory practices, such as exclusion from better jobs and better schools/ Demonstrations began in 1968 Since then 3000 have been killed on both sides A small # of Roman Catholics joined the IRA (Irish Republican Army) Militant organization dedicated to achieving Irish national unity by any means A small group of protestants joined the UDF (Ulster Defense Force) Most are willingly to live peacefully, extremists are the issue


15 Religious Wars in Middle East
Conflict in the Middle East is among the world’s longest standing and most intractable Jews, Christians, and Muslims have fought for 2,000 years to control Jerusalem and the region around it. Claims Jews “promised land” Major events of development Forced to leave, Diaspora Christians Consider it “Holy land” Major events of Jesus' life, death and resurrection Most inhabitants accepted Christianity during Roman Occupation Muslims Widely practiced in region after 7th century Jerusalem is 3rd holiest city Where Muhammad ascended into heaven

16 Crusades 7th century C.E. Muslims captured most of Middle East
Arab army moved west into North Africa and eventually invaded Europe at Gibraltar in 711 C.E. Conquered Iberian peninsula Stopped in France by Charles Martel and Battle of Tours 732 C.E. To the east, Ottoman Turks captured Eastern Orthodox territory and Constantinople in C.E. Advanced into Southeast Europe Into present day Bosnia and Herzegovina European Christians launched Crusades as an effort to “recapture” the Holy Land from Muslims 150 year period First crusade captured land Second crusade lost land Sixth crusade peace treaty Seventh crusade lost land

17 Palestine Ottoman Empire controlled Palestine for four centuries
After WWI, Ottoman Empire dismantled and Britain took over Palestine 1947 After WWII, the United Nations voted to partition Palestine into two independent states One Jewish, one Muslim British withdrew in 1948 Next day, Arab neighbors declared war on Israel Armistice signed 1949 that divided control of Jerusalem Old city part of Jordan (Muslim) Newer part of city part of Israel Not allowed to visit Shrines

18 Israel 1956, 1967, 1973 Three more wars with Arab neighbors
Most significant 1967 – six day war Israel captured territory West Bank (from Jordan) Jerusalem Golan Heights (from Syria) Gaza strip and Sinai peninsula (from Egypt) Israel returned Sinai to Egypt and Egypt “recognized” Israel’s right to exist Peace treaty signed 1979 “Camp David Accords” Egypt’s President assassinated by extremist Muslims Successor carried out Treaty

19 Perspective: Palestinians
After 1973 Palestinians emerged as Israel’s prime “opponent” Egypt and Jordan renounced claims to the Gaza strip and the West Bank and recognized Palestinians as legitimate rulers of these territories Palestinians saw themselves as legitimate rulers of Israel 5 groups consider themselves Palestinians People living in West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem in 1967 Citizens of Israel who are Muslim People who fled from Israel after the war People who fled from West Bank or Gaza after war Citizens of other countries, especially Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia who identify themselves as Palestinians After capturing West Bank in 1967 Israel permitted building of more than 100 settlements in the territory 10% of West Bank population Palestinians regard this as a hostile act To protect settlers, Israel has military control over most of the West Bank PLO (Palestinian Liberation Org) Coordinates fight for Palestinians Led by Yassir Arafat until death in 2004 Palestinians not satisfied with territory or power they have received from Israel Palestinian authority is a limited form of government allowed by Israel in West Bank and Gaza Palestinians are denied rights Palestinian divisions The people have been divided by a struggle for power Fatah party Willing to recognize Israel in return for territory Hamas party Will not recognize Israel Considered Terrorist organization


21 Perspective: Israelis
Israel sees itself as a very small country with a Jewish majority surrounded by a region of hostile Muslim Arabs To deal with neighbors, two elements of landscape are especially meaningful Country’s pop centers close to international borders making them vulnerable to attack Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Jerusalem Other issue is landforms Northern half of Israel is a strip of land 50 miles wide between Med. Sea and Jordan River Three parallel regions Coastal plain Series of hills Jordan River valley After armistice in 1949, Israel was allocated most of Coastal Plain Jordan took most of hills between plain and Jordan Valley Called West Bank (of Jordan River) Used as a defense position for attacks on Israel Farther north Syria controlled highlands east of the Valley called Golan Heights Israel captured territory in 1967 war to stop attacks on lowland population concentrations Still has military control today Attacks by Palestinians have continued Division within Israelis Some wish to make compromises with Palestinians Some recently a majority have supported a construction of a barrier to deter Palestinian attacks


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