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Basha High School Athletics Benevolence-Honor-Scholarship.

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Presentation on theme: "Basha High School Athletics Benevolence-Honor-Scholarship."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basha High School Athletics Benevolence-Honor-Scholarship

2 Athletic Contacts: BHS Athletic Director -Brent Rincon, BHS Athletic Assistant -Sherri Torres, CUSD District Marcus Williams -Marcus Williams,

3 Website Information:  BHS Athletic Department Website   Schedules  Administrative Contacts  Athletic Forms Online Athletic Forms  Links to Team Websites

4 Athletic Options: Fall Sports: July 27 th -Football Fall Sports: August 10 th -Badminton, Freshman Tennis, Cross Country, Golf, Swim/Dive and Girls Volleyball Winter Sports: November 2 nd -Basketball, Soccer, and Wrestling Spring Sports: February 8 th -Baseball, Softball, Tennis, Boys Volleyball, Track and Field Year Round: -Spiritline

5 Athletic Clearance:  Athletic Clearance Packet - Athletic Office/Website  These documents must be signed by a parent/guardian and the student in all areas where signatures are required.  Athletic Participation/Physical Form includes the current physical examination completed by a Medical Doctor.  Proof of students’ health insurance coverage or school insurance purchased in the athletic office.  Emergency Information  CDC Information  Implied and Legal Consent Form  Code of Conduct  Drug Testing Form  Equipment clearance from the previous sport and/or previous year.

6 Athletic Clearance: Physical Options  Physical completed after March 1 st  Primary Care Physician  Urgent Care  Take Care, Walk-in Clinics, Etc All Physicals must be completed on the NEW approved AIA Physical Forms (Athletic Office, AIA Form 15.7-A and B) Physicals/Injury Clearance are only accepted by a Medical Doctor not a Chiropractor.

7 Athletic Clearance: Athletic Equipment Each student participant accepts full responsibility for all equipment issued to him/her and must return all items at the conclusion of the season. Any student participant with missing equipment will not be allowed to participate in another AIA program until the equipment is returned or paid for. Payment for these items will be made at full replacement value and paid to CUSD #80 in the Basha Bookstore.

8 Athletic Clearance: Code of Conduct Interscholastic athletic competition should demonstrate high standards of ethics and sportsmanship and promote the development of good character and other important life skills. The highest potential of sports is achieved when participants are committed to pursuing victory with honor according to six core principles: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Good Citizenship (the “Six Pillars of Character”). The Code applies to all student-athletes involved in interscholastic sports in Arizona.

9 Athletic Clearance: Random Student Drug Testing  All students in ninth through twelfth grade who complete an Athletic Clearance Packet will go into the testing pool.  RSDT Contact: Regina Wainwright For purposes of this policy, drugs shall include, but not be limited to:  All alcoholic beverages  All controlled substances prohibited by law  Any legal medication not specifically and lawfully prescribed for the student

10 Parent Protocol:  Athlete to address coach.  Parent contact coach.  Contact Athletic Director.  Contact Principal.  Contact District Athletic Director.

11 Parent Protocol Con’t:  Please wait 24 hours after a competition before you contact a coach.  Topics that will not be addressed. Playing time Rank on team Other players

12 Athletic Eligibility Information: CUSD Academic Athletic Eligibility: Students receiving an “F” in any class on a Progress Report, or Semester Report, will not be eligible to participate in AIA sanctioned events until they have improved their failing grade(s) to a “D” or better. After each official grading period, weekly grade checks may be completed on each subsequent Friday by the respective student. Ineligible students who have earned a passing grade in all of their failing classes will be eligible on the following Monday. Once a student regains eligibility, the student will remain eligible until the following progress report, or semester grade. Please contact the high school athletic office for further clarification. Note: Any Student-Athlete who receives an ‘F’ at any grading period will be ineligible for 1 week.

13 Regaining Eligibility:  Student must attend 5 consecutive Study Hall’s and/or Academic Enrichment If a student misses a day, the ineligibility will continue and start over the following week. A student must attend 5 consecutive days of Study Hall even if grades are recovered before the end of the week. Athletic Eligibility Card is due on Friday, for eligibility Monday.  Acceptable Study Hall’s/Academic Enrichment Go to a teacher/class the student failed. Go to a tutoring session. Go to a different teacher. Go to Athletic Study Hall (2:25-2:55) in A-133.






19 For More Information Visit the NCAA Eligibility Center Website At

20 Athletic Admission Prices 2015-2016 Football FootballAdultsStudents w/ID Varsity$ 5.00$3.00 JV$ 3.00$2.00 Freshman$ 3.00$2.00 Basketball - Boys/Girls Basketball - Boys/GirlsAdultsStudents w/ID Varsity$4.00$3.00 JV$4.00$3.00 Freshman$4.00$3.00 Volleyball - Boys/Girls Volleyball - Boys/GirlsAdultsStudents w/ID Varsity$3.00$2.00 JV$3.00$2.00 Freshman$3.00$2.00 Soccer - Boys/Girls Soccer - Boys/GirlsAdultsStudents w/ID Varsity$3.00$2.00 JV$3.00$2.00 Wrestling WrestlingAdultsStudents w/ID Varsity$4.00$3.00 JV$4.00$3.00 Freshman$4.00$3.00

21 AIA/CUSD Athletic Passes: PASSES: ANNUAL FAMILY ATHLETIC PASS $125.00 Before November 1 ANNUAL FAMILY ATHLETIC PASS $75.00 On/After November 1 -Family Passes include 2 adults and no limit on family children -Children are defined as individuals 14 years of age and younger that are not in High School. -Additional Passes are $5.00 and Replacement Passes are $35.00 -Adult must accompany child with the pass -Valid at home games and the pass will be purchased and produced in BHS Bookstore ACCEPTABLE PASSES: AIA/Lifetime Pass (+1 Guest) Picture ID required Current C.U.S.D. Employee Badge (+1 Guest; Not accepted for State) Region Pass TOURNAMENTS: TBD- Per AIA **INVITATIONAL Tournaments - Prices will vary with host schools

22 Thank You!!!  Tax Credit Donations  Booster Club Support  New Expectations  Summer Time Information!


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